

单词 translate from
释义 translate from短语⁵⁷⁵⁰²
In addition, a new method to translate from variable wind to constant wind is also presented.
此外,本文还提出一种新的弹道风生成方法。 cnki

Nevertheless, there is still the task of writing the Common Business Oriented Language COBOL code to translate from an ideal XML message into transaction invocations.
尽管如此,仍然需要存在编写面向商业的通用语言 Common Business Oriented Language , COBOL代码来将理想的 XML消息转换为事务调用的工作。 ibm

The formulas of independent coordinate of any point on highways whirly line and its sideline, and the method to translate from the independent to the surveying coordinate are deduced.
推导了公路缓和曲线及其等间距边线上任意点的独立坐标计算公式及其向平面坐标的转化方法。 dictall

We have the ability to translate from a number of parsers to an internal representation which we use for compilation.
我们有能力借鉴众多解析器来自行开发用于编译的和一个解析器的内部实现。 infoq




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