释义 |
TPBVP 基本例句 =two-point boundary value problem 两点边值问题¹⁰⁰ TPBVPSolution reconciliation partial differential equations.详细说明: 内容包括:解线性代数方程组、插值、数值积分、待殊函数、函数逼近、随机数、排序、特征值问题、数据拟合、方程求根和非线性方程组求解、函数的极值和最优化、傅里叶变换谱方法、数据的统计描述、解常微分方程组、两点边值问题的解法和解偏微分方程组。 In this paper, shooting methods based on an initial variable guess technique are proposed to solve theTPBVP, and the optimal landing trajectory is obtained.本文利用一种基于初值猜测技术的打靶法求解这个两点边值问题,得到软着陆最优轨迹。 First, the Maximum principle is used to generate an optimal guidance law for lunar landing, and theTPBVPis to be solved as a result of the numerical solution for optimal trajectory.文中首先应用极大值原理设计了最优着陆制导控制律,此时求解最优轨迹变成一个两点边值问题。 |