

单词 toxicological
释义 tox·i·co·log·i·cal 英,tɑksɪkɑ'lɑdʒɪkəl美,tɑksɪkɑ'lɑdʒɪkəl 高COCA⁶⁰⁵³³BNC⁷⁰⁴⁵⁶iWeb³²⁵⁵⁵

of or relating to toxicologytoxicology毒物学toxicological chemistry毒物化学toxicological ecology毒物生态学toxicological characteristic毒理特性forensic toxicological analysis法医毒物分析…toxicological evaluation毒理评价,毒性评价…toxicological appraisal毒理学评定toxicological characteristics毒理特性
toxico-logical学科⇒adj.毒物学的近义词 toxicologictoxicology的形…

用作形容词Since silane is spontaneously flammable in air, itstoxicologicalproperties are difficult to determine.由于硅烷在空气中是自燃的,它的毒物学性质难以确定。 Food colors which were permitted in food industry were introduced, and toxicological evaluation of some main food colors had been conducted in this paper.
本文介绍了国内外食品工业允许使用的色素种类,并对几种主要食用色素进行了毒理学评价。 cnki

The source of formaldehyde and its toxicological property as well as treatment and control measures was introduced.
介绍了室内标志性污染物之一甲醛的来源、毒理性质及其治理方法和控制措施。 dictall

The toxicological studies on glyphosate cited above confirm that it poses health hazards.
前边引证的对草甘膦进行的毒理学研究确认它具有健康风险。 http://wyzxsx.com

The toxicological test was carried, and the results proved the safety of product.
对麦芽四糖产品进行了毒理试验,结果表明该产品安全无毒。 cnki

This paper deals with the studies on extractive conditions and toxicological characteristics of polysaccharide microbial flocculant.
对蛋白多糖絮凝剂生产的下游条件和制品的毒理特征进行了研究。 cnki

To provide toxicological basis for the safety evaluation of Yikeyuan beauty capsule.
目的为依科源牌美容胶囊安全性评价提供毒理学依据。 cnki

All these factors are relevant to a rigorous nutritional and toxicological study and yet are not accounted for.
所有这些与慎密的营养与毒理学研究相关的因素都没有定量化。 daotong

Both DIM and genistein are being developed for use in the prevention and treatment for breast cancer, although more extensive toxicological studies are necessary, she says.
她表示,虽然 DIM和异黄酮都被开发用于预防及治疗乳癌,但需要更广泛的毒理学研究。 dxy

Comparison between toxicological test and chemical feature shows that this is the best viscoelasticity increaser of poly acrylate sodium type food additives.
毒理实验和性能对比,表明本品是面食类中一种增强粘弹性的最优良的聚丙烯酸钠类食品添加剂。 chemyq

However, botanicals cannot be formulated with EPA List1 inert ingredientsi. e., inert ingredients of toxicological concern.
但是,植物杀虫剂不能是由美国环保署 EPA名单1即,从毒物学上说的惰性成分的惰性成分组成。 yeeyan

However, experimental study on its toxicological report is less, so in- depth study should be further made to provide pharmacology reference for rational clinical application of it.
但对其毒理实验研究报道较少,有待于进一步深入研究,以期为临床合理应用提供药理学参考。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

In order to clarify the safety of straw water extract, Kunming mouse was selected to carry out the systematic toxicological experiment of straw water extract.
为了阐明桔梗水提取物的安全性,本试验用昆明小白鼠对桔梗水提取物进行了较系统的毒理学试验。 dictall

In order to study the toxicity of compound chlorhexidine acetate disinfectant for skin and mucosa, animal test method was used for toxicological evaluation.
为研究醋酸氯已定复方皮肤黏膜消毒剂的毒性,采用动物试验法进行了毒理学评价。 cnki

National Center for Toxicological Research is established in the biological facilities of the Pine Bluff Arsenal in Arkansas.
国家毒理学研究中心在阿肯色州松崖兵工厂的生物学机构中建立。 yeeyan

OBJECTIVE To explore the toxicological effects of Slug capsule on teratogenicity and mutagenicity.
目的探讨蛞蝓胶囊是否具有致畸和致突变的毒理作用。 dictall

Objective To prepare the rabies virus liposome vaccine for human use and explore its pharmaceutical and toxicological properties.
目的制备人用狂犬病毒脂质体疫苗,并考察其制剂学及毒理学性质。 cnki

Objective To study the molecular mechanism of the toxic effect for tetracycline acting on liver using toxicological microarray.
目的利用毒理基因芯片技术研究四环素肝脏毒性效应的分子机制。 cnki

Results of toxicological tests indicated that theAlpinia oxyphylla is a safe health food.
经毒理试验,认为益智是一种食用安全性高的保健食品。 dictall

They are not toxicological studies, which would involve analysing the animal tissue for toxic effects, or studies of other safety aspects such as the rate of horizontal gene transfer.
它们不是毒理学研究。毒理学研究涉及分析动物组织研究毒性作用,或其他安全方面的研究,如横向基因转移率。 blog.sina.com.cn

This paper studies on the toxicological effect and the mechanism of pesticide residues to the human health, and provides some suggestions of prevention and control of pesticide residues.
探讨这两类农药残留对人体健康的危害效应及其毒理机制,提出一些相关防治农药残留的建议。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

This paper is aim to give out the toxicological characteristics and the effect on improving immunity by mice experiment.
本论文旨在通过小白鼠试验给出红曲多糖的毒理特征和对提高机体免疫力的作用。 cnki

This understanding should be based on the available physical, chemical, pharmaceutical, pharmacological, toxicological, and clinical information on the investigational products.
这些理解应该是基于可以得到的物理,化学,药学,药效学,毒理,和研究产品的临床信息。 blogcn

Toxicity test and safety evaluation were carried out according to the Toxicological Testing Method for Pesticides GB15670-1995.
方法按照《农药登记毒理学试验方法》 GB15670-1995进行毒性试验和安全性评价。 cnki

Toxicological effect of olaquindox on liver cells and pancreas exocrine cells of Ctenopharyngodon idellus.
喹乙醇对草鱼肝细胞和胰腺外分泌部细胞的毒理研究。 kuenglish

Toxicological tests carried out in Munich, Germany, detected very high levels of bromide in5 out of6 plasma samples taken from affected patients.
在德国慕尼黑进行的毒物学检测发现,从受影响患者身上提取的6个血浆样本中有5个溴化物含量极高。 who




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