

单词 trainer
释义 train·er 英ˈtreɪnə美ˈtrenɚAHDtrāʹnər ★☆☆☆☆COCA⁵⁹¹⁶BNC⁶⁰⁰⁷iWeb³³⁴⁸Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
one who trains other persons or animalssimulator consisting of a machine on the ground that simulates the conditions of flying a plane词根词缀: train培训 + -erpersonal trainer个人健身教练…teacher training师资训练cross-trainer参加多项训练运动者;…link trainer环状训练舱military trainer军用教练机basic trainer初级教练机navigation trainer导航教练器primary trainer初级教练机turbojet trainer涡轮喷气教练机…egress trainer出舱练习器, 离舱训…flight trainer飞行模拟器logic trainer逻辑教练设备…trainer aircraft教练机submarine trainer潜艇教练器ground trainer地面教练设备…jet trainer喷射瞄准机home trainer家用生物反馈训练器…
train训练-er名人|物⇒n.训练者⁸⁹;训练设备¹¹;软底运动鞋n.练习器;训练器材;教练员空教练机;飞行练习器;驯兽师;运动鞋;瞄准手;园艺枝架;便鞋非常记忆train训练〖熟词〗+er儿〖拼音〗⇒教练在训练儿子打篮球近义词 coach教练guide向导teacher教师mentor指导者instructor教师,教员flight simulator飞行模拟装置…

用作名词The cat suddenly turned on itstrainer.这只猫突然转而进攻它的训练者。
As we were rushing through my lace cam undone on mytrainerso I stopped to tie it up.当我们正在冲闯过在我的训练者上被恢复原状的我饰带凸轮,我停止将它绑好。noun.instructor, teacher
同义词 adviser,breeder,coach,handler,mentor,professor,tutordemonstrator,guide,lecturerdrill sergeant
反义词 pupil,student
coachnoun instructor, usually in recreation
drill instructor,educator,mentor,physical education instructor,skipper,teacher,tutor
coachesnoun instructor, usually in recreation
disciplinariannoun person who makes others work hard
authoritarian,bully,despot,drill sergeant,enforcer,formalist,master,sergeant,stickler,strict teacher,sundowner,teacher,trainer,tyrant
drivernoun person who engineers vehicle
autoist,automobilist,cabbie,chauffeur,coach person,coachman,hack,handler,jockey,leadfoot,motorist,operator,road hog,trainer,whip
driversnoun person who engineers vehicle
autoists,automobilists,cabbies,chauffeurs,coach persons,coachmans,hacks,handlers,jockeys,leadfoots,motorists,operators,road hogs,trainers,whips
educatornoun teacher
coach,dean,department head,educationist,instructor,lecturer,mentor,monitor,professor,schoolteacher,trainer,tutor Does your trainer tell you anything about staying in a good mood?
你的教练告诉你保持好的心情状态的相关知识了吗? kekenet

He told her he was a personal trainer and the couple began dating.
他们开始约会时,简森告诉海莉说,他是一名私人教练。 yeeyan

The robot can act as a perfect trainer, with infinite patience.
机器人能充当一位有着无限耐心的完美教练。 yeeyan

The trainer backed away from the enraged tiger.

There is no evidence of any blood being spilled, but the trainer is evidently in great pain during the attack.
没有任何证据表明发生流血事件,但驯兽师显然在攻击中遭受了巨大痛苦。 yeeyan

But one of the results of his time with the personal trainer is that he now has a collection of dumbbells.
但他跟私人教练那段时间的后果之一就是,现在他收集了一堆哑铃。 yeeyan

Explore trainers; each and every trainer should give you a complimentary session.
多体验。每一个教练都会为你免费培训一段时间。 yeeyan

Finding a trainer is not an easy task.
找好一位教练,不是一件容易的事。 yeeyan

For example in very hot rallies like Cyprus and Greece the drivers and the team trainer would go there one week before the rally to condition themselves to the heat.
比如像塞浦路斯或者希腊,车手和车队的教练通常都提前一周就到那里,以使自己的身体适应这种热的天气。 hjenglish

He can fire his personal trainer or check out of the clinic.
他可以解雇其私人教练或者从康复诊所一走了之。 ecocn

I was able to put much of my graduate school training to use as I conducted fitness tests and counseled clients on nutrition and fitness principles as a personal trainer.
作为一位职业训练员,我能够把在学校学到的训练知识大量运用到我的指导试验中去,还可以在营养和健身原则上给予他们建议。 yeeyan

If there is anything I have learned through my years as a personal trainer is that dieting right is the number one obstacle people face while trying to get fit.
如果说我作为一个私人教练这么多年学到了什么的话,那就是我发现,正确的节食是每个希望得到好身材的人所面临的最大问题。 ebigear

If you have access, try getting your body composition measured, either through a DEXA scan at your doctor's office, or by using body fat calipers by an experienced trainer at your gym.
如果有机会,尝试一下身体成分测试,要么在医生的办公室用扫描仪,要么在健身房让有经验的教练给你用脂肪卡钳。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

If you are not making progress, ask a qualified personal trainer to analyze your routine and your goals.
如果你健身效果不明显,不妨请专业个人教练分析一下你的常规训练内容和你的目标。 ebigear

In addition to the workouts you do with your personal trainer, you can also increase your energy by undertaking workouts on your own.
除了完成私人教练制定的训练任务,你还可以适量增加一些额外运动来加大运动量。 yeeyan

In those bad old days, I used to pay a personal trainer to take me for a walk along the seafront twice a week I live most of the time in Brighton.
在那些糟糕日子里,我曾经雇佣一个私人教练每周两次带我沿着海滨散步我大部分的时间住在布赖顿。 yeeyan

My trainer has never said such thing to me.
我的教练从来没有对我说过类似的事情。 kekenet

On Wednesday a personal trainer will work me like a farm animal for an hour, sometimes to the point that I am dizzy— an abuse for which I pay as much as I spend on groceries in a week.
星期三会有一个私人教练在一个小时里把我当做农场的动物一样折腾,有时会让我感到眩晕,并且奢侈地花掉了和我一个礼拜购物一样多的钱。 yeeyan

On her profile she describes herself as a yoga teacher and personal trainer.
在她的个人资料中,她把自己描述为一位瑜伽老师和私人教练。 yeeyan

Professionals talk of animals that understand training so well they eventually use it back on the trainer.
专家提到,充分理解了训练技巧的动物们最终将这些技巧用回到驯兽师身上。 ebigear

Share your results with your doctor or personal trainer for additional guidance. Your results may even inspire you to sign up for the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award PALA.
与你的医生或私人教练分享你的成果,获取额外的指导,你的成果有可能激发你去参加“总统天天向上奖”的评比。 yeeyan

The flier says all the aerobics trainers there graduate from International Personal Trainer Institute.
这上面说所有的健美操教练都是国际私人教练学院毕业的。 kekenet

The football team was disciplined by a professional trainer.

To learn about the safest ways to exercise, talk with a trainer or learn more about your favorite activity on the Internet.
要学到最安全的锻炼方法,可以询问教练或到网上了解有关最喜欢的运动方式的信息。 yeeyan

We sign up for the gym or a class or a trainer.
我们在体育馆报名,注册减肥课程或者跟随健身教练。 yeeyan

Yet, along my career path I had become friends with another instructor in the fitness industry who eventually went on to become a“ trainer to the stars”.
然而,在我的职业生涯中,我与健身业的另一个指导员成为了朋友,她最后成为了“明星教练”。 yeeyan

You got yourself a personal trainer or something?
你是找了私人教练还是怎么的? edu.sina.com.cn




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