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词汇 benighted
释义 be·night·ed 英bɪˈnaɪtɪd美bɪˈnaɪtɪdAHDbĭ-nīʹtĭd ☆☆☆☆☆高GCOCA⁴⁸⁵¹²BNC³⁶⁶⁶⁴iWeb⁴⁰⁹⁰²Economist¹⁶¹²¹
overtaken by night or darkness;

benighted or nighted travelers hurrying toward home

lacking enlightenment or knowledge or culture;

this benighted country

benighted ages of barbarism and superstition

the dark ages

a dark age in the history of education

GRE难词记忆benighted→be+night n.夜+ed→陷入黑暗的 be-使…成为nightn夜+ed⇒陷入黑暗的近义词 dark黑暗的nighted入夜的ignorant无知的unfortunate不幸的unenlightened未受启蒙的disadvantaged处于不利地位的…

用作形容词I'm a savage in abenightedage, alone and helpless in a land with no culture.我犹如黑暗世纪的野蛮人,孤单无助,活在一片没有文化的土地上。
ThebenightedChechens were not the only victims of the amorality.愚昧无知的车臣人并非是唯一的是非不分的牺牲者。adj.unenlightened
同义词 unlearned,untaughtbackward,dark,ignorant,primitive,simple,uncivilized,uncultivated,uncultured,uneducated,unschooled
反义词 learned
darkadjective ignorant
darkeradjective ignorant
darkestadjective ignorant
ignorantadjective unaware, unknowing
apprenticed,benighted,birdbrained,blind to,cretinous,dense,green,illiterate,imbecilic,in the dark,inexperienced,innocent,insensible,mindless,misinformed,moronic,naive,nescient,oblivious,obtuse,shallow,thick,unconscious,unconversant,uncultivated,uncultured,uneducated,unenlightened,uninformed,uninitiated,unintellectual,unknowledgeable,unlearned,unlettered,unmindful,unread,unschooled,unsuspecting,untaught,untrained,unwitting,witless
illiterateadjective unable to read well;lacking education
nescientadjective ignorant
apprenticed,benighted,birdbrained,blind to,cretinous,dense,green,illiterate,imbecilic,in the dark,inexperienced,innocent,insensible,mindless,misinformed,moronic,naive,oblivious,obtuse,shallow,thick,unconscious,unconversant,uncultivated,uncultured,uneducated,unenlightened,uninformed,uninitiated,uninstructed,unintellectual,unknowledgeable,unlearned,unlettered,unmindful,unread,unschooled,unsuspecting,untaught,untrained,unwitting,witless After an initial burst of cuts last year see chart focused mainly on America's benighted mortgage industry, the pace of firing had slowed early this year.
见表去年首次裁员主要爆发在被喻为美国“顽垢”的抵押业务,今年初的裁员步伐就慢了下来。 ecocn

And streaming video means that fans can watch cricket even in benighted countries that don't broadcast it — or upload citizen reports from security crackdowns in Tehran.
有了流式视频,球迷即使身处不转播比赛的愚昧国家,也能观看到板球比赛——或者由德黑兰的安全攻破点上传公民报告。 yeeyan

Brief though it may have been, it had important implications for Russia's energy dealings with Europe, and perhaps also for the future of benighted Belarus.
对于俄罗斯与欧洲之间的能源贸易而言,这场“较劲”虽没能持续多久,却有着重要含义,对蒙昧的白俄罗斯的未来而言也许亦是如此。 ecocn

Mr Holbrooke, however, still believed that America was the world’s problem- solver, and that with“all its will and all its strength” it could put the most benighted spots to rights.
然而,霍尔布鲁克仍然相信美国是世界的问题解决者,以“其意愿和实力”,美国能解决最难解决的问题。 ecocn

The benighted Chechens were not the only victims of the amorality.
愚昧无知的车臣人并非是唯一的是非不分的牺牲者。 ecocn

Yet decisions taken in Geneva do have an effect, both legal and humanitarian, on people in benighted places—and the world would be much happier if the effect was far greater.
在日内瓦做出的决定在法律与人道方面对于那些蒙昧地区的人们确实有些影响,让人悲哀的是其影响太有限了。 ecocn

