

单词 transmission and distribution
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ABB in China with local partners in close cooperation in transmission and distribution, automation products and systems, etc. are all built up a strong production base.
ABB在中国通过与当地合作伙伴的密切合作,在输配电、自动化产品和系统等方面都建立起了强大的生产基地。 blog.sina.com.cn

National Grid will deploy the technology in its up-state New York and New England electric operations control centers to manage the transmission and distribution networks in the region.
美国国家电网将采用该技术在其最新的纽约和新英格兰电力调度控制中心,管理该地区的输配电网络。 gkong

Planned power transmission and distribution projects will be completed to introduce power from the surrounding area into Beijing.
完成计划中的相关输配电工程,积极由首都周边地区引进电力资源。 iciba




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