

单词 transom
释义 tran·som 英ˈtrænsəm美ˈtrænsəmAHDtrănʹsəm ○○○○○高COCA²⁶⁰⁸⁶BNC⁷²⁹⁶⁰iWeb²⁰⁶⁰⁹
a window above a door that is usually hinged to a horizontal crosspiece over the doora horizontal crosspiece across a window or separating a door from a window over it来自中古英语 transeyn,横档,门楣,可能异化自拉丁语 transtrum,横木,柱子,来自 trans-, 横穿,横过,-trum,工具格后缀,相关于-ther,-der,词源同 tether,rudder.fanlight扇形窗vertical transom垂直艉板transom lifter气窗挺销transom frame带气窗的门框…transom brace横梁拉条cross transom横撑transom light=transom…window transom窗框中槛transom window建气窗transom catch气窗插销transom stern肋板船尾
trans-改变-om⇒n.横粱¹¹;气窗⁸⁹n.军横梁;建横档;横楣;过梁;楣窗;门楣;门顶窗;结构中的横向结构;船尾肋板;船尾构架;横木;船尾横材;船尾肋骨;横窗;结构中横向构件近义词 window窗户traverse横贯fanlight扇形窗transom window建气窗

用作名词Thetransomprofile needs to be revised to let the water drain out.横框的结构需要改进以便于排水。
A light appeared through thetransomoverhead.一束灯光从门头上的气窗里透了出来。 A structural crosspiece; a transom.
横梁结构物中的横档; tdict

With the method, the flow around ship with transom stern, especially the flow around the ship with stern flap can be stimulated.
该方法可用于方艉船尤其是方艉船后加装尾板的船舶的兴波模拟; cnki

A light appeared through the transom overhead.
一束灯光从门头上的气窗里透了出来。 xddhy

And surprisingly enough, new treasures still come across his transom.
令人惊奇的是,新的数据宝藏仍然不断在船尾发现。 yeeyan

At Detail02; there cannot be an exposed bolt head below the line of the finished transom enclosure.
在节点大样图02上,在横框盖板完成面的线的下面不可能会有一个暴露在外的螺帽。 bbs.translators.com.cn

Comparison are given via our recent work by increasing transom immersion with prototype experiment.
给出近期设计实践中增加沉深后的改型和原型试验的比较结果。 cnki

He knew that Carrie was not there, not only because there was no light showing through the transom, but because the evening papers were stuck between the outside knob and the door.
他知道嘉莉不在家,不仅因为门上的气窗没有透出灯光,而且晚报还塞在门外的把手和门之间。 xddhy

Here, in three installments, are over-the- transom reports from people who have written in from China.
这里分期连载的三篇文章,都是人们主动提供的,提供者要求写上来自中国。 yeeyan

In many small boats, weight too far aft can cause drag by submerging the transom, especially in light to moderate winds.
在许多小船,重量太远船尾可造成阻力淹没的横梁,特别是在轻,中度风。 blog.sina.com.cn

Minutes later, more word came over the transom.
数分钟后,墙上的扬声器传来更多的消息。 yeeyan

Outboard motors are typically mounted on sailboats via separate bracket, not clamped on the transom as on most powerboats.
舷外发动机通常通过单独的支撑臂安装在帆船上,而不是像大多数汽艇那样用夹钳固定在横梁上。 yeeyan

Please explain the relationship between transom steel and other transom elements.
请解释横框钢与其它横框构件的关系。 bbs.translators.com.cn

Taken inside board of veil framework up- transom as an example, the punching simulation and drawing processing are researched.
以汽车面罩骨架上横梁内板为例,进行拉延工艺分析及冲压成形仿真。 cnki

The introduced boundary condition at the transom stern and corresponding numerical treatment are simple and effective.
所引入的方尾边界条件及相应数值处理简单而有效。 dictall

The reasonable mathematical modeling and transom conditions for the transom flows are investigated through analyzing the physical characters of transom flow phenomena of high speed ships.
由排水型高速船方尾流动现象物理特征的分析,讨论方尾流动的适当数学模型与方尾条件的提法。 dictall

The special transom hull line enhances the planning and reverse ability and enlarges the reserved buoyancy.
本艇采用独特设计的艉部线型,提高了起滑和回转性能,也增大了艇尾储备浮力。 hisibipowerboats

Transom and cockpit components sorted and being moved to the boat.
横梁和驾驶舱部分排序和被转移到小船。 tech-domain




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