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词汇 tp
释义 tp.
The MDC granularity can be finer-grain than the TP data partition size.
MDC的粒度可以比 TP数据库分区更细一些。 ibm

The same DPF remedies apply regardless of whether TP is also used.
不管有没有同时使用 TP,DPF 之前的补救方法仍然适用。 ibm

TP as much of the store as possible.
尽可能在不同的位置测试。 yeeyan

Consequently, TP supports attaching and detaching a data partition from the TP table.
因此, TP支持为 TP表附加和卸除数据分区。 ibm

Dark Nova seems to indicate that he will switch to melee stance very soon, after casting a spell or two. So use your TP quickly.
黑新星攻击要说明一下:他会迅速转换为格斗姿态之后发动一到两个魔咒.所以要迅速使用你的 TP. yeeyan

Determining the distribution key for DPF is not affected by whether or not MDC and TP are also being used.
是否使用 MDC和 TP对于决定 DPF的分布键没有影响。 ibm

Don't spend time running home and buy a TP, get the chicken to bring a Salve, while you hug the tower!
别花时间跑回家然后买个回城卷轴,买只鸡然后运个治疗药膏过来,而此刻你正窝在塔下! yeeyan

Each TP partition is a separate database object unlike other tables which are a single database object.
每个 TP分区是一个单独的数据库对象不同于其他作为单个数据库对象的表。 ibm

Essentially, TP's distinct benefit is related to adding or removing large numbers of rows from a table, that is, roll-in and roll- out.
实际上, TP不同于其他特性的优势在于为表添加或删除大量数据这个方面,即转入和转出。 ibm

For example, an MQT can be created on one or more tables that uses MDC and TP.
例如,可以在一个或多个使用 MDC和 TP的表上创建 MQT。 ibm

For example, an MQT can be partitioned using MDC or TP.
例如,可以使用 MDC或 TP对 MQT分区。 ibm

For readers familiar with the use of Union All View UAV to partition history tables on date, TP can be considered an analogous, but superior, solution.
对于熟悉使用 Union All View UAV来按日期对历史表分区的读者, TP可以作为一种功能相似但是更为高级的解决方案。 ibm

For TP, design decisions include selecting the column to use as the table partitioning key and number of partitions.
对于 TP,设计决定包括选择用作表分区键的列和分区的数量。 ibm

Generally, one of the MDC dimensions will be a time-based column so the same column can be used for both MDC and TP.
通常,有一个 MDC维是基于时间的列,这样一来,同一个列既可以用于 MDC,又可以用于 TP。 ibm

In summary, if there is a problem with DPF, MDC, or TP, then remedies applicable to that feature need to be attempted.
总之,如果存在与 DPF、 MDC或 TP 相关的问题,那么还是应该尝试适用于那个特性的解决方法。 ibm

In the model parallel TP- BP algorithm is adopted and carried out in the COW parallel computing environment.
该医药销售预测模型采用了并行 TP- BP算法,并在基于 COW的并行计算环境下实现。 iciba

Meanwhile, the TP is left behind, in an emotional heap.
同时, TP被甩到一旁,抛进情感的垃圾堆。

Removed the effect to TP to miss but had also achieved“Cities Sewage Treatment Plant Pollutant Discharged Standard” GB18918-2002 the center two levels to discharge the standard.
对 TP的脱除效果较差但也达到了《 城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》 GB18918-2002中的二级排放标准。 iciba

Whether a column should be used as table partitioning key for TP is not affected by whether that column is also used an MDC dimension and vice versa.
一个列是否被用作 MDC维对于是否应该将它作为表分区键没有影响,反之亦然。 ibm

With TP, the user can manually define each data partition, including the range of values to include in that data partition.
通过 TP,用户可以手动地定义每个数据分区,包括将被包括到那个分区的值的范围。 ibm

TP contributes to query performance via partition elimination.
TP通过分区排除提高查询性能。 ibm

TP cannot be used to rectify a poor MDC design.
TP不能用于纠正不好的 MDC设计。 ibm

TP cannot address DPF- related problems, whether the problem is DPF data skew or ease of administration activities in DPF.
TP不能解决与 DPF相关的问题,不管这个问题是 DPF数据倾斜还是 DPF中的管理活动速度降慢。 ibm

TP had significantly affected the thymus index of broilers P0.05 but no significant influence on spleen and bursa. F indexes was observed P>0.05.
TP对肉仔鸡的胸腺指数有显著性的影响 P0.05,对脾脏指数和法氏囊指数没有显著性的影响 P>0.05。 iciba

TP is the obvious choice for the basic, common roll- out situation that is, simply remove rows that have reached a certain age.
对于基本的、常见的转出情况也就是说,只是删除到了一定年龄的行, TP显然是首选。 ibm

TP provides the capability to add rows to a partition then to attach that partition to the table when it's ready.
TP允许将行添加到一个分区,然后再在准备好的时候将那个分区附加到表上。 ibm

TP supports partitioning a table into data partitions along a single dimension.
TP支持按照一个维将一个表分区成多个数据分区。 ibm

TP will only benefit those queries that include the table partitioning key column.
TP只对那些包括表分区键列的查询有利。 ibm




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