

单词 Benefiting Qi
释义 Benefiting Qi
Xia Shaonong, ed. Treating hyperthyroidism by methods of benefiting qi and replenishing yin. TCM Magazine 1984;9:687.2夏少农,益气养阴法治疗甲状腺机能亢进症,中医杂志,1984,9:
Objective: To observe the clinic effect of cervical disc protrusion treated by tisane of benefiting qi invigorating kidney promoting blood.摘要目的:观察补气益肾活血治疗颈椎间盘突出症的临床效果。
Deer-osseocolla Nutritional Liquid Takes deer-osseocolla to match pantocrion and royal jelly; and be finished to benefit Qi and invigorating kidney, and to resist rheumatism.鹿骨胶营养液用鹿骨胶配鹿茸精、蜂王浆精制而成,益气补肾、抗风湿。
In the early stage of hypotension,it is differentiated as syndrome of deficiency of qi and blood and treated by benefiting qi and nourishing yin,and Shengmai Injection of Lishen Injection is applied.在低血压早期,辨证为气阴两虚证,治以益气养阴,用生脉注射液或丽参注射液;
benefiting qi for protecting semen益气摄精
Benefiting qi for improving eyesight补气明目




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