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词汇 trap
释义 trap 英træp美træpAHDtrăp ★★★☆☆高四六研GIT牛4八COCA⁴⁷⁸²BNC⁶⁷²⁸iWeb³⁹⁶¹Economist⁸⁰⁹⁶

vt. 诱骗; 诱捕; 设陷阱捕捉

catch in a trap or by a trick

a device in which something usually an animal can be caught and penneddrain consisting of a U-shaped section of drainpipe that holds liquid and so prevents a return flow of sewer gassomething often something deceptively attractive that catches you unawares;

the exam was full of trap questions

it was all a snare and delusion

a device to hurl clay pigeons into the air for trapshootersthe act of concealing yourself and lying in wait to attack by surpriseinformal terms for the moutha light two-wheeled carriagea hazard on a golf course
place in a confining or embarrassing position;

He was trapped in a difficult situation

catch in or as if in a trap;

The men trap foxes

hold or catch as if in a trap;

The gaps between the teeth trap food particles

to hold fast or prevent from moving;

The child was pinned under the fallen tree

trap, catch, ensnare


catch为一般用语,多指有力地、出其不意地,或机智地抓住正在飞奔或躲藏的人或物; trap和ensnare是指用机关或器具捉住, trap指用陷阱或圈套去捕捉; ensnare多指使用计谋而不是具体的陷阱。例如:

He ensnared the old lady into giving him all her savings.他诱骗那位老妇人把全部积蓄都给了 他。
He lives by trapping animals and selling their fur.他以捕捉野兽和出售兽皮为生。arrest,capture,catch,seize,trap







来自古英语traeppe,陷阱,罗网。来自原始日耳曼语*trep,踩踏。来自原始印欧语*der,走,跑,步行,词源同trip, tramp, tread。词义通俗化为圈套。 trip来自古法语triper,跳动,舞动。来自原始日耳曼语trap,踩踏,走动,跳动,词源同trap, tramp。引申词义轻快的走,跑,跳,远足,旅行等,同时又引申看似矛盾的词义绊倒,摔倒,使犯错等,再后在20 世纪中期引申词义幻觉,迷幻。 tramp来自低地德语trampen,踩,踏,跺脚。来自原始日耳曼语*tremp-,踩,踏。来自IE *der,步行,走,跑,词源同tread, trap。-amp,表音缀,比较clamp, dump, lump。引申词义流浪汉,流浪者等。 tread来自古英语tredan,踩踏。来自原始印欧语*tred,踩踏。来自原始印欧语*der,走,跑,步行,词源同trade, tramp。后用于指轮胎胎面,常见于复合词retread,翻修,翻新。
用作动词 v.
~+名词trap animals捕猎动物trap the bear用陷阱捕捉那只熊trap the criminal诱捕罪犯trap oil and gas蕴藏着石油和天然气~+介词trap in陷入trap into诱骗…使之采取某种行动
trap in v.+prep.

用…捕捉; 使困于 seize sth usually an animal or cause sb to be unable to move by holding him in sth

trap sb/sth in sthHow many rabbits have you trapped in your special trap this week?这个星期你用特制的捕兽器具捕捉了多少只兔子?
Thirty miners are still trapped in the mine following yesterday's explosion.自昨天爆炸以来.仍有三十名矿工被困于井下。
They were trapped in the burning hotel.他们被困在发生火灾的旅馆里。
trap into v.+prep.

