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词汇 traffic police
释义 traffic police ˈtræfikpəˈli:s 短语³⁷⁸⁹⁵
The videos it captured were then posted to the Shenzhen Traffic Police Bureau's website.
摄像头捕捉到的视频随后被传到深圳市交警局的网站上。 yeeyan

When the militants struck a building used mainly by the Saudi traffic police in April2004, the dead included a child.
2004年4月军事分子袭击了沙特交警办公大楼,此次罹难者中还包括一名小孩。 ecocn

“ Many times, the mimes can achieve what traffic police cannot achieve using warning and sanctions in their efforts to maintain control, ” he said.
很多时候,交警的警告和处罚并不能起到维持秩序的作用,倒是哑剧演员们能派上用场。 yeeyan

A police official said a black four- wheel-drive Niva vehicle had exploded after traffic police tried to stop it, indicating a suicide bomber had been behind the wheel.
一名警官称,在交警想要拦住一辆黑色四轮的尼瓦牌汽车时,汽车发生了爆炸,这说明恐怖分子就在汽车附近。 hxen

Although some drivers might want to cruise in an electric car thundering to the sound of a mighty V8 engine, it is not necessary—and traffic police may have something to say about it.
尽管一些驾员可能希望开着发出 V8电动机一样的声音电动汽车,但没必要这样做了,因为到时候交警可能就要跟你谈谈这件事了。 yeeyan

On Sunday, traffic police redirected cars and motorcycles past the demonstration. Plainclothes police followed the protesters and filmed the procession.
周日,交警引导车流绕过游行示威地点。便衣警察跟在示威者后面,对游行过程进行摄像。 yeeyan

Since Wednesday, two bombs have exploded in Makhachkala, a railroad bombing was prevented, a police officer was gunned down and two traffic police cars were attacked.
自从周三以来,在马哈奇卡拉已经发生了两起炸弹爆炸事件,一起铁路炸弹爆炸事件未遂,一名警官被射杀,两辆警车被攻击。 yeeyan

This year, traffic police in Nizhny Novgorod and Krasnodar will present women they pull over with flowers rather than traffic tickets, RIA-Novosti and Interfax reported.
今年,在诺夫哥罗德和克拉斯诺达尔两地,被交警拦下的女司机将会得到鲜花而不是交通罚单。 cri

Three months later, the traffic police modified the surveillance system in a way meant to prevent it from being abused in the future.
三个月后,交警用一种方式修改了监控系统,以防止摄像头将来被滥用。 yeeyan

To the secretary, to the mayor, to the commander and political commissar of the past, public security, traffic, traffic police and health departments to the person in charge.
书记来了,市长来了,司令来了,政委来了,公安、交通、交警、卫生等各部门的负责人来了。 kekenet

Unable to pull over hundreds of cars, the astonished traffic police simply waved all of them through.
由于无法让数百辆车都靠边接受处罚,目瞪口呆的交警也只能挥手指挥他们通过。 ecocn




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