

单词 trauma
释义 trau·ma 英ˈtraʊmə, ˈtrɔː-美ˈtraʊmə, ˈtrɔ-AHDtrouʹmə, trôʹ- ★★☆☆☆高GIMS八TCOCA⁵⁶⁹⁵BNC⁹⁸⁴⁶iWeb⁴⁷⁹⁴Economist¹¹⁵³⁵

any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.an emotional wound or shock often having long-lasting effects来自希腊语 trauma,创伤,伤害,来自 PIE*trau,扩展自 PIE*tere,转动,刮擦,词源同 turn,torment. 引申词义精神创伤,痛苦,挫折等。mechanical trauma机械性创伤gunshot trauma法 枪弹伤brain trauma脑外伤,脑创伤…psychic trauma精神创伤cardiac trauma心脏创伤acoustic trauma声外伤,声损伤…pancreatic trauma胰腺创伤birth trauma产伤,出生创伤…nonfatal trauma非致命伤lumbar trauma损腰caustic trauma腐蚀伤liver trauma肝创伤,肝脏创伤…knife trauma刀伤aortic trauma主动脉创伤surgical trauma外伤, 手术创伤…violent trauma暴伤
trau摩擦,磨+ma名词后缀→擦伤,磨损⇒创伤。近义词 pain痛苦harm危害hurt损害shock震惊strain拉紧damage损害injury伤害upset心烦的distress不幸suffering痛苦disturbance扰乱ordeal严酷的考验psychic trauma精神创伤

用作名词The psychologicaltraumathe attack left on America was profound.这次袭击给美国留下的心理创伤是深远的。
The phobia may have its root in a childhoodtrauma.恐惧症可能源于童年时期的创伤。
Some soldiers never recover from thetraumaof battle.许多士兵永远无法从战争的创伤中恢复。
He had no history of majortrauma.并没有发现重大外伤的病史。
Blunttraumainjury was found on the victim's head.死者的头部发现有钝伤。noun.severe mental or physical pain
同义词 agony,anguish,blow,confusion,damage,injury,ordeal,shock,strain,stress,suffering,torture,upheaval,woundcollapse,derangement,disturbance,hurt,jolt,outburst,upsettraumatization
反义词 benefit,blessing,comfort,contentment,favor,happiness,health,joy,calm,order,peacealleviation,healing,help,relief
concussionnoun collision, shaking
crisesnoun critical situation
big troubles,catastrophes,changes,climacterics,climaxes,confrontations,contingencies,corners,crossroads,cruces,crunches,culminations,deadlocks,dilemmas,dire straits,disasters,embarrassments,emergencies,entanglements,exigencies,extremities,heights,hot potatos,hour of decisions,imbroglios,impasses,junctures,messes,moment of truths,necessities,passes,perplexities,pickles,pinches,plights,point of no returns,predicaments,pressures,puzzles,quandaries,situations,stews,straits,traumas,trials,troubles,turning points,urgencies
crisisnoun critical situation
big trouble,catastrophe,change,climacteric,climax,confrontation,contingency,corner,crossroad,crunch,crux,culmination,deadlock,dilemma,dire straits,disaster,embarrassment,emergency,entanglement,exigency,extremity,height,hot potato,hour of decision,imbroglio,impasse,juncture,mess,moment of truth,necessity,pass,perplexity,pickle,pinch,plight,point of no return,predicament,pressure,puzzle,quandary,situation,stew,strait,trauma,trial,trouble,turning point,urgency
injuriesnoun hurt, harm
injurynoun hurt, harm
post-traumatic stress disordernoun condition following trauma
PTSD,PTSS,battle fatigue,delayed-stress disorder,delayed-stress syndrome,post-traumatic stress syndrome,railway spine,shell shock,trauma How was it different from understanding past trauma, dealing thoroughly with its impact and letting go of the feelings of anger or hate?
它和理解过去遭受的创伤、彻底清除它所带来的影响,进而驱除心中的怒火或仇恨有何不同? yeeyan

