

单词 transitional zone
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The gas-oil contact is a transitional zone that goes from high oil saturation to high gas saturation with a thickness of up to several feet.
油气界面是从高含油饱和度至高含气饱和度的一个过渡带,其厚度达几英尺。 www.infopetro.com.cn

The rock and ore-forming materials mainly originated from deep crust- mantle transitional zone;
成岩、成矿物质主要来源于深部壳幔过渡带; geojournals

The surface conditions in the3D seismic data of Zhuanghai area include land, sealand transitional zone and shallow sea.
桩海地区三维地震资料覆盖陆地、海陆过渡带和浅海等地表条件。 cnki

The uranium ore body occurs in the transitional zone.
铀矿体主产于氧化-还原过渡带中; chemyq

A linear correction technique is put forward in this paper, which can be used to correct data of the transitional zone.
提出一种线性校正方法,可对过渡带数据进行校正。 cnki

In this transitional zone, hot water activity is very strong and the gravity field is not in isostatic equilibrium.
在这一过渡带内水热活动剧烈,重力也不均衡。 geophy

Kamchatka is one of the most active regions of volcanism in the world because it is located in the transitional zone where the Eurasian plate, North American plate and Pacific plates meet.
勘察加半岛位于欧洲板块、北美板块和太平洋板块交汇的过渡带上,是世界火山活动最活跃的地区之一。 cnki

Located in the transitional zone from agricultural areas to husbandry areas, Zhungeer county has typical characteristics of fragile ecological situations with serious soil and water loss.
准格尔旗位于我国农牧业交错区,生态环境脆弱,水土流失和土地退化严重。 dictall

Secondary positioning technique is one of key techniques of seismic exploration in neritic transitional zone.
二次定位技术是浅海过渡带地震勘探的关键技术之一。 cnki

The research on the characteristics of oxidation zone, redox transitional zone and reduction zone by means of geophysical methods can provide important basis for searching uranium deposits.
利用物探方法研究氧化带、氧化还原过渡带及还原带的特征,可为铀矿勘查提供重要依据。 cnki

The West Sichuan depression and Central Sichuan uplift transitional zone in Sichuan Basin are slope zones.
四川盆地川西坳陷与川中隆起过渡带是一个斜坡地带。 cnki

The ecological border zone is a transitional zone which is the border of more than two ecological ecosystems.
文章论述了生态交界带是两个以上生态系统交接的过渡带,它具有特有的生态系统结构。 dictall

The test area whose well pattern, reservoir conditions and crude oil properties are special, which will affect the effectiveness of polymer flooding in transitional zone.
由于试验区地处过渡带,其井网、油层条件和原油性质具有特殊性,这些因素将影响过渡带地区聚合物驱油的开发效果。 cnki

This paper made a thermally simulating experiment on modern peat under low temperatures and longer time, and discussed the genetic mechanism of transitional zone gas.
本文对现代泥炭进行了低温长时间模拟实验研究,并探讨了过渡带气的形成机理。 cnki

Uranium mineralization occurs in the transitional zone of redox and weak reduction zone.
矿化形成于氧化-还原过渡带和弱还原带中; cnki




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