

单词 beneficiary
释义 ben·e·fi·ci·ar·y 英ˌbenəˈfɪʃiːˌeriː, -ˈfɪʃəriː美ˌbɛnəˈfɪʃiˌɛri, -ˈfɪʃəriAHDbĕn'ə-fĭshʹē-ĕr'ē, -fĭshʹə-rē ★☆☆☆☆高六GIST八COCA⁹¹³¹BNC¹⁰²⁴²iWeb⁵⁶¹⁴Economist⁸⁴⁸⁷

the recipient of funds or other benefitsthe semantic role of the intended recipient who benefits from the happening denoted by the verb in the clause
having or arising from a benefice;

a beneficiary baron

词根词缀: bene-好 + -fic-做,作 + -i- + -ary名词词尾irrevocable beneficiary非本人同意或死亡不能…beneficiary supplier受惠供应国first beneficiary第一受益人immediate beneficiary直接受益人trust beneficiary信托受益人second beneficiary第二收款人beneficiary of remittance汇款收款人beneficiary country受惠国beneficiary payee受款人prima beneficiary人寿保险赔偿的第一受…ultimate beneficiary最终受益人final beneficiary最终受益人credit beneficiary信用证收益人,债权受…beneficiary right受益权beneficiary endorsement保险单上的受益人背书…beneficiary certificate受益人证词original beneficiary原受益人beneficiary party受益方income beneficiary收益受益人
bene善,好+fici=fic,做+ary→做好事的对象⇒受益者近义词 heir继承人payee收款人receiver听筒recipient接受者successor接班人donee接受捐赠者legatee遗产受赠人

用作名词I am thebeneficiaryof your generosity.我是你慷慨大方的受益人。
Beneficiary must sign on the certificate.受益人必须在证书上签字。
Her husband was the chiefbeneficiaryof her will.她丈夫是她遗嘱的主要受益人。
His granddaughter is thebeneficiaryof the trust.他的祖父是信托物的受益人。noun.person who gains, benefits
同义词 heir,recipientassignee,devisee,donee,grantee,heiress,inheritor,legatee,payee,possessor,receiver,stipendiary,successoralmsperson
反义词 giverpayer
bearernoun person who requests payment of bill
domestic partnernoun live-in significant other
beneficiary,cohabitant,companion,housemate,longtime companion,lover,partner,spouse
heirnoun person who inherits possessions
beneficiary,crown prince/princess,devisee,grantee,heritor,inheritor,next in line,scion,successor
pensionernoun retired person
possessornoun owner
receivernoun recipient
addressee,beneficiary,collector,donee,fence,heir,receptacle,telephone It is an irony of globalisation, which the west has thought of so long as its own invention, that now China is the great beneficiary.
具有讽刺意味的是,西方人一向认为自己才是“全球化”的发明者,然而现在中国却成了其中最大受益者。 yeeyan

The largest patent beneficiary in the radio layer is the leader in that technology, Qualcomm.
在无线电层最大的专利受惠者是在那科技中的领导者-美国高通公司。 yeeyan

Alas, in these times of runaway inflation, being a beneficiary under your will is one thing, but what my bank account would really need is an infusion of cash now.
唉,像现在这种通货膨胀失去控制的时候,成为你的遗嘱的受益人是一回事,但我的银行账目最需要的是现在注入现金。 hxen

But his party has not been the main beneficiary of it.
但他的自民党并不是此潮流的主要受益者。 ecocn

By addressing demand-side barriers such as lack of information, these beneficiary-centered programs can improve the efficiency of basic services.
通过消除诸如信息缺乏等需方壁垒,这些以受益人为本的项目可以提高基本服务效率。 worldbank

China was an early beneficiary of the Carter Center, and for more than a decade, it has helped China standardize its village- level election procedures.
中国是卡特中心的早期受益者,并且在十多年来,卡特中心已帮助中国标准化了其乡村选举程序。 ebigear

Credit available with any bank by negotiation, against presentation of beneficiary’s drafts at sight, drawn on us in duplicate.
本信用证可由任何一家银行议付,议付时需提供由受益人向开证行开出的即期汇票一式两份。 examw

His brother Ed is the main beneficiary.
他的弟弟艾德是主要受益人。 ecocn

Hollinghurst is the beneficiary of that change, but also one of those who helped to achieve it.
霍林赫斯特正是这一变化的受益者,同时也是促进产生这一变化的推动者之一。 yeeyan

If the army is one political beneficiary of the catastrophe, another is militant Islam.
如果军队是从灾难中受益的一方,那另一方就是伊斯兰激进分子了。 ecocn

Mr Harper has been the main cause and beneficiary of that process.
而哈珀先生正是这个进程的主要原因和受惠者。 ecocn

One major beneficiary will be gold.
一个主要受益者将会是黄金。 yeeyan

Pony carts still carry hides along the cobblestone streets nearby, but this factory is a huge beneficiary of the global economy.
小马车仍然载着兽皮沿着附近的鹅卵石路走着,但这个工厂是经济全球化最大的受益者。 yeeyan

Unless otherwise stipulated herein, any charges and commissions in respect to negotiation of drafts under this credit prior to presentation to us to be collected from beneficiary.
除非信用证在此另有规定,开证行见到银行提示前的任何议付费用和其他费用都向受益人收取。 www.chinadaily.com.cn




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