诱骗…使之采取某种行动 persuade sb by deceit into action or doing sth

trap sb into sth/v-ingHis lawyer may trap the witness into an admission that he did not actually see the crime.他的律师可能会设圈套让证人承认他并不是真的看见这次犯罪事件。
The police trapped the criminal into a situation that he could not escape.警察使罪犯陷入无法逃避的境地。
The reporters trapped the official into declaring his candidacy.记者们设下圈套,巧妙地使那位官员公布了自己是候选人。
Many women are trapped into loveless marriages.许多妇女被束缚在没有爱情的婚姻里。
I was trapped into telling the police all I knew.我中计了,把所有的一切都告诉了警方。
Think carefully before you answer his questions.You may be trapped into giving away vital information.回答他的问题时要留神。你可能会中他的圈套,把秘密泄露出去。故事记忆有一个 Chap小伙子正在看 Map地图把桌子 Tap敲老板正 Nap小睡起来就 Slap打耳光老板娘 Flap拍打掉进了 Gap裂口那是个 Trap陷阱碰破了 Cap帽子用纱布 Wrap包住再裹上 Strap皮带小伙子 Clap拍手t看作to,到+rap轻敲→轻敲电脑键盘,进行网络诈骗⇒陷阱非常记忆tr土人+ap阿婆⇒土人掉进阿婆的陷阱谐音记忆旅行 trip 是最容易陷入圈套 trap 的近义词 hook钩hole洞con骗局yap狂吠ruse策略ploy策略snare陷阱catch赶上trick诡计setup装备gob一小团trammel网seize抓住ambush埋伏entrap诱捕set up建立cakehole嘴arrest逮捕ensnare诱捕deceive欺骗take in接受pitfall陷阱maw动物的胃capture捕获dupe受骗的人pin down确定deception骗局ambuscade埋伏immobilise使不动pin别针大头针…bunker军事掩蔽壕…immobilize使不能调动…sand trap高尔夫沙坑障碍…lying in wait法 埋伏, 伏击, …
S+~+ n./pron.Hunters trapped the bear.猎手们用陷阱捕捉那只熊。
He lives by trapping animals.他靠捕猎动物为生。
It's cruel to trap birds.诱捕鸟是很残忍的。
A filter traps dust from the air.过滤网可以过滤空气中的尘埃。
The police trapped the criminal down a narrow street.警察把罪犯诱入一条狭窄的街道。
Don't worry. I won't try to trap you with tricky questions.不要怕,我不会给你们出偏题、怪题。
You're not going to trap me.你休想骗我。
He trapped her; she couldn't get away.他设圈套抓住了她,使她不得脱身。
Help!I'm trapped—open the door.救命!我出不来了——快开门。
The lift broke down and we were trapped inside it.电梯出故障了,我们困在里面出不来了。
He had been trapped by the dogs.他被狗围住了。
The thief was trapped by the police in an old house.警察将小偷困在一所旧房子里。
The bear wastrapped.那只熊被陷阱所困。Ptrap-in陷入Pfall-trapn.陷阱Ptrapballn.射球戏Prattrapn.捕鼠机绝境Pflytrapn.捕蝇器捕蝇草Pentrapvt.骗入诱捕使陷入Ptrapshootingn.多向飞靶射击Pmousetrapn.捕鼠器诡计vt.诱捕Pbottle-trap瓶式曲管瓶式存水弯Pdeathtrapn.危险地方危险建筑物Ptrapdoorn.地板门活板门活动天窗Pbooby-trapvt.在…设饵雷在…设陷阱Pman-trapn.陷阱危险场所要命的东西Pclaptrapn.哗众取宠的空话a.哗众取宠的Ptrappern.设陷阱捕兽者设陷阱猎兽者看门工Pfiretrapn.无太平门的建筑物易失火的建筑物Ptrappya.设有陷阱的错综复杂的骗人的靠不住的Prattletrapn.破马车老爷汽车破旧不堪的东西a.破旧的Ptrapping设陷陷入俘获截留捕俘捕集收集捕捉法陷阱捕捉法Pentrapmentn.诱捕使陷入罗网使陷入圈套使入陷阱使陷入困难诱使…妥协





短语fall into a trap表示“落入陷阱”,而evade a trap表示“躲避陷阱”,注意没有solve a trap的表达方式。

用作名词The police set atrapto catch the thief.警察设下了捉拿窃贼的圈套。
The only thing the wolf could do was climbing up to the ground from thetrap.那只狼惟一能做的就是从陷阱里爬到地面上来。
To break out of the povertytrapthey need help from the government.为了摆脱贫困的处境,他们需要政府的帮助。
She didn't say anything about atrap.她根本没提马车的事。用作动词By clever questioning theytrappedhim into making a confession.他们用巧妙的提问诱使他招认了。
Some miners weretrappedunderground after the collapse.塌方后,有些矿工被困在地下。noun.snare, trick
同义词 ambush,bait,booby trap,device,net,pitfall,ploy,quagmire,ruseallurement,ambuscade,artifice,come-on,conspiracy,deception,decoy,dragnet,enticement,feint,gambit,hook,intrigue,lasso,lure,machination,maneuver,noose,plot,prank,quicksand,snag,stratagem,subterfuge,temptation,wileinveiglement,seducement
反义词 frankness,honesty,honor,openness,truth,truthfulnessverb.catch, snare;trick
同义词 ambushambuscade,beguile,circumvent,collar,corner,corral,deceive,decoy,dupe,enmesh,ensnare,entangle,entrap,fool,grab,hook,inveigle,land,mousetrap,nab,nail,net,overtake,seduce,snag,surprise,take,tangle,trammelbox in,rope in,suck in,trip up
反义词 aid,assist,disenchant,disentangle,free,help,let go,liberate,lose,release,untangle,untwist
ambuscadeverb ambush
ambushnoun lying in wait;concealed position
ambuscade,ambushment,camouflage,concealment,deception,hiding,hiding place,lurking,pitfall,shelter,trap,trick,waitingwaylaying
ambushverb lie in wait;attack
ambuscade,assail,assault,box in,bushwhack,decoy,dry gulch,ensnare,entrap,hem in,hide,hook,jump,lay for,lurk,net,set trap,surprise,surround,trap,wait,waylay
bagverb catch
baggedverb catch
baitnoun something for luring
allurement,attraction,bribe,come-on,enticement,inducement,lure,seducement,shill,snare,temptation,trap And in that case any further increase in the money supply will have no effect; the economy will, in fact, be in the liquidity trap.
在这种情况下,货币供应量的进一步增加是没有什么作用的;事实上,经济体已经处于流动性陷阱之中。 yeeyan

