

单词 transport network
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The rehabilitation of America’s transport network will be neither easy nor cheap.
修复美国的交通网绝非廉价易成之事。 ecocn

Britain's public transport network reaches nearly everywhere, he admits, but it is not very reliable.
他承认英国的公共交通网几乎遍及所有地方,但是并不太准时。 bdza

Only Chile has a modern transport network comparable to China’s, and even there railways are neglected.
只有智利拥有能够和中国相匹敌的现代运输网,即便是这样,铁路运输也总是被忽略。 ecocn

Railway transportation is backbone and subject of the transport network, is the key to building the comprehensive transportation network of China.
铁路运输是运输网的骨干和主体,是建设中国综合交通运输网的关键。 cnki

To enhance trade and personnel exchanges, China proposes that a regional transport network be considered as a priority in future cooperation.
为加强各国间贸易和人员往来,中方认为,可考虑将建设区域交通运输网作为今后合作的优先方向。 www.fmprc.gov.cn




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