

单词 training camps
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The league plans a66- game season and aims to open training camps Dec.9.
联盟计划66个比赛日,还有一个目标是在12月9日举行训练营。 yeeyan

According to some estimates, there are about40 militant training camps around Pakistan.
据有关人士估计,巴基斯坦境内大约有40个武装训练营。 yeeyan

Afghan intelligence say the US- Afghan force was conducting operations against suspected Taliban training camps in the area.
阿富汗情报机构称美阿联军当时正在执行捣毁该地区的塔利班训练营的任务。 yeeyan

Bin Laden then set up terrorist training camps in Afghanistan.
接着宾拉登在阿富汗境内设立起恐怖份子的训练营。 http://mysearch.100e.com

But soon after joining one of his training camps, they realized the Libyan dictator was using them.
但加入训练营后不久,他们发现利比亚的独裁者只是在利用他们。 yeeyan

First of all, today's terrorist training camps are not what they used to be.
首先要说的是,恐怖训练营早已今非昔比。 yeeyan

He said troops captured ammunition, destroyed training camps and were progressing along three lines of attack into the heart of the militant fortress.
他说,部队占据了弹药库,毁坏了训练营,并且正在从三条战线进攻武装组织要塞的中心地点。 yeeyan

If NATO left Afghanistan now, the Taliban would wrest control of parts of the country and al- Qaeda and their terrorist training camps could return.
如果北约现在离开阿富汗,塔利班就会卷土重来,控制该国的一些地区,基地组织和他们的恐怖训练营也将回来。 yeeyan

In Gaza vulnerable young people are recruited early on to religious extremist training camps.
在加沙,身心脆弱的年轻人很早就被招募进入宗教极端主义训练营。 yeeyan

Pakistan on Thursday announced it had detained71 members of banned groups, shut down five training camps believed connected to Lashkar and had124 people under surveillance.
巴基斯坦星期四宣布拘留了71名被取缔组织的成员,并关闭了据信与虔诚军有关连的5个训练营,还把124人作为监控对象。 ebigear

Some Mexican groups have set up training camps and storage facilities in the jungles of Petén, a “big green hole of nothing” in northern Guatemala, according to Mr Stewart.
斯图尔特称,有些墨西哥集团已经在危地马拉北部佩滕的雨林中“荒无人烟的绿色真空地带”设立了训练营和存储站。 ecocn

The region has signed a contract with Chad's boxing, wrestling, judo and athletics teams to hold training camps in the region.
该省已与乍得拳击队、摔跤队、柔道队和田径队签订合约,为其提供训练营。 yeeyan

The Taliban gave al Qaeda sanctuary and allowed it to run terrorist training camps from Afghanistan.
塔利班给予基地组织庇护,允许他在阿富汗组织恐怖分子训练营。 yeeyan

The missionary had attended al- Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan, not learning to fight but spreading his fundamentalist faith to all nationalities.
这个传教士曾参与阿富汗的基地组织训练营,不是学习战斗,而是向所有国民传播正统的宗教信仰。 ecocn

The two countries are similar in that they are war- ravaged, packed with guns and with considerable potential for hosting terrorist training camps.
这两个国家的共同之处在于:他们都是战争蹂躏的产物,都有武装,并且都有不可忽视的举办恐怖分子训练营的潜能。 ecocn

Veterans of the Afghan jihad operate training camps in Libya’s lush Green Mountain, overlooking Europe’s shipping lanes.
阿富汗吉哈德的老兵们在利比亚苍翠环绕的绿山地区进行集训,远眺着欧洲的大洋航线。 ecocn

Training camps would likely open Oct.3, the first preseason games are Oct.9, and the regular season opener is Nov.1.
训练营大概会在10月3日开始,第一轮季前赛于10月9号开赛,而常规赛首演将在11月1日进行。 yeeyan




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