The child has the capacity to bounce back from loss, trauma, or abuse.
孩子有一种可以从失败、创伤或虐待中恢复的能力。 yeeyan

The use of bone marrow stem cells is safe in treating children with brain trauma, a team from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston determined.
休斯顿德克萨斯大学的一支团队决定使用骨髓干细胞来治疗儿童的脑部创伤,因为这种治疗方法对孩子们也安全。 yeeyan

All facilities had limited ability to perform basic trauma and general surgical procedures.
所有机构进行基本外伤和一般外科处置的能力均有限。 who

And that principle may come in handy in the emergency room, especially with trauma patients.
这一原则有可能方便地用在急诊室里,特别是在外伤患者身上。 yeeyan

As we discussed the details of her trauma in therapy she recognized that her childhood was stolen from her and could never be replaced.
治疗中,当我们谈论她这些创伤的细节时,她认识到她的少年时代被继父偷走了,不可能再回来。 yeeyan

But an autopsy Tuesday found no evidence of trauma on her body.
但是周二进行的验尸结果显示她的身体并没有外伤的痕迹。 tingvoa

Caution is understandable, after the trauma of this year.
经历过今年的创伤后,小心谨慎是可以理解的。 ecocn

He was helicoptered to a trauma center in Santa Clara, where surgeons spent six hours putting him back together.
他被用直升机送到圣克拉拉的外伤中心,外科医生用了六个小时时间将他的背恢复到一起。 yeeyan

I felt now, without a doubt, that I had experienced her birth pains, and part of her trauma, too.
毫无疑问,我感到自己经历了她生育的阵痛,还有一部分她受到的损伤。 yeeyan

In 2004 he encountered this terror that shocked the world on his first day of school. During the52- hour torment he lost his mom and little sister and he suffered mental and physical trauma.
2004年,在他背上书包的第一天,就遇上了这次震惊世界的人质事件,52个小时的煎熬,他永远失去了妈妈和妹妹,自己也留下了精神和肉体的创伤。 putclub

Indeed the past must be changed to prevent the energy and trauma from over-bleeding into the present and future, in linear terms.
事实上,必须改变过去以防止能量和创伤因过度伤痛而延伸到线性时间的现在和未来。 blog.sina.com.cn

It can be associated with trauma and some illnesses.
这可能与创伤或某些疾病相关。 yeeyan

It was the defining trauma of his life.
那是他生活中起决定作用的创伤。 yeeyan

Our goal is to understand— and then be able to change— how a brain responds to trauma.
我们的目标就是理解大脑如何对创伤做出反应,然后能够做出改变。 yeeyan

Our surgical tools allow us to operate on all parts of the body with a minimum of trauma and blood loss.
我们的外科手术工具使我们可以对身体任意部分做手术,而带来最少的失血和创伤。 yeeyan

Related topics covered by the conference include trauma management, disaster control, and child safety.
大会涵盖的有关专题包括创伤管理、灾害控制和儿童安全。 who

So, I contacted a child trauma specialist.
所以我联系了一位儿科创伤专家。 putclub

Then, there’s the danger of getting slammed into the plane on the way out, not to mention the trauma of falling.
然后,还有在出去的过程中被打到飞机上的危险,更不用说坠落的创伤。 yeeyan

This offers an explanation of the difficulties torture survivors have in articulating their experiences and in extinguishing the fear response conditioned by the trauma they have suffered.
这解释了酷刑幸存者为什么不能清晰表述他们的经历,为什么不能去除他们经受的创伤所造成的恐惧反应。 yeeyan

Usually trauma and stress counsellors work in a crisis team and offer services as part of a comprehensive framework.
通常,创伤和压力咨询师与危机工作组并肩作战,作为综合框架的一部分提供服务。 who

WHO has secured, in collaboration with several Member States, the dispatch of medical kits to cover surgical and trauma interventions.
世卫组织已经与几个会员国开展合作,发送用于外科手术和创伤干预的医疗用品。 who

Trauma and stress.
创伤及压力. yeeyan

Trauma is not just a bump in life.
创伤不仅仅是生活中的一个冲击。 yeeyan




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