释义 |
TPABr 基本例句 四丙基溴化铵¹⁰⁰ TS-1 was synthesized usingTPABras the template and ammonia, n-Butylamine, TEAOH etc. were used to adjust the pH value of the gel.本论文以TPABr为模板剂,采用氨水、正丁胺、TEAOH等调节凝胶pH值,合成了钛硅分子筛TS-1。 TS-1 was synthesized usingTPABras the template. Different silica sources, bases and different procedures to prepare the gel were used.以TPABr为模板剂,采用多种硅源、碱源和不同配料方式合成了钛硅分子筛TS-1,系统研究了合成中的规律和影响因素。 and the synthesis usingTPABras the template was selected according the above work.在此基础上选择了以TPABr为模板剂的合成体系。 |