

单词 tranquilizer
释义 tran·quil·iz·er 英ˈtræŋkwəˌlaɪzə, ˈtræn-美ˈtræŋkwəˌlaɪzɚ, ˈtræn-AHDtrăngʹkwə-līz'ər, trănʹ- ○○○○○高MCOCA²⁸⁹¹³iWeb²⁷⁸⁴⁶

a drug used to reduce stress or tension without reducing mental claritytranquilize,使平静,-er,表物。引申词义镇静剂,安宁药等。minor tranquilizer弱安定剂
tranquil-izer⇒n.镇静剂⁷⁶;增稳装置²⁴近义词 downer镇定剂narcotic麻醉药ataractic镇静剂sedative使安静的tranquillizer镇定剂tranquilliser安定药antianxiety agent抗焦虑药

用作名词Laughter is atranquilizerwith no side effects.笑声是一种没有副作用的镇静剂。
Putin quickly shot the beast and sedated it with atranquilizergun.普京迅速用含镇静剂子弹的枪射击,让老虎安静了下来。noun.drug
同义词 opiate,sedativeataractic
depressantnoun sedative
narcoticnoun powerful drug inducing anesthesia or sleep
analgesic,anesthetic,anodyne,dope,downer,fix,hard drug,hard stuff,heroin,hypnotic,junk,laudanum,lenitive,merchandise,nepenthe,opiate,opium,painkiller,sedative,somnifacient,soporific,stuff,stupefacient,tranquilizer
opiatenoun drug
pain killernoun medicine to kill pain
analgesic,anesthetic,antiodontalgic,pain pill,pain reliever,sedative,tranquilizer
painkillernoun anesthetic
alleviative,analgesic,anodyne,aspirin,dope,drug,medicine,morphine,ointment,opiate,pain reliever,sedative,tranquilizer A drug that reduces nervous tension; a tranquilizer.
请开一些镇定剂给我。 foodmate

A drug company that dominates the tranquilizer market.
独占镇静剂市场的制药公司。 foodmate

And Vladimir Putin paid a visit to a Russian wildlife preserve. The tough-talking prime minister shot a female tiger with a tranquilizer gun after it had freed itself from a restraint.
普金来到俄罗斯野生动物保护区视察,这名作风强硬的总理在一头母虎挣脱束缚后使用镇静剂枪使其安静。 putclub

After checking the chart, he nodded and wrote the man a prescription for a powerful tranquilizer.
医生检查了图表后,点点头,给这个人开了强镇静剂。 iciba

Another option, with reportedly mixed results, Thayer said, is adding tiny amounts of acepromazine, a prescribed tranquilizer, to a pet's food or water.
塞耶说,据说有混合效果的另一个选择是添加微量的乙酰丙嗪一种处方镇静剂到宠物的食物或水中。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

Before or during transport, there shall be no use of synthetic tranquilizer or stimulant.
在运输之前或期间,不得使用任何合成的镇定剂或兴奋剂。 iciba

In QingJian tune the headset tranquilizer like some. Eliminates all petty accumulation.
耳机里的清浅曲调像是某种镇定剂。消除了一切琐碎的堆积。 onlylz

Other researchers say they have produced similar experiences by stimulating neurons in parts of the brain— or by giving patients ketamine, a tranquilizer and sometime party drug.
另外一些研究者称他们已经通过刺激部分大脑神经,或者给病人服用镇定剂克他命和某种配对药物,使之产生了类似的体验。 yeeyan

Police and animal control officials eventually got the bear with a tranquilizer dart.
当地警方和动物控制官员用打镇定剂的方法将起制服。 putclub

Sex is around ten times more effective as a tranquilizer than Valium.
十次性爱比镇定剂烦宁更有效。 yeeyan

Sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world and it is10X MORE effective than Valium!
云雨之欢可是世界上最安全的镇定剂了额,效果是安定的10多倍。 yeeyan

Sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world.
性爱是世界上最安全的镇定剂。 yeeyan

State medical records indicate that large concentrations of the tranquilizer Valium and the sleep aid Restoril were in his system that night, among other prescription drugs.
当晚的州医疗记录显示在他体内除了有其他处方药外,还有大剂量的镇静剂安定和助睡眠药物替马西泮。 yeeyan

They plan to sedate the giant mammal with a tranquilizer.
他们计划先用镇静剂让这个大家伙先镇定下来。 hotdic

This revitalization can be either a stimulant to mental readiness and innovation or a tranquilizer or temporary escape from the pressures of daily life.
这种修复可能是对我们心智激励或是对于现实生活压力的一种改革或是一种镇定剂或是一种逃避。 www.ielts.com.cn

You're having a premature mid-life crisis. You need a tranquilizer.
你提前进入中年危机,你需要吃镇定剂。 e.pku.edu.cn




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