

单词 transfigured
释义 trans·fig·ure·d 英træns'fɪɡəʳ美træns'fɪɡjər 高COCA⁸¹⁵⁹⁰BNC⁷⁵⁶⁹⁸
elevate or idealize, in allusion to Christ's transfigurationchange completely the nature or appearance of;

In Kafka's story, a person metamorphoses into a bug

The treatment and diet transfigured her into a beautiful young woman

Jesus was transfigured after his resurrection

近义词 alter改变change变化glorify美化transform改变convert使转变transmute使 … 变形metamorphose改变形状spiritualize使精神化transmogrify变得古怪

Her face wastransfiguredby happiness.她高兴得容光焕发。 Commune with me through ordinary work and duty. Be my Companion when I take the common journey. Let the humble life be transfigured by Thy presence.
我只求祢在日常生活中与我交通,求祢在我日常的道路上作我的伴侣,让这卑贱的人生因著祢的同在得著变化。 glorypress

The people looked, with an unshaken hope, to see the minister come forth out of the conflict, transfigured with the glory which he would unquestionably win.
人们都怀着不可动摇的希望,等着看到牧师焕发着必胜的荣光,走出这场争斗。 hjenglish

The treatment and diet transfigured her into a beautiful young woman.
治疗加节食把她改造为一名漂亮的年轻女人。 nciku

What the Hilton brand is promoting around the world is an everlasting quality that will not be transfigured by time or space.
就像希尔顿品牌文化在世界的各个角落都诠释的专业气质,是一种与时间空间无涉的永恒质感。 blog.sina.com.cn

When he wrote ' Transfigured Night', it was put in for a competition.
《升华之夜》原本是为参加一个作曲比赛而创作的。 ycool

All the decorative patterns take the shapes of plants, geometric figures and various transfigured Arabic letters.
这里面的装饰使用的都是植物纹样,几何图形,还有各种变形的阿拉伯文字。 blog.sina.com.cn

And so we too are present on Tabor before our transfigured Christ, who is totally beautiful and blessed in His personal humanity.
所以,此刻我们也在大博尔山,在显圣容的基督跟前,祂是如此的华丽,祂的人性是蒙受祝福的。 ccreadbible

And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light.
就在他们面前变了形像。脸面明亮如日头,衣裳洁白如光。 ebigear

But when the hermit told him the story of his prayer and the angel's answer, the poor clown was transfigured with joy, for he knew that his sins were forgiven.
但是,当隐者对他讲了自己的祷告和天使的回答,可怜的小丑变得高兴起来,因为他知道他的罪孽已经被原谅了。 dreamkidland

Her face was transfigured.

Hope transfigured her face.

Lord, with Your mercy and grace, may we love our way to heaven, finding heaven all the way to heaven until we, too, are transfigured.
天主,藉着祢的怜悯与恩宠,愿我们喜爱前往天堂的道路,寻找它并勇往直前,直至我们都变了容貌。 chinacath

Prose incantations are adroit systems of self that accolade new versions of dream that are transfigured upon the dreamtime of the event.
散文诗咒语是真我的精明系统,荣曜出一个新版本的梦想,在梦想时间发生的事件上改变。 blog.sina.com.cn

Suddenly, towards the end of March, the miracle happens and the decaying slum in which I live is transfigured.
每到三月底,奇迹就会突然出现,就连我蜗居的那片破落的贫民窟也仿佛在一夜之间变得和蔼可亲。 yeeyan

The new furniture has transfigured the old house.

Thenceforth, M. Madeleine was transfigured in Fantine's eyes.
从此马德兰先生在芳汀的心目中是另外一个人了。 ebigear

There he was transfigured before them.
就在他们面前变了形像。 ebigear

We shall see whether Hester Prynne were afterwards so touched, and so transfigured.
我们将要看到海丝特·白兰以后会不会受到这种点化,再变成女人。 hjenglish

Whoever has not ventured beyond morality has not fully explored life's opportunities and has never transfigured his sins.
那些尚未敢尝试在凌驾于道德之上而冒险的人无法彻底体会到生命的机遇,也从来不会使他们的罪恶变得高尚。 yeeyan




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