

单词 track and field events
释义 track and field events短语⁶²²⁰⁴
It can also help you to have a better understanding the track and field events in Russia.
有助于了解俄罗斯的田径运动现状。 cnki

The short-term training prior to track and field events is the training method adopted by the common universities.
田径赛前短期训练是普通高校经常采用的训练方法。 cnki

He made a good score in track and field events.
他在田径赛中取得了好成绩。 topsage

It shatters the stereotype that Asians are intrinsically weaker in track and field events.
它打碎了亚洲人在田径比赛上体质更差的旧论断。 blog.sina.com.cn

The field will be marked off for the track and field events which will take place tomorrow.
这场地将划线标示,为明天举行的田径赛作准备。 iciba

Through experimental teaching method the author has carried an experimental study on information feedback in the skills teaching of jumping items of track and field events.
采用教学实验法,对田径跳跃项目进行技术教学信息反馈实验研究。 cnki

Track and field events have long been considered the center stage of the Olympic Games.
一直以来,田径赛始终被视为是奥运比赛的核心舞台。 globalfbc




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