

单词 bemoans
释义 be·moan·s 英bɪ'məʊn美bɪ'moʊn COCA⁶⁰⁵⁸⁵BNC⁶⁴⁷⁹⁴Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
regret strongly;

I deplore this hostile action

we lamented the loss of benefits

近义词 rue懊悔sigh叹气mourn哀悼lament悲叹regret后悔bewail哀悼moan呻吟声complain抱怨deplore 悲叹grumble发牢骚languish衰弱无力

用作动词He oftenbemoanedhis sad fate.他总哀叹他的命苦。
Puristsbemoanthe corruption of the language.主张语文纯正的人哀叹语言趋于不纯。
He alwaysbemoansthe shortage of funds for research.他总是叹息研究经费不足。
The rich especially the older rich willbemoanthe great refuge for secret stashes.富人们尤其是那些较年长的富人将对失去这个用于存放秘密资金的地方感到惋惜。 Antonia Juhasz's “Black Tide” seems to get closer to the truth when she bemoans the fact that, as yet, Deepwater Horizon does not look like changing all that much in Washington, DC.
安托尼娅•尤哈斯的《黑潮》似乎更接近事实,她惋惜到目前为止看上去深水地平线不像是让华盛顿改变太多。 ecocn

David Kay, a notable United Nations weapons inspector in Iraq, bemoans“scepticism and paranoia”.
联合国在伊拉克的著名武器稽核员大卫•凯为这种“多疑症和妄想症”而感到惋惜。 ecocn

Samson chanted, aping an England soccer song that bemoans the country's lack of recent success at the sport it created.
调子模仿的是一首英国足球歌曲,这首歌哀叹英国身为足球诞生国,最近却鲜有胜绩。 englishto

The leader of the Greens says it amounts only to “ pretty words” and bemoans that the plan does nothing about electricity use.
绿党领导人认为新税计划仅仅是“漂亮的言辞”,并埋怨计划对使用电力毫无益处。 iciba

“ I know exactly how many, ” he bemoans. “ I've kept count.”
他叹道:“我知道到底投了多少份,因为我一直在数着。” fortunechina

“ Their elders still refuse to talk to us,” bemoans a rebel leader from Beida.
「他们的长老仍拒绝跟我们交谈,」 Beida出身的叛军领袖表示惋惜。 ecocn

He now bemoans the fact that his old left-wing intellectual adversaries have given up their idealistic arguments in favour of what he calls“ a tedious pragmatism” .
他现在感到惋惜的是,他过去那些左翼思想敌手都放弃了他们原来的意识形态观点,而赞成他所谓的“令人生厌的实用主义”了。 tdict

However, if the space is too large, charcoal can only be always bemoans.
但如果空间面积过大,竹炭纤维也只能是望洋兴叹。 texclo

In more than40 communications, many of which have never before been published, she bemoans the “dryness, ” “ darkness, ” “ loneliness” and “ torture” she is undergoing.
在四十多封信件这些信件大多数从未公布中,她为自己正在承受的“冷漠”、“黑暗”、“孤独”、“折磨”而悲叹。 yeeyan

Lewis bemoans the loss of privacy exacerbated by new technologies such as cellphone cameras and the Internet.
新的技术,例如手机摄像头和互联网加剧了隐私的泄漏,刘易斯对此深表失望。 yeeyan

Ms Shevtsova politely bemoans a “ failure of imagination” in the West.
谢夫索娃对西方的“失败的想象力”稍感惋惜。 ecocn

Polish public debate can indeed be overheated, but in his denunciation of it, Mr Michnik risks falling victim to the hysteria he bemoans.
波兰的公开辩论的确可能过热了,但在谴责它时,米奇尼克却是冒着陷入他所哀叹的歇斯底里的风险。 ecocn

She bemoans the way electronic media, with their demand for spectacle and brevity, have shortened our attention spans.

So when she very publicly bemoans the lack of women reaching the higher echelons of the scientific establishment, people tend to sit up and take notice.
所以,她公开表示对很少有女性爬到科学机构的较高阶层感到非常惋惜,人们自然刮目相看。 yeeyan

The World Bank paper bemoans Africa’s standards of governance.
世行报告对非洲国家的执政标准感到非常遗憾。 ecocn




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