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词汇 transmitted
释义 trans·mit·ted 英trænz'mɪtɪd美trænz'mɪtɪd 高COCA¹³⁰⁷⁰BNC¹⁰¹²⁹iWeb¹³³⁷⁵Economist⁷⁵⁰⁷
occurring among members of a family usually by heredity;

an inherited disease

familial traits

genetically transmitted features

transmitted waveform传输波形transmitted spectrum透射光谱transmitted light透射光transmitted beam发射束transmitted pulsation传播性搏动transmitted flux透射光通量transmitted information传输信息transmitted intensity透射,射线强度,穿透…transmitted power传递功率,传输功率…transmitted energy透射能transmitted load间接载荷,传递载荷…transmitted wave透射波,发射波,折射…transmitted stream发送的码流transmitted bandwidth发射带宽transmitted pulse发射脉冲transmitted radiation穿透辐射
近义词 genetic遗传的familial家庭的inherited继承的hereditary世袭的transmissible能传送的

用作形容词The deciding factor lies in the nature of signal beingtransmitted.决定因素在于传输的信号的性质。
Implementations of filters for messagestransmittedover a peer channel must be derived from this class.为通过对等通道传输的消息而实现的筛选器必须派生自此类。
Window size determines the amount of data that can betransmittedat one time before the destination responds with an acknowledgment.视窗大小是表示在目的地端回应确认讯号之前可以一口气传送的资料量,这是就决定好了。as in.acquired
同义词 accrued,bequeathed,endowed,given,granted,inheritedhanded-down,passed on
反义词 deprived,forfeited,lostas in.hereditary
同义词 genetic,inbornancestral,bequeathed,family,genealogical,handed-down,heritable,inbred,inheritable,inherited,lineal,maternal,paternal,patrimonial,traditional,transmissible,willed
反义词 acquiredas in.sent
同义词 appointed,commissioned,committed,consigned,delegated,directed,discharged,dispatched,emitted,gone,issued,mailed,ordered,posted,transported
反义词 held-back,kept,restrainedas in.traditional
同义词 classic,classical,common,conventional,historic,long-established,old,popular,regular,time-honored,universalacceptable,accustomed,acknowledged,ancestral,customary,doctrinal,fixed,folk,habitual,immemorial,oral,prescribed,rooted,sanctioned,taken for granted,unwritten,widely used,widespread
反义词 abnormal,different,extraordinary,infrequent,irregular,modern,new,rare,uncommon,unusualfresh,unestablished,unfixed,untraditionalas in.transferred
同义词 conveyed,reassigned,relocated,removed,sent,shifted,shipped,transplanted,transportedrestationed
反义词 fixed,stationed
acquiredadjective gained without special exertion
accrued,bequeathed,endowed,given,granted,handed-down,inherited,passed on
hereditaryadjective inherited;transmitted at birth
sentadjective shipped
traditionaladjective usual, established
acceptable,accustomed,acknowledged,ancestral,classic,classical,common,conventional,customary,doctrinal,fixed,folk,habitual,historic,immemorial,long-established,old,oral,popular,prescribed,regular,rooted,sanctioned,taken for granted,time-honored,transmitted,universal,unwritten,widely used,widespread
transferredadjective moved
conveyed,reassigned,relocated,removed,restationed,sent,shifted,shipped,transmitted,transplanted,transported And based on broadcasts from Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin from the surface of the Moon, it is clear that the word“ a” was easily transmitted to Earth without being obliterated.
尼尔·阿姆斯特朗和奥尔德林是在月球表面经由无线电广播发声的,很显然,做到把“一个”这个词传送到地球而不被抹掉不是难事。 yeeyan

It is transmitted via droplets, from the nose and mouth, during close and frequent contacts with untreated cases.
在与未经治疗的病例密切和频繁接触期间,该病通过来自口鼻的飞沫传播。 who

The type mappings in SOAP are used to determine how to transfer native language objects by marshalling or reformatting them into XML so that they can be transmitted in the SOAP messages.
SOAP中的类型映射被用于确定如何通过将本机语言对象组织或者重新格式化为 XML来传递它们,这样就可以在 SOAP消息中传送它们。 ibm

A special type of local queue on which messages are stored until they can be successfully transmitted and stored at a remote queue manager.
一种特殊的本地队列类型,消息将存储在其上,直到成功地将消息传输并存储在远程队列管理器上为止。 ibm

A vocoder is software that digitizes speech, transforms it into information packets so it can be electronically transmitted, and decodes it at the receiver so that it can be heard as speech.

