

单词 traveled to
释义 traveled to短语¹⁹⁵¹⁹
As a prelude to the third formal news conference of his presidency, Mr. Obama traveled to Missouri for a town meeting in a state that he narrowly lost last year.
作为其上任以来第三次新闻发布会的前奏,小奥同学前往他去年差点丢掉的密苏里州举行一次城镇会晤。 yeeyan

He first traveled to Moscow for the Washington Post in1988 to cover the historic summit meeting between Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev.
他最初在1988年前往莫斯科,以华盛顿邮报记者的身份,拍摄罗纳德·里根与戈尔巴乔夫间的历史性会晤。 yeeyan

He spent nearly a year making plans before he traveled to China and India, the first and second largest tobacco producers in the world, respectively.
出发去中国和印度前,他用了一年时间制定调查计划。 中印两国分别是世界第一和第二大烟草生产国。 yeeyan

He traveled to Rome to study ancient structures and worked out his design for the dome.
他于是前往罗马研究古代建筑,并提交了一份大教堂穹顶的设计方案。 yeeyan

I know that it’s traveled to the liver and my lungs.
我知道癌细胞已经扩散到我的肾脏还有肺部了。 yeeyan

I traveled to France in 1993 to tour the beaches and write about the50th anniversary of the D-day invasion.
1993年,我前往法国旅游,观光了那边的沙滩,同时撰写了一些诺曼底登陆50周年的感受。 yeeyan

Japanese nationalists traveled to the islands in1990 and1996 to build a lighthouse and further the economic claim for sovereignty.
日本民族主义者1990年和1996年到岛上修了灯塔并给其经济声主权明增添了新证据。 yeeyan

When our band did our first tour, we traveled to Xiamen on the southern coast and one of my proudest moments came far from the stage.
我们的乐队第一次巡演时,到过中国南部沿海城市厦门,而在那里,最让我感到自豪的一个时刻并非出现在舞台上。 ebigear

Zuckerman and his team traveled to places as diverse as Qatar and Pittsburgh and photographed about90 species of birds.
祖克曼和他的工作组去过了很多不同的地方,例如卡塔尔和匹斯堡,他拍摄了大约90种鸟类。 yeeyan




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