A few episodes made between 2002 and2005 were part- produced by North Korean animators, and thus possibly fell foul of America’s ban on imports from that benighted country.
这片子2002~2005年间制作的少数剧集,有些出自朝鲜动漫家之手,因而可能触犯美国禁止从朝鲜这个蒙昧之国进口产品的禁令。 ecocn

And, as I have written in relation to our benighted economy, the growth that might ease the problem will only be depressed by higher taxes.
而且,正如我在谈论我们自己这个愚昧无知的经济体时所说,唯一可以减轻这个麻烦的经济增长因素会被高税收抑制。 yeeyan

BACK in1995, The Economist asked Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar’s opposition leader, now under house arrest, if she saw any hope for her benighted country.
早在1995年,《经济学人》问过现已被软禁的缅甸反对党领袖昂山素姬,她是否对她愚昧的祖国抱有希望。 ecocn

British cars like the Allegro and the Morris Marina, once memorably described as a skip on wheels, have come to embody the national humiliation of that benighted era.
像阿莱格罗和莫里斯玛丽娜那样的英国汽车,在人们的记忆中一度被称之为车轮上的跳板,现在成为了那个愚昧时代国耻的象征。 yeeyan

But such aid should not be delivered without an acknowledgment by Haiti's ultra- venal political and economic elite that the benighted way of doing things has got to end.
而海地那些极度贪污腐化的政治和经济精英们已经让国家管理陷入僵局,如果这些人没有清醒的认识,国际社会就不能施以援助。 yeeyan

For a party trying to present voters with a clear alternative to the benighted government of Taro Aso, the prime minister, Mr Ozawa must be above suspicion.
对于想要向选民呈现一个清白政党,去代替愚昧的麻生太郎现任日本首相政府,小泽必须要远离猜疑。 ecocn

For all that, however, the vote might yet lead to an inkling of political, social and economic change in a benighted country.
然而,尽管如此,透过投票,外界仍可能对这个落后国家的政治,社会,经济改革略知一二。 ecocn

In the most benighted areas they will sometimes build roads and schools to keep the locals friendly.
在一些比较愚昧的地区,它们有时会选择修路或者建学校来保持与当地的友好。 yeeyan

It was an attractive hope that the high technology of our society might be wrested from the grip of benighted forces and used to restore us to an idyllic natural state.
人类社会的高科技可能将我们自愚昧势力的控制之中拯救出来,并重建一个田园诗般的自然状态,这曾是一个有吸引力的愿景。 yeeyan

Last year Myanmar’s benighted people were forced to endorse a dwifungsi constitution in a referendum.
去年,缅甸愚昧的人民在全民选票中被迫赞同通过规定军队具有双重职能的宪法。 yeeyan

Many Americans would like the withdrawal of combat troops from Iraq to signal the beginning of the end of America’s overall embroilment in the benighted regions of the world.
很多美国人喜欢用作战部队从伊拉克撤离来表明美国开始结束全面卷入世界的落后地区。 yeeyan

Now there is a danger that the benighted region of Darfur, in western Sudan, may join the list of seemingly insoluble problems.
而今苏丹西部经济发展落后的达尔富尔地区可能会成为又一个无法解决的问题。 topsage

So, behind Burma's benighted, authoritarian regime lie structural problems of ethnicity and geography.
因此,在缅甸独裁政权黑色夜幕笼罩下的背后,存在着各种结构上的种族和地理问题。 yeeyan

That is sage advice, but it is to find out just who these poor benighted people are and what happened to them that most people will want to read this book.
这是个英明的提议,但说到由谁来当这可怜的、被坑的人;他们身上又会发生什么——正是这些问题,让大多数人都想取书一睹为快。 ecocn

The“civilian” regime that emerges from the polls will probably be dominated by the very same thugs and incompetents who have made such a benighted mess of a fertile, resource- rich country.
而由选举产生的所谓平民政权仍将由此前执政的这帮恶徒和庸才控制,他们使这个肥沃富饶的国度陷入如此黑暗、混乱及不幸的境地。 ecocn

Yet the spot in question is not a benighted rust-belt city, but Sarasota, Florida—a balmy, palm-studded resort town on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico.
然而问题是这些不是发生在一个愚昧落后的城市,而是在佛罗里达州的萨拉索塔—一个温暖,棕榈树云集的旅游胜地,位于墨西哥湾沿岸。 ecocn




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