

单词 transposed
释义 trans·pose·d 英træn'spəʊz美træn'spoʊz 高COCA⁴⁹⁴⁷³BNC³⁵⁵⁹⁴Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a matrix formed by interchanging the rows and columns of a given matrix
change the order or arrangement of;

Dyslexics often transpose letters in a word

transfer from one place or period to another;

The ancient Greek story was transplanted into Modern America

cause to change places;

interchange this screw for one of a smaller size

transfer a quantity from one side of an equation to the other side reversing its sign, in order to maintain equalityput a piece of music into another keyexchange positions without a change in value;

These operators commute with each other

change key;

Can you transpose this fugue into G major?

negative transpose负转置transpose pair转置对transpose instruction转置指令matrix transpose矩阵转置transpose configuration转置结构matrix transpose method计 矩阵转置方法…
近义词 swap交换move移动alter改变switch转换invert倒置reverse逆转commute通勤permute改序transfer转移exchange交换transplant移居reorder重新排序interchange交换rearrange重新安排move around走来走去counterchange使交错
A keyboard was linked to rotors, powered by an electric current, which transposed every keystroke several times.
它的键盘与电流驱动的转子相连,在每次击键时,转子会多次转换。 yeeyan

A suggestion of transposed seeds of China fir is made for an afforested area in Henan province.
同时为河南杉木造林区提出调种的意见。 cnki

And you'll see on your handout two quotations from poems by Hughes, the first, “125th Street,” giving us well, here, images of black life in the rural south transposed to Harlem.
在讲义中你们会读到两首顿休斯的诗选。第一首诗题为《第125街》,从中我们看到许多黑人南方乡村的生活图景被变位搬到了哈莱姆区。 ecocn

Play areas, such as skating rinks, are places for live action and have the potential for being transposed into luminous events using bright and dynamic lighting.
溜冰场之类游乐场是充满活力的场所,采用明亮、动态的照明可将其转变成光彩夺目的赛事。 artilighting

The skills and knowledge developed by this methodology, DMASS, should be transposed effectively into the key employees within the organization, through education by Green and Black Belts.
能力及知识通过此方法得以发展, DMASS应该根据企业内部的实际需求相应地调整顺序并由绿带和黑带培训师对核心员工进行培训。 chinamesc

A matrix can be mapped into a matrix, filled with some element, transposed, and subjected to the usual mathematical operations.
一个矩阵可被映射到另一个矩阵、用某个元素来填充、转置和进行常见的数学运算。 ibm

At issue was the EU Directive on Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts, transposed directly into English law in 1999.
问题是,欧盟对消费者合同中不公平条款的指令,在1999年直接转变成为英国法律。 ecocn

But most of them do not look like very likely candidates for transposed readings.
但是它们大部分看起来不太像是被互换的读数。 ibm

For example, if a user enters the text IBM, the transposed, or mirrored, text MBI is returned.
例如,如果用户输入文本 IBM,它将返回颠倒顺序的,或者说,镜像后的文本 MBI。 ibm

Most bad data is much less egregious, and is more often a result of typos, transposed tracks, and the like.
大多数坏数据并没有那么过份,通常是拼写错误、曲目位置颠倒之类的错误。 ibm

Mr. Morris is either incorrect or has inadvertently transposed his numbers.
莫里斯先生要么是不正确的,要么疏忽地将数字调换错了。 yeeyan

She transposed the song into a different key.

The paper introduces the characteristics and the use of transposed conductor in detail and its application condition in China.
文章详细介绍了换位导线的特性、用途和在我国的应用情况。 cnki

There is always a context in which translation takes place, always a history from which a text emerges and into which a text is transposed.
这里总是有上下文关系发生,总是一个文章出现和转换的历史。 blog.sina.com.cn

When Duke Ellington visited Addis, Mr Astatke transposed some of the American bandleader's numbers from the West's eight- note scale into Ethiopia's five- note scale.
当艾灵顿公爵来到亚的斯时,阿斯塔特克将美国乐团指挥常用的八音符音阶改成埃塞俄比亚独特的五音符音阶。 ecocn

Transposed pondering always leads to an enlightened awareness. i was looking for the lost me everywhere, but it turned out just besides me.
换位的思考,往往得到柳暗花明的境界。我四处寻找迷失的自己,原来自己就在我的身旁。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn




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