

单词 travel along
释义 travel along短语⁵³⁵²⁹

travel along a certain course;

follow the road

follow the trail

近义词 follow跟随
As such, it was only appropriate that I should travel along the world-famous beach to Leblon as the locals do: by bus.
于是乎,我觉得向当地人那样乘公交车途径世界著名的美丽海滩前往立博伦是我理所当然的事。 yeeyan

It has been present in Brittany since2008, and is likely to travel along the French coast; at some point, an inseminated queen could arrive at our shores and create a new colony.
自从2008年以来它们就出现在了布列塔尼,而且很可能沿着法国边境前行;在某一刻,有只蜂后就会到达我们的海岸并开辟一个新的殖民地。 yeeyan

Use activity form using input and output criteria, but no gateways, in models where data flow branches based on the type of the information and unshared business items travel along different branches.
在模型中,如果数据流是根据信息类型进行分支的,而且未共享的业务项会沿着不同的分支移动,那么该模型应该使用带有输入和输出条件的活动形式,但其中不含网关。 ibm

But it is possible to hire a boat and travel along the Yalu River to get a glimpse of ordinary life in the secretive socialist state.
但是租用一条小船沿着鸭绿江顺江而下对生活在该神秘国度的普通民众的生活进行概览还是可能的。 blog.sina.com.cn

Charged particles called ions travel along the nanowire, causing it to stretch out in length and also bend and wiggle.
被称为离子的带电粒子沿着纳米线移动,导致它伸直、弯曲和摆动。 yeeyan

' Each successful woman is on a unique journey, and she expects her adviser to travel along with her, ' the study says.
报告说,每个成功女性都在经历一个与众不同的人生,她希望理财顾问能够和她同行。 qeto

He preferred that people travel along winding“ lines of grace” and“ lines of beauty”, in the aesthetic idiom of the time.
他选择的方案是让人们沿着蜿蜒的道路而行,道路两侧依照当时的审美风格而设计成一道优美的风景线。 ecocn

Then he showed how it could travel along channels and spread to lymph nodes.
接下来,他又向我们展示了系细胞通过怎样的渠道扩散到淋巴结的。 yeeyan

They have even been seen to travel along aeroplane aisles in mid- flight.
它们甚至被看见冒出在飞行中的飞机的走道中。 ecocn

We will not turn aside into any field or vineyard, or drink water from any well. We will travel along the king's highway until we have passed through your territory.
求你容我们从你的地经过,我们不偏入田间和葡萄园,也不喝井里的水,只走大道,直到过了你的境界。 ebigear

When a charged particle is in a magnetic field, it tends to travel along that field's lines of force, spiralling as it goes.
当一个带电微粒在磁场中时,它会倾向于沿着磁力线螺旋运动。 ecocn




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