Another advantage of using this type of plug-in authentication is that any authentication data including binary data can be transmitted between the client and the server.
使用这种插件身份验证的另一个优点是,任何身份验证数据包括二进制数据都可以在客户机和服务器之间传递。 ibm

For instance, anonymous resources AKA blank nodes may need to be transmitted as part of descriptions, and by definition they have no proper identifier.
例如,匿名资源也就是空节点可能需要作为描述的一部分被传输,根据定义,它们没有恰当的标识符。 ibm

HBV can be transmitted from infected mothers to infants at the time of birth or from family member to infant in early childhood.
乙肝病毒能够在分娩时通过受感染母亲传播给婴儿,或通过家庭成员传染给处于儿童早期的婴儿。 who

He has transmitted the report to us.

However, widespread and successful use of the device required a unified system of telegraph stations among which information could be transmitted.
然而,电报设备要想广泛、成功的使用,这就要求电报站有统一的系统以保证信息的传送。 yeeyan

Humans have no immunity to the powerful flu virus carried by birds, which health official fear could mutate into a strain that can be transmitted between humans.
人类对这种鸟类携带的强大的流感没有免疫能力,卫生官员们担心这种流感已经形成了一个能在人类之间传播的新变种。 yeeyan

In this case, it takes the operation we have defined through the abstract port type and connects it to a concrete description of how it is transmitted through SOAP.
在这里,它采用了我们通过抽象端口类型定义的操作,并将其连接到如何通过 SOAP传输它的具体说明。 ibm

It is transmitted to humans primarily through consumption of contaminated foods, such as raw or undercooked ground meat products and raw milk.
它主要通过食用污染的食物,例如未经烹调或烹煮不透的绞碎肉制品和原料奶向人类传播。 who

It even turned on the user-facing camera and transmitted video of the user to the owner500 miles away.
它甚至打开了面向用户的相机并且跨越500里的距离传送录制给失主使用者信息。 ecocn

It provides a standard envelope for XML information to be transmitted through network messages, and optional conventions for the body of such messages.
它为通过网络消息传输的 XML信息提供了标准的信封,并为这类消息体提供了可选的约定。 ibm

It was the first time that data, voice and video over the hand-held commercial devices were simultaneously transmitted over both3G and military tactical radios without any interruptions in service.

Just as sound was carried by pressure waves in air, so light was transmitted by waves in the aether.
正如声音荷载于空气中的压力波上一样,光也是在以太中以波的形式来传播。 yeeyan

Malaria is a life- threatening disease caused by parasites that are transmitted to people through the bites of infected mosquitoes.
疟疾是一种由寄生虫引起的威胁生命的疾病,通过受感染的蚊虫叮咬传播给人类。 who

Notice also that unlike previous listings, an edit request must be transmitted using POST and not GET.
还要注意,与前面的清单不同,必须利用 POST而不是 GET来传递编辑请求。 ibm

Take bubonic plague, for example. The disease is most commonly transmitted to humans through flea bites, and the fleas live on rodents.
以黑死病为例,最常见的方式是通过跳蚤叮咬传染给人类,而跳蚤在啮齿类动物身上生存。 yeeyan

The main advantage, and arguably the entire purpose of having a standard message format, is that messages can then be transmitted via any means and it would still look the same to the recipient.
拥有标准消息格式的主要好处就是可以通过任何方法传输消息,并且使消息原样到达接收方,也可以说这就是要求标准消息格式的整个目的。 ibm

These culturally- transmitted systems must all pass through the filter of biology.
这些文化传播系统必定都受到生物因素的过滤。 yeeyan

This, for example, allows the event source to continue processing after emitting an event rather than blocking until the event has been successfully transmitted and processed by the event server.
就是说,例如,允许事件源在发射事件后继续处理,而不是禁止发射直到事件成功传送并被事件服务器中处理完成。 ibm

Today, the majority of infections in these countries are transmitted during young adulthood by sexual activity and injecting drug use.
现在,这些国家中发生的感染大多是通过性活动和注射药物使用而在青年人当中传播。 who

Today people and goods travel by jet aircraft and fast ships, and information is transmitted at the speed of light over the Internet.
而现在,人流和物流通过喷气式飞机和快速轮船来流动,而信息更是通过互联网以光的速度传送。 yeeyan

Using the natural reflectivity of ceilings and walls, a transmitted infra-red signal can be received by any number of receivers within a room.
利用天花板和墙面的自然反射性,传送的红外信号能够被一个屋子里的所有接收器接收到。 ecocn

What is transmitted is an unauthenticated credential, which, depending on the security permissions configured on the EJB methods, might cause authorization failures.
所传输的是一个未经验证的凭证,根据 EJB方法上配置的安全许可,这可能会导致授权失败。 ibm

Whether she likes it or not, her message of optimism and inclusiveness is often transmitted through her appearance.
不管第一夫人是否喜欢如此,但她乐观和包容的讯息总是通过她的衣着传递出来的。 yeeyan




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