

单词 transportation
释义 trans·por·ta·tion 英ˌtrænspəˈteɪʃən美ˌtrænspɚˈteʃənAHDtrăns'pər-tāʹshən ★★☆☆☆高四六I牛4八TCOCA²⁹⁴⁷BNC⁹⁴⁸⁰iWeb²²⁶²Economist¹³⁸⁹²


transporting or being transported


means of transport; vehicle or vehicles


in former times sending a criminal to a distant land as a punishment

a facility consisting of the means and equipment necessary for the movement of passengers or goodsthe act of moving something from one location to anotherthe sum charged for riding in a public conveyancethe United States federal department that institutes and coordinates national transportation programs; created in 1966the commercial enterprise of moving goods and materialsthe act of expelling a person from their native land;

men in exile dream of hope

his deportation to a penal colony

the expatriation of wealthy farmers

the sentence was one of transportation for life

transportation, communication, traffic

这组词都与“交通”有关。communication指邮电、无线电、火车、公路等各种各样的交通方式或媒介; traffic指路上、街上车马行人往来的数量或货物、旅客运输的数量; transportation的本义是“运输”,现在常用来指距离较短的“交通”。






来自 transport,交通,-ion,名词后缀。引申词义交通业。 transpose 使转移,使换位
用作名词 n.
动词+~bear〔block〕 transportation经得起〔阻塞〕运输provide transportation提供运输工具speed up the transportation加速运送形容词+~cheap and rapid transportation收费低速度快的运输public transportation公共交通名词+~air transportation空运bus transportation公共汽车客运ground〔surface〕 transportation地面交通mass transportation大量运输railroad〔railway〕 transportation铁路运输~+名词transportation company〔permit〕运输公司〔许可证〕介词+~use camel as transportation用骆驼作运输工具the difficulty of transportation运输上的困难~+介词transportation by air空运transportation from从…的运送transportation to至…的运送
trans跨越,从一端到另一端+port搬运+ation动名词后缀→从一端搬运至另一端⇒运输,运输系统,运输工具。非常记忆transport运输〖熟词〗+ation阿婶〖谐音〗⇒运输货物给阿婶词根记忆transport+ation近义词 movecarryingtransporting
用作名词n.The transportation of goods by air costs a lot.航空运输货物花费很高。
My husband is using my car,so I have no means of transportation.我先生在用我的车,所以我没有交通工具。
The transportation took off with its cargo at midnight.运输机载着货物,深夜起飞了。
In the past,British convicts could be sentenced totransportation.过去,英国的囚犯可能会被判流放。
用作名词The Panama Canal has played a very important role intransportation.巴拿马运河在运输上起到了非常重要的作用。
The building of the bridge is very important for thetransportationbetween the two towns.这座桥的建造对这两个镇的交通很重要。
The railroad gives freetransportationfor a certain amount of baggage.铁路免费运送的行李是有一定数量的。
The train is a safe means oftransportation.火车是一种安全可靠的交通工具。noun.conveyance
同义词 shipment,shipping,transit,transportconveying,freightage,haulage,hauling,passage,portagecarrying,moving
automobilenoun land vehicle;car
auto,bucket of bolts,bug,buggy,bus,clunker,compact,convertible,crate,four-wheeler,gas guzzler,go-cart,hardtop,hatchback,heap,jalopy,junker,lemon,limousine,motor car,oil burner,passenger car,pickup truck,ride,sedan,sports car,station wagon,subcompact,taxi,truck,tub,van,wheels,wreck
carriagenoun delivery of freight
conveyancenoun transport
deportationnoun banishment
distributionnoun allocation, dispersion
administration,alloting,allotment,apportioning,apportionment,assessment,assigning,circulating,circulation,dealing,delivery,diffusion,dispensation,dispersal,disposaldisposingdissemination,dissipating,division,dole,handing out,handling,mailing,marketing,partitionpartitioningpropagationproratingrationing,scattering,sharing,spreading,trading,transport,transportation
freightnoun goods being shipped
bales,ballast,bulk,burden,carriage,consignment,contents,conveyance,encumbrance,fardel,haul,lading,load,merchandise,pack,packages,payload,shipment,shipping,tonnage,transportation,wares,weight A power failure created an emergency in traffic and transportation.

