

单词 travel or trade
释义 travel or trade
WHO does not recommend any restrictions totravel or tradeto or from affected areas as a means to control the spread of cholera.世卫组织不建议作为控制霍乱传播的手段对进出疫区的旅行或贸易进行任何限制。
In controlling the spread of cholera WHO does not recommend any special restrictions totravel or tradeto or from affected areas.在控制霍乱传播方面,世卫组织不建议对进出疫区的旅行或贸易采取任何特别限制。
The single isolated case does not constitute grounds for issuing a SARS alert or recommending any restrictions ontravel or trade.没有必要因为单个孤立的SARS病例而对该地区发布有关SARS旅行或贸易限制的警告或建议。
Although transmission of chikungunya and dengue is continuing in the affected areas, WHO recommends no special restrictions ontravel or tradeto or from these areas.虽然在受感染地区继续传播基孔肯亚病和登革热,但是世卫组织未建议特别限制前往或来自这些地区的旅行或贸易。




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