

单词 town center
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It is impossible to give any details of the plan for rebuilding the town center. At this stage it is only in the air.
目前还不可能拿出任何重建市中心的详细计划,因在这个阶段,它还只是空中楼阁而已。 hotdic

Just last year, the government's land auction center in this sprawling city buzzed with activity, with investors fighting to buy plots in the town center and pushing prices to record highs.
路透社消息就在去年,这个急剧扩张的城市的土地拍卖中心还是一片繁荣景象,投资商们竞相出价购买市中心的地块,不断创造价格新高。 yeeyan

Not far from the town center you can ski or walk by yourself in vast woodlands.
距市中心不远的地方就是可以独自滑雪或漫步的林地区域。 ebigear

Often we just walk around the town center, seeing as many of our friends as we can!
我们常常绕着城中心散步,尽可能多地看望我们的朋友们。 ytyz.blog.ytedu.cn

One day, Ann and Ken took Mocky to the town center.
一天,安和肯带着摩克来到市中心。 http://mysearch.100e.com

The first bank in China, called Rishengchang, or Sunrise Over Prosperity, is now a museum in the town center, as are four other banks.
中国第一家银行,名叫日升昌,意思是繁荣之上的日出,现在跟其它四个票号一样,是城中心的博物馆。 yeeyan

They decided to skirt round the town center.
他们决定绕过市中心。 ebigear

This afternoon, I was in the town center.

When we turned inland in search of a lunch break at Redondo Beach, I was charmed by the shops and outdoor cafes lining the walkable streets of its town center.
我们转向雷东多海滩上去吃午饭时,我被市中心步行街两边的商店和露天咖啡厅深深吸引了。 yeeyan




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