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词汇 bends
释义 bends 英bendz美bendz COCA¹⁵⁹⁰⁰BNC²¹⁷³³Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
n.潜函病深海潜水员因浮出水面太快而感到关节剧痛﹑ 呼吸困难的症状名词bend的复数形式¹⁰⁰.原型bend的三单
pain resulting from rapid change in pressuredeep knee bends深度屈膝the bends减压病
近义词 aeroembolism航空栓塞症air embolism气泡栓塞,气栓…caisson disease潜水病,沉箱病…gas embolism气体栓塞,气泡栓塞…decompression sickness潜水减压病
Something that has a sharpbend, especially a road or route thatbendsabruptly.有急转弯的东西有急转弯的东西,尤指有急转弯的道路或路线
The roadbendssharply here.路在这里急转弯。
The roadbendsto the right after a few yards.这条路在几码远的地方转向右方。
The road straightens after a series ofbends.这条路经过几个转弯之後就直了。 In the same way, the Sun bends space in a manner that allows Earth to revolve around it.
同样,太阳弯曲了空间使得地球能围绕它转。 yeeyan

The days of spending several days to teach a robot how to do a couple of simple bends for a run of 5,000 parts is over.
以前为了生产区区5000个零件,却要花费几天时间来教会一个机器人进行几步简单的折弯操作的日子已经远去了。 yeeyan

The hamstring is the muscle that runs from just below the knee up into the buttocks. It’s the muscle that lifts the lower leg and bends the knee after the quads have lifted your knees.
后腿腱是一块从膝盖下一直向上延伸到臀部的肌肉,它负责举起你的小腿和弯曲膝盖,而股四头肌是举起膝盖。 yeeyan

A lengthy necklace of amino acids bends, twists and folds into a three-dimensional protein, whose shape determines the protein's function.
氨基酸的一个长链弯曲,扭转,折叠成一个三维的蛋白质,它的形状决定了蛋白质的功能。 yeeyan

And the dark street winds and bends.
街道弯曲阴暗的地方。 yeeyan

And the sudden change in air pressure would lead to a nasty case of the bends, as if you were scuba diving and came up too fast.
而气压的突然改变也会引起严重的减压病,就好像你在戴着水肺潜水而上来的太快一样。 yeeyan

Because the crystal bends light much more strongly than air does, light should have bounced off the holes and traveled down a channel that had been left clear of holes.
由于晶体比空气更能弯曲光线,光会从小孔上反射回来,从而沿着没有小孔的通道传播。 yeeyan

Gravity Probe B achieved measurements that agreed with theoretical predictions for two effects of general relativity, which states that gravity arises when mass bends space and time.
重力探测器 B已获得了一些测量数据,证明广义相对论的两个理论预言是正确的,这两个重力效应产生于大质量物体引起的时空弯曲。 yeeyan

If the penis bends but the tunica albuginea doesn't tear, could this lead to injury as well?
如果阴茎弯曲但白膜没有撕裂,也会导致损伤吗? yeeyan

If you're stuck at home or the office, try squats, deep knee bends, push-ups, running in place, or walking up and down a set of stairs a few times.
如果你只能待在家或办公室,可以试试以下运动:下蹲、深度膝盖弯曲、俯卧撑、原地跑步或上上下下爬几次楼梯。 yeeyan

In1980, Philips became the first company to market a CFL, with a design based on a series of bends rather than GE’s spiral.
在1980年,飞利浦成为荧光灯销量第一的公司,与通用的螺旋灯管不同,他们设计了一系列弯曲型灯管。 yeeyan

It’s a trick question— because there weren’t any bends.
这是一个带有欺骗性的问题----因为那时的河流不是弯曲的。 yeeyan

It explained a minor, unexpected anomaly in Mercury's orbit, showed how starlight bends and laid the theoretical foundations for black holes.
其揭示了水星运行轨道中出人意料的细微不规则现象,也展现了星光的弯曲方式,并且为对于黑洞的研究奠定了理论基础。 yeeyan

She pedals, she bends and straightens and basically ensures that the affluent city residents stay in shape.
她踩着健身车,弯腰,并做着伸展,为的是让这座富裕的城市的居民可以保持体形。 yeeyan

So, how do you write a class that bends?
所以,如何才能编写一个能够弯曲的类呢? ibm

Straighten your second paperclip, put a few bends at the wire’s end, and—with no pressure on your wrench—shove it to the back of the lock.
把第二个回形针弄直,再在上面弯几个弯,然后,在扳手没有施力的条件下,把回形针推进锁里面。 yeeyan

The neck bends down, and is rejoined to the dart.
颈部弯曲下来与头部重新团聚。 yeeyan

The river deposits rich soil at its bends.

They took advantage of the fact that light bends, or refracts, when it moves from one medium to another.
他们利用了这样的一个事实:当光从一个介质进入到另一个介质时,会发生弯曲,或折射。 yeeyan

This could be done because of the way gravity bends light, as demonstrated by Albert Einstein.
这所以能够这么做,是因为阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦已经证明了的重力弯曲光线的方式。 yeeyan

When light from a star passes near a galaxy, for example, its path bends, changing where the star appears in the sky—the so-called gravitational lensing effect.
例如,当恒星发出的光经过一个星系附近,其路径会弯曲,改变恒星出现在天空中的位置——这就是所谓的引力透镜效应。 yeeyan

When wandering from room to room, twisting up stairs and around unexpected bends, it becomes hard to gauge just how big the museum is.
由于漫步了一个又一个房间,沿着螺旋型楼梯,走过出人意料的弯曲处,博物馆的大小变得难以估计。 ecocn

Wire is not accepted because it bends with large bricks.
不用金属丝是因为被大石头砸到时它会弯曲。 yeeyan

With a quiet smile, he bends over to pick up the cardboard box and lowers it into the grave.
带着无声的微笑,他弯腰拾起硬纸盒,慢慢放入坟墓。 yeeyan

You are in black bear country. On cycling and walking trails, sing or ring your bell before bends to avoid surprising one.
你已经来到黑熊之乡,在自行车道或者步道上行进时,请在进入弯道前唱歌或打铃,以避免与动物不期而遇。 yeeyan




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