

单词 transitioned
释义 transitioned 英træn'zɪʃnd美træn'zɪʃnd COCA⁷⁰⁸⁰¹BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
动词 transition:
cause to convert or undergo a transitionmake or undergo a transition from one state or system to another
用作动词During the time that Itransitionedfrom Christianity to atheism I wrestled with many questions.当我从一个基督教徒转变为一个无神论者时,许多疑问盘旋在我心头。 In other words, all the rules that are defined for the state being transitioned to are met by providing defaults or copied values for all fields.
换句话说,经由提供预设值或是复制所有栏位的值,就会符合依据转换所要达成的状态而定义的所有规则。 microsoft

Started as a boarding school for Native American youth, the school eventually transitioned into the West Central School of Agriculture with courses in agriculture, industry, and home economics.
明尼苏达州大学是由一个青年寄宿学校演变而来,学校最终成为一个西部的中央农业学院,开设农业,工业,家庭经济等科目。 zhulong

The previous storage area is automatically transitioned to Closed, which means that no new documents can be added to it.
之前的存储区域则自动转变为 Closed 状态,这意味着不再将新文档加入到该存储区域。 ibm

As the financial management system transitioned from a batch environment to a dynamic Web-based platform, the existing tools no longer sufficed.
随着财务管理系统从批处理环境过渡到动态的基于 Web的平台,现有的工具不再够用。 ibm

Breast- feeding typically ceases when infants are6 months old and they are transitioned to a diet high in corn, rice and wheat grains.
一般来说,会在幼儿6个月大时,妈妈会停止母乳喂养。向富含玉米、米饭及小麦谷物等的饮食过渡。 glanboo.com

Especially in the past2 years, as the technology is advancing to thee- world, CAPA has also transitioned from postal mails to utilize electronic- mails for all our CAPA announcements.
尤其在过去2年当中,如同科技推进到网络世界,华裔家长会也由传统的邮寄方法先进到运用电子邮件为华裔家长会的主要通讯方式。 dbcapa.org

Five Navy squadrons have already transitioned to the radar.
美国五个海军飞行中队已经采用了该雷达。 www.etiri.com.cn

Having worked with many administrators who have transitioned to AIX from Solaris, the general rule is that it is a lot easier to transition from Solaris to AIX than the reverse.
在与许多从 Solaris转换到 AIX的管理员共事之后,发现的普遍规则是从 Solaris转换到 AIX要比反向转换简单得多。 ibm

He knew the company had to make money to stay alive, but he transitioned the focus of Apple away from profits.
他知道公司必须赚钱确保生存,但他将苹果公司的重心从盈利上转移开。 yeeyan

However, by the time the content has been uploaded and is ready to be committed, the storage area to which it was originally assigned, has been transitioned to Full.
但是,当内容上传完毕准备提交时,原先为它指定的存储区域已转换为 Full 状态。 ibm

If a number is provided as the value, then the style property will be transitioned from its current state to that new number.
如果是一个数值,样式属性就会从当前的值渐变到指定的值。 helplib

In the last decade, our foreign policy has transitioned from dealing with the post- Cold War peace dividend to demanding commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan.
在过去10年中,我国外交政策经历了转型,从处理后冷战时期的和平红利到履行在伊拉克和阿富汗作出的巨大承诺。 putclub

In1997, some of the same folks who were involved in creating virtualization on the mainframe were transitioned towards creating a hypervisor on IBM's midrange platform.
在1997 年,同样是在大型机上创建虚拟化技术的这些人在 IBM中端平台上创建了一个管理程序。 ibm

Initially, all users are in the Viewer role; upon completing the Subscriber entitlement process, each user is transitioned from the Viewer role to the Subscriber role.
最初,所有的用户都是查看者角色;当完成订阅者授权流程后,每个用户都将从查看者角色转换到订阅者角色。 ibm

I've kinda transitioned to some of the more sprinting-type stuff to work on my speed and I'm still learning a lot about that.
我有点向短距离游泳运动员转变的趋势,从中找到速度,关于这方面,我还在努力学习。 topswim

Later in the lifecycle, individuals are transitioned to the next level of Six Sigma achievement.
生命周期后期,人员向抵达六西格玛的下一个级别过渡。 www.6sq.net

Michelle Obama: The thing you have to remember, Steve, is that you, the interesting part about this year is that it is slowly transitioned us into this.
米:史蒂夫,你得记着的是,今年最有趣的部分,应该是我们得慢慢地适应这一切。 blog.sina.com.cn

Others, like28-year-old Claire Chambers, transitioned seamlessly from school into the corporate world, only to leave behind an enviable career to do their own thing.
其他人,像28岁的克莱尔·钱伯斯,无缝地从学校过渡到公司里,没想到会令人羡慕地当起老板来。 yeeyan

Recently, my work has transitioned from functional object making to reflective containers.
近期,我的作品风格由创作功能性物品转换至创作反射式容器。 futogp

Red Flag officially transitioned from CopeThunder Exercises in2006.
红旗演习于2006年由雷霆演习正式变迁而来。 itpub

The import parser transitioned to an undefined state.
导入分析器转换到了未定义的状态。 dictall

Today, squadrons of F-16's are being transitioned into fully unmanned drone fleets.
如今, F-16海军中队正在逐渐转型成完全无人操纵的舰队。 yeeyan

We have done so responsibly, as Iraqis have transitioned to lead responsibility for the security of their country.
我们是以负责任的方式这样做的,因为伊拉克人民已经接管保卫自己国家安全的责任。 kouyi

Wessel is now Lina, and at 47, she has transitioned publicly from male to female.
维塞尔现名莉娜,47岁,她已公开自己从男性转变成了女性。 yeeyan

When the currently Open storage area fills up, one of the storage areas in the Standby state is then automatically transitioned to Open and made available for new document creations.
若当前 Open存储区域已满,那么 Standby状态的其中一个存储区域自动转变为 Open状态,供创建新文档的时候使用。 ibm

Without hesitation, Staff Sgt. Miller quickly transitioned from the MK19 to an M240B machine gun mounted on the rear of his vehicle and continued to effectively engage the enemy.
没有片刻犹豫,米勒上士迅速地跑到他的汗马车后部,抄起一挺 M240B机枪,继续有效地向游击队阵地扫射。 yeeyan

Yes, the5900 series did have some growing pain when it first transitioned from the 2nd generation platform.
是的,5900系列的确有一些“成长痛苦”,当它首先从第二代过渡的期间。 arms-cool




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