

单词 Townsville
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A screenshot taken from the Townsville Bulletin website last Friday shows the photo of the rat in a loaf of bread.
上周五翻摄自《汤斯维尔快报》网站,是躲在一条面包内的一只老鼠。 taipeitimes

A number of smaller communities like Tully have been badly hit, but the bigger cities along the coast like Cairns and Townsville have been spared major damage.
许多像塔利这样的小社区遭到了严重的破坏,而像凯恩斯和汤斯维尔这样的大城市则逃过一劫。 hjenglish

“ What I would like to see as prime minister is that we work our way through to an agreement on a model for the republic, ” Gillard told reporters in Townsville of Queensland.
吉拉德在昆士兰州汤斯维尔市接受记者采访时说:“在我的总理任期内,我希望我们自己能先就澳大利亚的共和制模式达成一致。” iciba

Pictures in the Townsville Bulletin newspaper showed the rat inside the loaf's plastic packaging.
在《汤斯维尔快报》登出的照片,可见老鼠在一条面包的塑胶包装袋内。 taipeitimes

She said tourists and residents wanting to leave the region by air only had today to do so, with air travel into areas north of Townsville affected by tomorrow morning.
她说游客以及当地居民要想通过飞机离开此地,只有今天旳时间,明早在汤士唯地区以北旳地区旳空中航线都将受到影响。 l.yk173.com

She said tourists and residents wanting to leave the region by air only had today to do so, with air travel into areas north of Townsville affected by tomorrow morning.
她说游客以及当地居民要想通过飞机离开此地,只有今天旳时间,明早在汤士唯地区以北旳地区旳空中航线都将受到影响。 yk173

So historically for example, in World War II with the Brisbane line we saw that places like Townsville and Cairns, Darwin and Perth were essentially secondary defense areas, “ he said.”
以历史为例,二次大战时,我们以布里斯班为一条线,把汤斯维尔、凯恩斯、达尔文和伯斯基本上看作是二级防卫区。 voanews

There are also other cities in Australia well worth visiting: Townsville, in Queensland, is the gateway to Australia’s rainforests and the Great Barrier Reef.
澳大利亚还有其他的一些旅游胜地,比如:昆士兰的汤斯维尔。它是通往澳大利亚热带雨林和大堡礁的大门。 edu.sina.com.cn

There was only one person in Townsville at this moment to whom she could appeal for a hearing.
现在镇子上唯一一个能够倾听她说话的人就是苏珊了。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Tonka shed20 percent of his body weight after Cyclone Yasi devastated his home at the Billabong Sanctuary, near Townsville, Queensland, closing it to visitors for eight weeks.
唐卡原本住在澳大利亚昆士兰州汤斯维尔附近的比拿邦保护区,后来这个地区因被飓风“雅斯”破坏暂时不对公众开放了,自那时起唐卡掉了20%的体重。 tingvoa

Townsville City Council Environmental Health executive manager Gavin Hammond confirmed a complaint had been received.
汤斯维尔市议会环境卫生执行经理盖文‧哈蒙德证实已接获一件客诉。 taipeitimes

Townsville Mayor Les Tyrell said the council had ordered the evacuation of retirement villages in low-lying areas in the city and urged other residents to seek higher ground on their own accord.
汤士唯旳市长莱斯说,他旳市政会已责令在低洼地区旳老人村时旳人们疏散,要求他们撤到高处去。 l.yk173.com

Townsville Mayor Les Tyrell said the council had ordered the evacuation of retirement villages in low-lying areas in the city and urged other residents to seek higher ground on their own accord.
汤士唯旳市长莱斯说,他旳市政会已责令在低洼地区旳老人村时旳人们疏散,要求他们撤到高处去。 yk173




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