

单词 trailer
释义 trail·er 英ˈtreɪlə美ˈtrelɚAHDtrāʹlər ★★☆☆☆高I四八COCA⁵⁴⁶⁹BNC¹⁰⁴³¹iWeb²⁸⁸⁰Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺

someone who takes more time than necessary; someone who lags behindan advertisement consisting of short scenes from a motion picture that will appear in the near futurea large transport conveyance designed to be pulled by a truck or tractora wheeled vehicle that can be pulled by a car or truck and is equipped for occupancytrail,拖,拉,-er,表物。引申词义拖车,拉车,后用于指电影预先片,即先拖出来的东西。 train 火车,列车,行列,一系列,训练,受训trailer park活动住屋或停车场…trailer camp活动房集中地…full trailer拖车trailer record总结记录,后继记录,…trailer brake拖车制动器trailer card后续卡片,尾部卡片…tank trailer运水拖车trailer platform牵引式平板车,拖车平…truck trailer载重拖车,货车挂车,…crawler trailer履带拖车,履带拖拉机…trailer coupling拖挂装置,拖车联结器…container trailer集装箱挂车platform trailer平板拖车control trailer控制拖车trailer car拖车pole trailer脊梁式挂车,杆曳挂车…tractor trailer拖拉机拖车trailer bus附有拖车的大型汽车…trailer truck拖车dump trailer自卸挂车,翻斗挂车…
trail-er名人|物⇒n.拖车⁶⁶;追踪者³;活动房³;预告片vt.用拖车运vi.乘拖车¹;住在拖车¹近义词 poke戳clip夹住drone雄蜂advert广告prevue预审preview预审lagger落伍者promo商品推销residence住宅laggard落后者ad广告 =adverti…van箱形客货两用车…dawdler游手好闲的人…house trailer旅居挂车

用作名词I connected thetrailerto the car.我把拖车接在汽车后。
That's a car with atrailerhitched on to it at the back of the road.路上有一辆背后挂着一辆拖车的汽车。
Ken just grouses and drives toward Joe'strailer.肯恩仅仅对于乔的追踪者埋怨而且开车。
Many of the illegal immigrants have extremely basic living conditions, often staying together in rundowntrailerparks.很多非法移民生活的状况很恶劣,经常聚集在废弃的活动房或是停车场中。
Has thetrailerlived up to your expectations?这段预告片达到你们的期望了吗?
I watched atrailerfor the screenplay of his memoirs.我看过以他的回忆录改编成电影的预告片。用作及物动词Theytraileredthe boat to the beach.他们用拖车将这艘小船运至海滩。用作不及物动词A man sat in the cab attached to thetrailervehicle.一个人坐在拖车的驾驶室中。
Melissa lived in atrailerpark, miles from my campus, in one of a dozen turquoise units wedged between a bowling alley and the turnpike.梅丽莎住在拖车场,离我的校园有几英里,就在许多蓝绿色的房间中夹在保龄球场和收费公路之间的那一间。noun.(house trailer
同义词 mobile homedoublewide,motor homenoun.preview
同义词 clipad,advertisement,prevue,teaserpromo
grapevinenoun vine
homenoun place where a human lives
abode,address,apartment,asylum,boarding house,bungalow,cabin,castle,cave,co-op,commorancy,condo,condominium,cottage,crash pad,diggings,digs,domicile,dormitory,dump,dwelling,farm,fireside,flat,habitation,hangout,haunt,hearth,hideout,hole in the wall,home plate,homestead,hospital,house,hut,joint,living quarters,manor,mansion,nest,orphanage,pad,palace,parking place,place,residence,resort,roof,rooming house,roost,shanty,shelter,trailer,turf,villa,where the hat is
homesnoun place where a human lives
abodes,addresses,apartments,asylums,boarding houses,bungalows,cabins,castles,caves,co-ops,commorancies,condominiums,condos,cottages,crash pads,diggings,digs,domiciles,dormitories,dumps,dwellings,farms,firesides,flats,habitations,hangouts,haunts,hearths,hideouts,hole in the walls,home plates,homesteads,hospitals,houses,huts,joints,living quarters,manors,mansions,nests,orphanages,pads,palaces,parking places,places,residences,resorts,roofs,rooming houses,roosts,shanties,shelters,trailers,turfs,villas,where the hat is
mobile homenoun motor home
RV,camper,house trailer,recreational vehicle,trail car,trailer
motor homenoun mobile home
RV,camp trailer,camper,caravan,house trailer,mobile home,recreational vehicle,trailer
recreational vehiclenoun vehicle for camping and other recreational activities
RVWinnebago™camp trailer,camper,house trailer,mobile home,motor home,trailer Of the top100 searches, New Moon came in at number40, followed by Taylor Lautner at80, and the New Moon trailer at91.
在100个热门搜索词条中,《新月》名列第40位,该片男主角泰勒•洛特纳排在第80位,其预告片名列第91位。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The next step is loading the lowboy trailer.
下一步正将模块装上低矮的拖车。 yeeyan