Do not be seduced into that trap.
不要被诱惑跌落了陷阱。 ebigear

Even when we streamline our test cases to only those that“ should pass,” we can fall into this trap.
即使当我们将我们的测试用例流线处理为那些只“应该通过”的内容时,我们也可能落入该圈套。 ibm

Have you fallen into this trap?
你掉进了这个陷阱吗? yeeyan

He used some cheese to trap the rat.

He is wrong, however, to assume that this is evidence of a “ liquidity trap” in the US financial system.
然而,他的错误在于他认为这是美国金融体系中存在流动性陷阱的证据。 yeeyan

He then set up a photographic trap with a motion sensor and an infrared barrier to capture his idea.
然后他才设置了一个带有运动传感器和红外屏障的拍摄陷阱来实现他的想法。 yeeyan

His offer smelt of a clear trap.

However, I see a dangerous trap here: what if you experience something that feels very good in the short term but is actually harmful in the long term?
然而,我发现了有个很危险的陷阱:如果你经历了一些让你在短期内感觉很好的事情,但它实际上从长远来看是有害的吗? yeeyan

However, this is a dangerous trap.
但是,这是一个危险的陷阱。 ibm

If you’re in debt, credit cards are a trap. They only put you deeper in debt.
如果你已经深陷债务,信用卡是一个陷阱,它们只会把你拉入更深的债务中去。 yeeyan

It should not become a tool for retailers to lure customers into a shopping trap.
它不应该成为卖家诱惑顾客掉入购物的陷阱的一种工具。 yeeyan

Perhaps you have fallen into the trap of relying too heavily on your test automation infrastructure.
也许您已经落入了严重依赖于您的测试自动化基础架构的陷阱了。 ibm

Right now we’re in a liquidity trap, which, as I explained in an earlier post, means that we have an incipient excess supply of savings even at a zero interest rate.
现在我们陷入了一个流动性陷阱在我此前的一篇文章中解释过,意味着我们即使在零利率的时候,也将会遇到初始就过剩的储蓄。 yeeyan

Since most things roundtrip just fine, it is easy to fall into the trap of assuming that all things roundtrip just fine.
因为大部分事物往返都正好,便容易落入这样的陷阱,就是假定所有的事物返回都是正好的。 ibm

The deer was beguiled into a trap.

The researchers caught individuals from each of these groups in a live trap.
研究人员用活动陷阱从这些群体中捕获了一些个体。 yeeyan

This is a keyboard trap, because the user cannot focus on the window using the keyboard only.
这就是一个键盘陷阱,因为用户无法只用键盘就将焦点移到新窗口中。 ibm

This is a keyboard trap.
这是一个键盘陷阱。 ibm

This is a trap to exhaust our limited resources.
这是一个想耗尽我们有限资源的圈套。 iciba

We can all benefit by acknowledging that we can fall into this trap.
通过承认我们能落入这种陷阱,我们都能从中获益。 yeeyan

Well, you could understand why he might fall into the trap of thinking of himself as located in Chicago with all the visual inputs coming from Chicago.
那么,你们能理解为什么他可能由于所有的视觉输入都是来自芝加哥的信息而陷入误以为自己在芝加哥的陷阱中。 yeeyan

Your enterprise system should receive the trap.
您的企业系统应该能接收到陷阱。 ibm

Trap and notification targets and event subscriptions are required in sending event alerts to an SNMP manager.
陷阱和通知目标以及事件订阅在向 SNMP管理器发送事件警报中是必需的。 ibm




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