

单词 tranexamic
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In Chinese medicines group after treating, estradiol E2, follicle-stimulating hormone FSH reduced P0.01, the effect is better than that of ammonia tranexamic acid group.
中药组治疗后雌二醇 E2、促卵泡素 FSH降低 P0.01,效果优于氨甲环酸组。 easyyx

Tranexamic acid, or TXA, is not new.
凝血酸,即氨甲环酸不是新药。 hjenglish

Tranexamic acid, or TXA, is not new. It's a clotting drug that's been used in limited situations, such as some surgeries, where it reduces bleeding.
凝血酸,即氨甲环酸不是新药。它是一种凝血药,用于特定环境,比如一些外科手术中,它可以减少失血情况的发生。 hjenglish

Conclusion: Tranexamic acid is as effective as aprotinin on the reduction of postoperative blood loss in patients undergoing direct vision cardiac surgery.
结论:止血环酸与抑肽酶同样明显减少首次心脏直视术后出血。 cnki

Henderson was found guilty at a British Horse Racing Authority BHA hearing last month of administering the prohibited drug tranexamic acid to Moonlit Path before a race in February.
英国赛马管理局上个月通过听证,确认亨德森曾于今年2月带“月光小径”参加一场比赛前向其注射违禁药物氨甲环酸。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

In total, 10, 096 trauma patients received tranexamic acid and10, 115 received placebo.
该项研究总计有10,096名外伤患者接受氨甲环酸,而10,115名则接受安慰剂治疗。 yeeyan

Objective:To compare the efficacy of aprotinin with tranexamic acid on postoperative bleeding in cardiac patients operated under cardiopulmonary bypass.
目的:探讨抑肽酶与止血环酸对心脏直视术后出血的影响。 cnki

Objective:To establish a test method of bacterial endotoxin in tranexamic acid injection, so as to ensure its clinical safety.
目的:建立用于氨甲环酸注射液的细菌内毒素检查法,以保证其临床使用的安全性。 dictall

Patients and controls were matched for interval since subarachnoid hemorrhage, duration of exposure, use of tranexamic acid, clinical condition on admission, and age.
患者和对照组在蛛网膜下腔出血的时间、持续暴露的时间、应用氨甲环酸、入院条件和年龄等方面相匹配。 essaystar

TL group treated with LPS and tranexamic acid;
氨甲环酸增加纤维蛋白沉积 TL组; cnki

With Chinese medicine cycle therapy was as disharmony of thoroughfare and conception vessels chloasma as treatment group, to take tranexamic acid as control group.
以用中药周期方法治疗冲任失调型黄褐斑作为治疗组,以服用西药氨甲环酸作为对照组。 easyyx

Tranexamic acid, explains Jerrold Levy of Emory University, in a comment piece accompanying the paper, interferes with the process of fibrinolysis, the breakdown of clots.
美国艾莫利大学的杰罗尔德列维在该论文的补充解释中说,氨甲芳酸干扰了纤维蛋白溶解过程,即血块的溶解。 yeeyan

Tranexamic acid, HA, rose extract.




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