

单词 transcriptional
释义 tran·scrip·tion·al 英træn'skrɪpʃənəl美træn'skrɪpʃənəl 高COCA⁹⁴⁷⁸⁰BNC²²⁵⁷²iWeb²²⁵⁷⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
A proteomics approach has also been used to identify the protein components of the Mediator complex, which links transcriptional activators with the general transcriptional machinery.
蛋白质组学方法也被用来确定调节复合物的蛋白质组成部分,与转录激活和一般的转录机制相联系。 zjnu

The regionalization expression of cardiac genes in the myocardium is a common phenomena, and a remarkable progress has made in the study of transgenes on transcriptional potential in the myocardium.
心脏基因在心肌中的区域化表达是一个非常普遍的现象,通过转基因动物研究心肌中的转录潜能的区域化已取得了重大的进展。 dictall

The transcriptional activation function of GR was evaluated through the detection of relative luciferase activity after dexamethasone treatment.
相对荧光素酶活性法检测地塞米松作用后 GR转录激活功能的变化。 cnki

Covalent modifications of histone tails play a key role in the regulation of chromatin structure and control of transcriptional activity.
染色体组蛋白的共价修饰在调节染色体结构,控制基因的转录等方面发挥重要的作用。 chemyq

EYA was thought to function as a transcriptional regulatory factor that plays an important role in cell proliferation, tissue differentiation and embryonic development.
EYA蛋白作为重要的转录调控因子,直接参与胚胎发育过程中的细胞增殖、组织分化和器官发育。 cnki

In these trials, dystrophin- positive fibres were accounted for by transcriptional revertant variants of the mutant dystrophin transcript.
在这些试验中,营养不良素阳性的肌纤维是由营养不良素转录体的突变引起的。 dxy

Objective To explore the relationship between the transcriptional expression of RASSF1A Ras association domain family1A gene and oncogenesis and development of lung cancer.
目的探讨 RASSF1A RAS相关区域家族1A基因转录表达与肺癌发生、发展的关系。 cnki

Objective: To investigate the relationship between the transcriptional expression of RASSF1A Ras association domain family1A gene and oncogenesis and the development of endometrial carcinoma.
目的:探讨 RASSF1A RAS相关区域家族1A基因转录表达与子宫内膜癌发生、发展的关系。 cnki

Signal- transduction pathways converge ultimately at the level of transcriptional activation to produce specific patterns of gene expression in response to environmental stimuli.
信号转导途径集中在转录水平对细胞进行调控,通过转录激活特异基因的表达对抗环境刺激因子的作用。 cnki

Studies show that in the SOX gene family, SOX4 gene may influence the transcriptional regulation of it's downstream gene and cause the origination of the colorectal cancer.
研究显示: SOX基因家族中的 SOX4基因可能通过影响其下游基因的转录调控,从而诱导结肠癌的发生。 cnki

Therefore, the CBF kinds transcriptional factor to be able to synthesize the improvement plant the resistance character, is until now the more ideal resistance cyborg gene.
因此, CBF类转录因子能够综合改良植物的抗逆性状,是迄今为止较为理想的抗逆工程基因之一。 cnki

Third, a more sophisticated view of chromatin structure has emerged, including its inter- relationship with DNA replication and transcriptional regulation.
第三,对染色质的结构产生了新的认识,包括其与 DNA的复制和转录的关系。 helixnet

Vitamin B12 is thymine RNA synthesis and DNA biosynthesis and transcriptional required for methyl transfer of coenzyme.
维生素 B12是胸腺嘧啶核糖核苷酸合成以及最终 DNA生物合成与转录所必需的甲基转移的辅酶。 ufxy

We will discuss the importance of chromatin structure in contemporary modeling, and review recent research results on the relationship between chromatin structure and transcriptional regulation.
我们会讨论在当代的模型化里染色质结构的重要性,并且温习在染色质结构和转录调控之间关系上,当前的研究工作成果。 myoops

With the progress of gene therapy, the results of researches using strategies of transcriptional targeting and gene delivered enzyme- prodrug are exciting.
随着基因治疗研究的深入,转录靶向和酶解前体药策略成为肿瘤基因治疗的热点研究领域。 cnki

Transcriptional control is an important way of regulating of gene expression.
转录调控是基因表达调控的重要方式。 cnki

Transcriptional regulation is controlled by the interactions of cis- acting elements with the relevant factors.
顺式作用元件和转录因子在植物基因表达调控中起关键的作用。 cnki

Transcriptional targeting takes advantage of the fact that some cancer cells express a subset of exclusive genes, and uses these cancer- specific promoters to express the desired transgenes.
转录靶向性利用一些肿瘤过表达某些特定基因,所以使用此基因特异性启动子可以驱动治疗基因达到靶向性治疗目的。 cnki




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