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travelling by短语²⁶²⁰⁷ 例句 Outraged politicians lambasted them for their extravagance, and commentators noted the incongruity of travelling by luxury jet to ask for money. 政客们怒骂其奢华,时事评论员们也强调坐豪华飞机去要钱之不合时宜。 ecocn But travelling by bike has its hazards as cars sometimes use the bicycle paths for driving. 但是骑自行车也有危险,因为汽车有时行驶在自行车道。 hxen Catching a diesel train is now twice as polluting as travelling by car for an average family, the Rail Safety and Standards Board admitted recently. 铁路安全与标准委员会认为,对于现在的普通家庭来说,乘坐柴油货车所造成的污染是乘坐私家车的两倍。 yeeyan On 16 September2002, Jane Njawe,42, was travelling by car with two other people from Yaounde, the capital of Cameroon, to Douala in the north. 2002年9月16日,42岁的 Jane Njawe与来自喀麦隆首都雅温德的其它两个人驱车前往北部的杜阿拉市。 who Outraged politicians lambasted them for their extravagance, and commentators noted the incongruity of travelling by luxury jet to ask for money. 政客们对这种奢侈铺张义愤填膺并严加斥责,评论员们也对他们坐着豪华喷气机去要钱这种“不和谐”行为颇有微词。 ecocn Rather than spend a day travelling by bus to the nearest bank, recipients in rural areas can spend their time doing more productive things. 比起花一天时间坐公交车去最近的银行,农村地区的收款人可以花这些时间去做更有意义的事情。 yeeyan Unlike other Inuit populations across the Arctic, the Inughuit have maintained where possible their ancient way of life, using kayaks and harpoons to hunt narwhal and travelling by dog-sled in winter. 与其他因纽特族群有所不同,极地因纽特人一直尽可能保留着他们古老的生活方式:划着皮艇手握鱼叉猎杀独角鲸,冬季则乘坐狗拉雪橇出行。 yeeyan Travelling by train or bus can be a pleasant experience. How does our group communicate in Modern English at the train station? 坐火车或是坐巴士旅行一定会是很有意思的经历。书中的主人公在火车站是怎样用现代美语交流的呢? iciba |