

单词 transport plane
释义 transport plane trænsˈpɔ:tplein 短语⁴⁸⁸⁷⁸
Bits and bobs are being offered by other allies: six reconnaissance jets from Germany, more surveillance drones and a transport plane from Italy, military trainers from Spain and so on.
其他盟友在提供必要物资:德国提供6架喷气式侦察机、意大利提供更多的无人侦察机与一架运输机、西班牙派来军事教官等等。 ecocn

The huge, bullet- proof limousine which whisked Clinton through the streets of Naples, Bonn and Berlin earlier this week was flown in specially by military transport plane.
本周之初,载着克林顿总统疾驰于那不勒斯、波恩与柏林大街的大型超豪华防弹轿车,就是特意用军用运输机送去的。 jukuu

The three Qatari aircraft, which had landed Tuesday at Larnaca international airport, two Mirage fighters and a transport plane, left Cyprus the same day.
三个卡塔尔飞机,降落在拉纳卡国际机场星期二,两个幻影战斗机和一架运输机,在同一天离开塞浦路斯。 sdsky

A military transport plane reported the crash.
一架军用运输机报道了此次撞击。 hxen

Finally, the van rolled onto the runway and pulled up behind a C-5 military transport plane.
终于,小货车驶上了跑道,后面还拉着一架 C-5军事运输机。 yeeyan

I'd never met them, but standing there saluting while the coffins were loaded onto a C-17 transport plane, I was struck by sadness and loss.
我没见过他们,但当棺材被装上 C-17运输机,我们立正敬礼时,我为失去战友而倍感忧伤。 egoedu

In just a few minutes, your correspondent witnessed a transport plane taking off, three fighter jets roaring overhead and a military helicopter rumbling to life.
就在几分钟的时间内,作者亲眼目睹了一架运输机腾空而起,三架喷气战斗机呼啸着掠过头顶,一架军用直升机在隆隆声中即将起升。 ecocn

Indonesian officials say a military transport plane crashed into homes and burst into flames Wednesday near an air force base in East Java, killing at least98 people and injuring more than10 others.
印度尼西亚官员说,一架军用运输机星期三在东爪哇一个空军基地附近坠入民宅后起火燃烧,造成至少98人丧生,还有十多人受伤。 ept-cn.com

Iranian authorities say a military transport plane with94 people on board has crashed into an apartment building in suburban Tehran.
伊朗当-局说,一架载有94人的军用运输机撞入德黑兰郊区的一桩公寓楼。 xinxi110

The Air Force military- transport plane is used to move troops into war zones, perform medical evacuations and conduct airdrop missions.
这是一款运输机,用于将军队转移到战区、执行医疗后送任务及空投任务。 yeeyan




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