The Prime Power Unit PPU is an air- and highway- transportable, trailer- mounted1.3MW megawatt Generator Set, a key component of the Terminal High Altitude Air Defense THAAD system.
主动力单元 PPU是一种可搭载空中和公路运输,拖车式1.3 MW 兆瓦发电机组,这也是终端高空防御系统 THAAD的关键组成部分。 www.etiri.com.cn

“ Sonia” reportedly recalled another occasion when Mexican Army troops stopped a trailer carrying over 300 kilograms of cocaine, but then let it go because it belonged to an operator who had impunity.
“索尼娅”根据传闻回忆了另一个场景,当时墨西哥军队拦下了一辆装有300多公斤可卡因的拖车,但随后又放行了,只因它属于一位免受处罚的管理者。 yeeyan

A small flotilla of rafts fashioned from trailer tyres and stacked with sacks of corn floats by, in sight of customs officials.
一支由拖车轮胎捆扎而成并铺上谷物袋的木筏船队在河上载浮载沈,就在海关人员的视线内。 ecocn

Air circulation carries product heat and the heat which penetrates the walls, floors, and ceiling of the trailer to the refrigeration unit where it can be removed.
空气在循环过程中会带走农产品本身的热量,也会带走那些从门、地板和拖车的顶部渗透进来的热量。 yeeyan

Also, my trailer is bright yellow. Pretty much the brightest shade there is. Yes, its pretty gaudy, but people always see me on the bike.
同时,我的拖车是嫩黄色的。在暗处非常明亮,而且它非常的花哨,而人们总是能看见我在自行车上。 yeeyan

Also, my trailer is bright yellow.
同时,我的拖车是嫩黄色的。 yeeyan

He even helped me build a kit aircraft and a customized trailer to haul it around in.
他还帮我一起组装了一架小型飞机和一辆运载飞机的特制拖车。 ebigear

I use a headlight, taillight, reflectors, two mirrors, and an additional taillight for the trailer.
我使用头灯,尾灯,反光镜,两面后视镜,和一个额外用在拖车上的尾灯。 yeeyan

If you have a camper- trailer on the back, you could be placing your tranny under too much stress.
这时候如果你后面还拖了一台露营挂车的话,你的变速器就可能过劳死。 yeeyan

It is a black six- limbed panther from Hell, the size of a tractor trailer, with an armored head, a venomous striking tail, and massive distensible armored jaws.
这是一只从地狱来的黑色六肢黑豹,尺寸有拖拉机拖车那么大,长着:披甲的头部,恶毒而引人注目的尾巴,和巨大膨胀的装甲下巴。 yeeyan

Just as I'd put my notebook away, the cheetahs suddenly left the trailer.
就在我把我的笔记本放到一边时,那些猎豹突然离开了拖车。 yeeyan

New storyboard mode makes it easy to choose the right videos for your trailer by giving you an outline for it.
新的故事板使你的预告片更容易选择合适的视频片段,只要给它一个提纲。 yeeyan

Notice how the trailer even includes a nuclear explosion.
注意预告片甚至还加上了一段核爆炸。 yeeyan

Oh, and one more thing, that trailer you just saw?
哦,还有一件事,看了刚才那预告片吗? yeeyan

Or when users watch the trailer for an upcoming video game, they want to know when it will be released and where they can buy it.
又或者当用户在观看一个将要上市的视频游戏的预告片时,他们想知道该游戏的发布时间以及到哪里购买。 yeeyan

The above video is a trailer for my interviewee’s latest project: a serialized fiction novel entitled Yesterday’s Gone.
上面的视频是我的受访者最新的写作计划的一个预告片:一部题为《昨日已逝》的系列小说。 yeeyan

The first trailer is out for the “Conan the Barbarian” reboot.
第一个预告片是出于《野蛮人柯南》的重归。 yeeyan

The two cheetahs snarled and refused to get out of their trailer.
那两只猎豹咆哮着拒绝走出它们的拖车。 yeeyan

These have a range of about50km and are normally launched from a tracked launcher or towed trailer.
这些导弹的射程约为50公里,一般都是从履带式发射车或牵引拖车上发射的。 yeeyan




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