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Toyn·bee 英ˈtɔɪnbiː美ˈtɔɪnbiAHDtoinʹbē 基本英英例句 托因比姓氏
Noun: English historian who studied the rise and fall of civilizations looking for cyclical patterns 1889-1975However, the type of cultureToynbeedid not make a further distinction.然而,汤因比并未对文化的类型作出进一步的区分。A. J.Toynbee, 1956,.London:Oxford University Press. 译本见;曹未风译;汤因比;上海人民出版社;1987年第6次印刷;上卷;1-15页.;汤ArnoldToynbeehas said that all progress,all development come from challenge and a consequent response.阿纳德·托音毕已经说过,所有的进步,所有的发展来自于挑战和一系列的反应。 “It is the most unread best seller sinceToynbee,”Kissinger likes to say in his self-deprecatory way.基辛格喜欢用自我贬抑的口吻说: 这是一本自汤因比的巨著问世以来最没有人读的畅销书。 In his old age,Toynbeeshows solicitude for the global problem and put forward the way to solve it.晚年汤因比关注的范围由西方文明扩大到人类面临的全球性问题,并付诸于中国传统文化与高级宗教的解决途径。 However,Toynbeedisagreed with Spengler's belief that modern Western civilization is already doomed.但是,汤因比不同意斯宾格勒关于现代文明已经走到了末日的主张。 |