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词汇 trailing
释义 trail·ing 英'treɪlɪŋ美'treɪlɪŋ 高COCA¹²⁹⁷⁸BNC¹⁵⁵²⁶iWeb¹²¹⁵¹Economist⁹²⁵⁷
the pursuit of a person or animal by following tracks or marks they left behindtrail踪迹trailing vortex尾涡,后缘涡流…trailing cable拖曳电缆,牵索…trailing edge飞机的机翼后缘…trailing end后端trailing axle后轮轴,从动轴…trailing broadcaster牵引式撒播机,牵引式…trailing ion尾随离子trailing action车辆的转向销作用…trailing line拖管索trailing antenna下垂天线,拖曳天线…trailing flag结束标志, 尾部标记…trailing transient后沿瞬变特性…trailing contact从动接点trailing truck后转向架,拖曳运货车…
近义词 pursuit追求tracking跟踪creeping爬行的

用作名词TrailKey--- draws atrailingbrush along a path that you can set by key frames.可设关键帧的画笔拖尾效果。adj.following
同义词 hunting,tracking
反义词 ahead,guiding,leadingadj.lagging behind
同义词 laggingbehind,crawling,creeping,dawdlingfalling behind
反义词 ahead,guiding,leading
behindadverb position farther back;following
abaft,after,afterwards,at the heels of,at the rear of,back of,bringing up the rear,eating the dust,in the background,in the wake,later than,next,off the pace,subsequently
creepingadjective given to creeping
climbing,clinging,growing along the ground,horizontal,procumbent,prostrate,recumbent,reptant,reptilian,serpentine,spreading,stoloniferous,trailing,vermicular,vinelike
followingadjective happening, being next or after
a while later,after a while,afterward,attendant,back,coming,coming after,coming next,consecutive,consequent,consequential,directly after,ensuing,henceforth,hinder,in pursuit,in search of,in the wake of,later,later on,latter,next,next off,on the scent,posterior,presently,proximate,pursuing,rear,resulting,sequent,sequential,serial,seriate,specified,subsequent,succeeding,successive,supervenient,then,trailing,when
huntnoun search, chase
coursing,exploration,field sport,following,frisking,game,hounding,hunting,inquest,inquiry,inquisition,interrogation,investigation,look-see,meddling,probe,prosecution,prying,pursuance,pursuing,pursuit,quest,race,raid,reconnaissance,research,rummage,scrutiny,seeking,sifting,snooping,sporting,steeplechase,study,tracing,trailing
pursuitnoun chase, search
following,going all out,hunt,hunting,inquiry,pursual,pursuance,pursuing,quest,reaching,seeking,stalk,tracking,trail,trailing
ramblingadjective sprawling, spread out
at length,covering,gangling,here and there,irregular,random,scattered,spreading,straggling,strewn,trailing,unplanned A trailing spacecraft then flew through the cloud of debris and dust thrown up by the collision and used its instruments to analyze what was inside before it also struck the moon.
后面的宇宙飞船随即飞过了碎片云,灰尘被撞击所抛起。 然后,它用仪器分析在它也撞击之前的月球里面有什么。 yeeyan

Is there any other country in the world where the title of greatest would be so automatic, with the rest of the pack trailing in several laps behind?
世界上是否有其他国家在以“最伟大”为标题的选举里,冠军是不需要猜的,其余的只能尾随在后面? yeeyan

The calculator application has a text field with right justification, specified by the TRAILING keyword.
计算器应用程序有一个通过 TRAILING关键字指定的右对齐的文本字段。 ibm

They both orbited Earth and sort of rose in the sky together, the smaller one trailing a few steps behind like a little sister in tow.
双月同时环绕地球,几乎同时升上夜空,较小的一个尾随在较大的一个月亮后面,看上去就像双胞胎中的妹妹,甘当姐姐的小尾巴。 yeeyan

“ Ah, how this brings it all back to me-- I see everybody here in knickerbockers and pantalettes, ” she said, with her trailing slightly foreign accent, her eyes returning to his face.
“啊,这场面多让我回想起过去的一切啊——我发现这里人人都穿灯笼裤或宽松裤,”她带着略微拖长的异国口音说,目光又回到他的脸上。 kekenet

“ I’m giving myself two years,” he said, his voice trailing off.
他说:“我再给我自己两年时间。”他的声音慢慢减弱了。 yeeyan

“ I'm giving myself two years,” he said, his voice trailing off.
“我给我两年时间”,李说道,他的声音渐渐低了下去。 ecocn

A trailing space is required for the header to be valid according to the JAR specification.
根据 JAR规范,要让标头有效,需要一个尾随空格。 ibm

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is trailing McCain in the polls and is counting on conservatives to support his campaign on Tuesday.
根据民意调查,前麻萨诸塞州州长罗姆尼落在麦凯恩的后面,他准备靠保守派选民在星期二支持他。 kekenet

In the actual experiment, there were no leading and trailing pulses.
在实际的试验中不存在主导脉冲与后缘脉冲。 ecocn

It's sensitive to white spaces, so you should use spaces instead of tabs and type the items exactly as you see them, making sure you strip all trailing spaces.
此文件对空格很敏感,所以该当用空格代替制表符并完全按原样键入数据项时,请确保删除了所有尾部空格。 ibm

Next, the astronomers checked the galaxies for the subtle signs of a recent galactic collision, such as a warped disk or a trailing tail of stars.

Remove leading and trailing white-space.
删除前导和尾随空白。 ibm

So for fixed record formats, you'll get the entire record, including trailing blanks.
因此,对于固定记录格式,会获得整个记录,包括末尾的空白。 ibm

The bride wore white gauze dress hem trailing ceremony was originally a Catholic service.
新娘身着白色薄纱有拖尾的裙子的仪式起源于天主教。 yeeyan

The radar cross-section was further reduced because the wings' leading and trailing edges were composed of nonmetallic honeycomb structures that do not reflect radar rays.
由于机翼和尾部边缘的蜂窝状非金属结构不反射雷达波,所以飞机的雷达反射波就减少了很多。 yeeyan

The rest of the expression is used to see if the value without leading or trailing blanks is an empty string.
表达式的其余部分用来检查值去掉头尾的空格之后是否是空字符串。 ibm

The picture, taken with upgraded Hubble's powerful new camera, shows a mysterious X-shaped pattern with trailing streamers of dust that suggest the collision was head-on, say experts.
专家说,这张用改进的哈勃功效强大的新相机拍摄的照片显示出一个神秘的 X形图案,和由尘埃组成的尾部飘带,说明小行星是正面相撞。 yeeyan

The trailing slash is not an error.
尾部的斜杠并不是一个错误。 ibm

There's a line feed there, and there might be some trailing spaces.
这里有一个换行,因此可能有一些尾随的空格。 ibm

Women were told not to wear long dresses in town, where trailing skirts might become soiled with spittle and bring tuberculosis home.




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