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词汇 transformations
释义 transformations 英trænsfə'meɪʃnz美trænsfə'meɪʃnz COCA¹⁵²²⁴BNC¹²⁹⁹⁴Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
名词 transformation:
a qualitative changemathematics a function that changes the position or direction of the axes of a coordinate systema rule describing the conversion of one syntactic structure into another related syntactic structuregenetics modification of a cell or bacterium by the uptake and incorporation of exogenous DNAthe act of changing in form or shape or appearance用作名词Manytransformationscompare data values.很多转换都对数据值进行比较。
You can now see thetransformationsin action.现在可以看到转换正在工作。
Although no one observed thosetransformations, the indirect evidence is clear, unambiguous and compelling.虽然没有人观察到那些变化,间接的证据却清楚而毫不含糊,教人难以推诿。
You will go through a lot of powerfultransformationsthroughout the year in your career.一整年你都在经历工作中的强有力的变化。noun.complete change
同义词 conversion,metamorphosis,renewal,revolution,shiftabout-face,alteration,changeover,flip-flop,switch,transfiguration,transmogrification,transmutationradical change
反义词 stagnationpreservation,sameness The power of regular retrospectives and regular exercise is that they prevent big problems from happening so there should be no war stories or miraculous transformations!
定期回顾和定期实践的能力是他们避免了重大问题的发生,所以没有战争故事或神奇的转变是应该的! infoq

The traceability of these connections is important for several reasons, the most important of which is to support automated transformations.
这些连接的可溯性因一些原因而变得很重要,最重要的原因是支持自动的转换。 ibm

The transformation layer will apply an inference process similar to forward- chaining and check for each node in the plan tree to see which query transformations apply to that node.
转换层将应用一个推理过程类似于前推链接法,并检查规划树中的每个节点,看哪些查询转换适用于该节点。 ibm

Any transformations operating over optional source data will only execute if the source data exists during runtime. Otherwise, the transformation will not occur.
只有运行时期间存在源数据时,才会执行任何对可选源数据进行操作的转换,否则,将不会发生转换。 ibm

As each service defines a different format, two different transformations have to be performed before sending the message to the correct service.
由于每个服务定义了不同的格式,在发送消息给正确的服务之前必须完成两种不同的转换。 infoq

Automations and transformations.
自动化与转换。 ibm

By keeping quantum states as unit vectors, the transformations are all unitary.
通过保持量子态是单位向量,变换就都是幺正的。 ibm

Complete transformations for mappings of data source models.
完成数据源模型之间的映射转换。 ibm

Developing transformations with the MDA Toolkit that participate in an iterative development process requires some attention to all elements in the design and implementation.
在用 MDA工具包开发能够参与到迭代开发流程中的转换时,需要注意一下设计和实现过程中的所有单元。 ibm

I want to be sure the scope is big enough to get the power of model- to- text transformations, but not so big we get overwhelmed with our first transform.
我希望确保该范围足够大,能够实现模式到文本转换的强大功能,但是又要足够小,以避免使我们的第一个转换就不堪重负。 ibm

If China’s banking system and its capital markets develop as planned, it will be one of the biggest and fastest financial transformations ever seen.
如果中国的银行体系和资本市场按计划发展,这将是有史以来规模最大速度最快的经济转变之一。 ecocn

If not, specific transformations, merges, or aggregations may be required to appropriately consolidate the data.
如果没有,则可能需要特定的转换、合并或聚合,以适当地合并数据。 ibm

If there are many components implemented on the same legacy platform, you can develop reverse transformations from the components to UML.
如果有许多组件是在同一个遗留平台上实现的,那么您可以开发从组件到 UML的逆向转换。 ibm

If you treat the mediations or the associated transformations as a first class service, you eventually obscure the real purpose of the application.
如果您将中介或相关联的转换视作第一个类服务,则最终将使应用程序的真实用途变得模糊。 ibm

Perform various conversions and transformations as discussed above.
执行上面讨论的各种转换和变换。 ibm

Run the transformations and create code in the output language.
运行这些转换并且用输出语言创建代码。 ibm

The toolkit then uses those models, elements, and properties to generate code transformations.
该工具包使用那些模型、元素和属性来生成代码转换。 ibm

The transformations are beyond the scope of this article but will be included in the next article on the WS response template pattern.
这些转换不在本文的讨论范围之内,将在下一篇关于 WS响应目标模式的文章中进行讨论。 ibm

This approach makes it very easy to split up a complex transformation into a series of simple transformations arranged in a pipeline.
这个方法使将一个复杂的转换分解成以流水线排列的一系列简单转换变得非常容易。 ibm

This is because the return on investment from developing the transformations increases each time they are reused.
这是因为在每次复用它们时,开发转换的投资回报率都有所提高。 ibm

This means that the transformations align themselves with their associated source input fields.
这意味着转换本身将与相关的源输入字段进行匹配。 ibm

This scheme permits the layering of transformations on top of one another while providing the ability to restore previously used matrices for other objects in the display.
这个模式支持按层次排列的转换,一个转换在另一个之上,同时支持将显示的其他对象恢复到之前使用的矩阵上。 ibm

We can improve the efficiency and quality of systems by capturing these transformations explicitly and reusing them consistently across solutions.
我们能够通过明确的获取这些转换和跨方案的重用它们来改进系统的效率和质量。 ibm

We can use it to create value either through adopting practices or transformations while not doing harm to companies.
我们可以用它来实施实践或转换,从而创建价值,而不是做伤害公司的事情。 infoq

While most typical MDA transformations do not require a large team to implement, treating them as an independent software development effort will ensure completeness and quality.
尽管最典型的 MDA转换不需要很大团队来实现,但是将它们视为独立的软件开发工作将确保完整性和质量。 ibm

With their expertise captured in patterns and transformations, they do not need to be present for other members of a project to applyand benefit from it.
有了模式和转换中获取的专家经验,他们不需要出现在项目的其他成员面前来应用得益于这些经验。 ibm

You can add relationships to transformations when using business object maps.
您可以在使用业务对象映射时向转换添加关系。 ibm

You can also use mediations to perform complex transformations on messages to change them from one format to another.
您也可以使用中介来完成消息从一种格式到另一种格式的复杂转换。 ibm

You can use these transformations to convert the data from one model to another.
您可以使用这些转换将数据从一个模型转换为另一个。 ibm

You could now process this XML document with XSLT transformations to generate a document with the format of your choice.
现在,您可以使用 XSLT转换格式处理这个 XML文档,以您选择的格式生成一个文档。 ibm




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