

单词 tracheal
释义 tra·che·al 英trə'kiːəl美'trekiəl 高COCA⁵²⁸⁸¹BNC⁴⁹⁵⁹⁰iWeb³¹³⁹⁹

relating to or resembling or functioning like a tracheatracheal tissue气管组织tracheal pocket气管囊tracheal system气管系,气管系统…tracheal capillary微气管tracheal retractor气管牵开器tracheal gland气管腺tracheal bronchus气管支气管tracheal cyst气管囊肿tracheal gill气管鳃tracheal trunk气管干tracheal cartilage气管软骨tracheal muscle气管肌tracheal ring气管环tracheal plate气管板tracheal veins气管静脉tracheal epithelium气管上皮tracheal cell气管细胞tracheal catheter气管导管
trach-eal…的⇒adj.气管的 Technic factor Conclusion Pathologic factor and anatomy factor are the main cause of tracheal intubation difficulty, and some other measures should be taken in time.
结论:病理因素及解剖因素是引起气管插管困难的主要因素,应及时采用其它措施。 cnki

The Effect of Tracheal Gas Insufflation on Gas Exchange Efficiency.
气管内气体吹入通气对气体交换效能的影响。 kuenglish

Automatic control of tracheal tube cuff pressure in ventilated patients in semi recumbent position: A randomized trial.
机械通气患者半卧位时气管插管气囊压力自动调控的随机研究。 kuenglish

Breakthroughs in bladder and tracheal reconstruction and highly promising approaches for solid organ regeneration as well as musculoskeletal and nerve repair have been achieved.
膀胱和气管重建和极具潜力的固体器官再生以及肌肉骨骼和神经修复方法的突破已经实现。 www.med365.com.cn

Check all tracheal joints, whether all whether there is any break loose introduces. When necessary to tighten or replacement.
检查所有气管接头是否松动,所有管带有无破损。必要时紧固或更换。 hornetcnc

Corticosteroids and Inhaled Salbutamol in Patients with Reversible Airway Obstruction Markedly Decrease the Incidence of Bronchospasm after Tracheal Intubation.
皮质类固醇和吸入舒喘灵用于可逆性气道阻塞病人显著减少气管插管后支气管痉挛。 kuenglish

For starters, thyme flavonoids relax tracheal and ileal muscles, which are involved in coughing.
首先,百里香类黄酮放松气管和回肠肌肉,它们与咳嗽有关。 kekenet

Improving the Success of Retrograde Tracheal Intubation.
增加逆行气管插管的成功率。 kuenglish

Inhaled irritants can injure the tracheal lining and increase the chance of infection bacterial or viral.
吸入的刺激物能损害气管黏膜,增加感染细菌的或滤过性毒菌的的机会。 tdict

Methods:To study the clinical symptom and imaging presentation in42 cases with primary tracheal tumor, which had been confirmed by bronchoscopy or postoperative pathologic examination.
方法:研究42例经各种影像检查并获得纤支镜、手术病理证实的原发性气管肿瘤的临床与影像表现。 cnki

Objective To investigate the feasibility of using a new type carina type tracheal prosthesis made of complex material to replace trachea and carina defects.
目的:探讨应用自制复合材料的分叉型人工气管重建犬气管及隆突的可行性。 iciba

Only15 cases of tracheal chondrosarcoma have been reported in the literature.
目前在文献报道中仅有15例气管软骨肉瘤。 dxyer

The boy has a rare and potentially fatal condition called Long Segment Congenital Tracheal Stenosis, in which patients are born with an extremely narrow airway.
这个男孩患有一种罕见的称为“先天性长段气管狭窄”的有潜在致命性的疾病,这让他从出生就有较常人非常狭窄的气道。 yeeyan




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