释义 |
tr. 基本例句 医酊,酊剂 Pondering for a moment, Ford decided to keep Ike and to replace TR with Lincoln. 福特想了一下,决定把艾森豪威尔保留下来,把罗斯福换成林肯。 yeeyan The pattern and replacement can be practically anything, and they don't need to have a 1:1 relationship like they do with the tr command. 实际上,模式和替换可以是各种各样的内容,并且它们之间不需要像在 tr命令中那样具有 1:1 的关系。 ibm The processor reports an error similar to: “ This file is not well-formed: tr closing element name expected.” 处理器报告一条类似这样的错误:“此文件格式不正确:期望 tr结束元素名称”。 ibm The tr command lets you translate characters in one set to the corresponding characters in a second set. tr命令允许您将一个集合中的字符转换为另一个集合中相应的字符。 ibm The tr command works best with ASCII and the other standard C locales. tr命令最适合于 ASCII和其他标准 C区域设置。 ibm All of the table cells are wrapped within a table row TR, which in turn is wrapped in a DIV element. 所有单元格都包围在表行中 TR,而表行又被 DIV元素包围。 ibm Also, when we use tr, we can avoid writing those pesky regular expressions. 另外,在使用 tr时,可以避免写那些让人讨厌的正则表达式。 ibm Although it was only offered in the land of the rising sun, word spread that Sony had hit an electronic home run with the TR-55. 尽管它只在日本国内销售,但消息传开,索尼已然成了经营 TR-55的电器之乡。 yeeyan And that's about all tr can do. 这就是所有 tr所能够做的。 ibm As we announced earlier, Technology Review will publish TR: SF, a collection of original science fiction stories, in the fall. 正像我们之前宣布过的那样,《技术评论》会在秋季出版原创科幻小说集 TR: SF。 yeeyan But you know, underneath the water there's another kind of music and it's“ ar tr ag eo us”! 大家知道吗?水下有另一种音乐在响,那是一种标新立异的艺术! mysearch.100e.com However, you can use the tr command, which translates characters in one set set1 to corresponding characters in another set set2. 然而,可以使用 tr命令,它将一个集合 set1中的字符转换为另一个集合 set2中的对应字符。 ibm In fact, the above example actually ends up selecting the tr element row-001, so the daisy chain ended up right back where it started! 实际上,上例实际上选择 tr元素 row-001,因此菊花链刚好回到了起点! ibm In Germany a team at the Fraunhofer Institute in Stuttgart, led by Walter Tr& ouml; 在德国斯图加特弗劳恩霍夫研究中心Fraunhofer Institute,由瓦尔特•特罗斯赫 Walter Trö ecocn In this case I'm filling up a table, and the tr serves as a template for displaying each entry. 在本例中,我填充的是一个表, tr可充当显示每个条目的模板。 ibm Less than a year after they applied for a patent, the TR-55 came hurtling down the assembly line. 申请专利未满一年, TR-55成批投入生产线。 yeeyan Listing11 shows how to use tr to translate spaces to tabs. 清单11展示如何使用 tr将空格转换为制表符。 ibm Listing5. What has tr done? 清单5. tr进行了哪些工作? ibm Next time, we'll delve into tr. 下一次,我们将深入研究 tr。 ibm Optimize Tr by reducing the amount of information sent on the network. 通过减少网络上发送的信息量优化 Tr。 ibm Results The CFV flow spectrum of mild TR group was similar to that of control group and was modulated by respiratory movement. 结果:轻度 TR组血流频谱参数与正常组比较无显著意义。 iciba Thats the ending of the “ TR” tag. 这是“ TR”标签的结尾部分。 zzbaike This Spanish company supplies cork and natural rubber insoles for sandals as well as soles in PU, TPU and TR. 该西班牙公司供应适用于拖鞋的软木和天然橡胶内底,此外还有 PU、 TPU与 TR 底。 iciba This substance is thought to produce a magnetic susceptibility effect and consequent signal loss on long TR SE images. 这种物质被认为是制造了磁化并导致了长 TR( SE信号影像上信号的丢失。 iciba This utility provides interactive administration and scripted manipulation of TCP TR policies. 这个实用程序允许交互式地管理 TCP TR策略,可以通过脚本操作策略。 ibm Using tr is simple: to replace all occurrences of one character with another, use the notation shown in the previous paragraph. 使用 tr很简单:使用前面一段中所给出的符号表示法,用一个字符去替换出现的所有另一个字符。 ibm TR and SR in the Sprint team work closely with each other to get a better insight of the problem and understand the fix provided to address the problem. Sprint团队中的 TR和 SR彼此紧密合作,更好地洞察问题、理解用于解决问题的修复包。 ibm TR understands the APAR at the same time the APAR is fixed, unlike the conventional process in which this is achieved at a much later stage. TR在确定 APAR的同时理解 APAR,而不像常规流程中在很后期的阶段才能理解 APAR。 ibm |