

单词 Benavente
释义 Benavente
n.贝纳文蒂在葡萄牙;西经 8º49' 北纬 38º59'
His best option would be“to strike a balance between governing the economy with the right and social programs with the left”, says Luis Benavente, a political scientist at the University of Lima.
他的最好的观点应该是“用权力去找到一个在政治与经济之间的平衡同时用左倾方法找到社会学方法”。 ecocn

The crackdown cut extortion by more than90%, says Juan Benavente, the state’s undersecretary of economy, who delightedly reports that two new restaurants opened in the green zone last week.
这个州的商业部副部长 Juan Benavente上周高兴地采访了在绿色管制区新开的两家餐厅,说这次行动镇压了超过90%的敲诈勒索。 ecocn

The ministry said the patient is a5-year-old boy from Mocha Island, who was taken to Guillermo Grant Benavente Hospital in Concepcion city, where he is recovering.
智力卫生部表示患者为一名来自莫卡岛的五岁儿童,他是被带往康赛普西翁省的吉尔摩格兰特贝纳温特医院进行治疗,目前正在康复之中。 kuaiyilin.com

With Juárez’s murder rate down by a third this year, the problem will be increasingly one of perception, Mr Benavente hopes, though things remain fairly dire.
随着今年 Juárez的谋杀率下降了三分之一, Benavente希望这个问题将成为认知上的问题,虽然情况仍然相当严重。 ecocn




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