A store serving the Department of Transportation may derive some common base contracts for government customers from the asset store.
服务于运输部门的存储可以从资产存储中获得一些政府客户通用的基本合约。 ibm

Small shippers are most often disserviced by transportation breakdown.

So we’re working right now on a project around safe water storage and transportation in India and Africa with them.
我们现在这在与他们合作的一个项目是在印度和非洲,围绕水的安全贮存和运输展开。 yeeyan

The dangers of drilling and transportation in the Arctic are great.
北极地区的钻探和运输都将带来巨大的危险。 yeeyan

The National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Aviation Administration are investigating what caused the fuselage to rip open at36, 000 feet.
国家安全运输委员会和联邦航空管理局正在调查是什么导致了机身在36,000尺的高空撕裂。 yeeyan

All transportation is by boat or on foot.
所有的运输工具都是船或者步行。 ebigear

As urban residents enter the middle class, particularly in China and India, they increase their consumption of energy and transportation.
随着城市人口进入中产阶层,特别以中国印度为例,他们会增加对能源和交通的消耗。 yeeyan

But the transportation minister refused to offer any hypothesis about what happened.
但是交通部长拒绝提供任何关于所发生事件的假说。 yeeyan

During my employment with a leading transportation company I was told by an executive that he could get me fired for not doing what he requested.
我曾经供职于一家顶尖的运输公司,工作期间,一位行政人员说如果我不照他要求做的话,他就会把我炒了。 yeeyan

Hydrogen sceptics point out not only the large capital costs associated with the production, transportation and storage of hydrogen, but also the availability of far more viable alternatives.
氢怀疑论者不仅指出了与氢制造、运输和存储相关的巨大的投入成本,也指出了可靠得多的替代能源的可能性。 yeeyan

Only then will we get the most out of an electrified transportation network.
只有这样,我们才能从电气化交通网络中获得最大的好处。 forbeschina

The government has provided crucial funding for almost all of our transportation systems.
美国政府为几乎所有的国内运输系统提供了主要资金。 yeeyan

The seed may be contaminated in the field or during harvesting, storage or transportation.
这些种子可能在田野中或收割、储存或运输中受到污染。 who

There are five basic modes of transportation. They are water transport, rail transport, truck transport, air transport and pipeline transport.
基本运输方式有五种,他们是水陆运输、铁路运输、汽车运输、航空运输和管道运输。 examw

This year, the school added a new master’s program in transportation design, one of only a few in the country, that will combine business classes with design.
今年,学校增设了一个新的交通设计的硕士学位,这是美国仅有的几个同类学位之一,这个学位将结合设计与商业课程。 yeeyan

This may include only a single service like transportation or warehousing or could include a complete integration of the supply chain.
这可能只包括一个像运输或仓储或单一服务可以包括一个完整的供应链整合。 http://source.yeeyan.org

We know that taxpayers understand the value of quality transportation and this contest shows how wisely and how well states are investing their limited resources.
我们知道,纳税人理解优质运输的价值所在,本次比赛显示了各州是如何明智和良好的利用其有限的资源。 yeeyan

We spend so much less on transportation.
我们在交通上的花费少了很多。 yeeyan

Which transportation can I take to go there within today?
哪一种交通工具能使我在今天内到达那里? ebigear

You could then mix and match them to test for different scenarios like cheap rent with a high cost of utilities, or low transportation costs with a credit card debt.
然后您可以进行混合,并将它们匹配到不同场景的测试上,如带有高成本功效的便宜租金,或使用信用卡支付的低成本运输费用。 ibm

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