

单词 towed
释义 tow·ed 英təʊ美toʊ 高COCA³²⁴³²BNC²⁵³⁶⁹iWeb³⁷⁷⁹⁵Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺
vt. & vi. 拖,拉,拽

pull along

the act of hauling something as a vehicle by means of a hitch or rope;

the truck gave him a tow to the garage

drag behind;

Horses used to tow barges along the canal

tow, hale, pull, tug


pull最通俗最常用,指向上下左右任何一个方向拖或拉; hale指强拉或强拖某人,强调不顾及对方的反抗或不愿意; tow专指用绳子或链子等拖或拉本身没有动力或无法使用自身动力的东西; tug常指一阵阵地用力拖。例如:

He was haled into court.他被拖进法庭。
If you park your car here the police may tow it away.你要是把汽车停在这里,警察会把它拖走。
We tugged so hard that the rope broke.我们一用力把绳子给拉断了。drag,draw,pull,haul,tug,tow,jerk









用作动词 v.
~+名词tow barge拖驳船tow a dog牵着一条狗tow a horse拽着一匹马tow a ship拖一条船~+副词tow along拖着走tow away拖开~+介词tow into拖进…tow out of从…拖出tow with用…拖
tow away v.+adv.

用另一车牵引 remove (a vehicle by pulling it, as with another vehicle)

tow sth ⇔ awayIf you leave your car there the police may tow it away.如果你把汽车停在那里,警察会用车把它拖走的。
Any cars parked on this side of the street will be towed away at the owner's cost.所有停放在街道这边的车都要被拖走,并要车主付款。近义词 pull拉draw拖haul拖drag拖jerk急动tug用力拉towage拖船heave用力举起
S+~+ n./pron.The tug is towing three barges.那只拖船正拖着三只驳船。
Many people are towing a ship.很多人在拖一艘船。
The little boy is towing a horse.这个小男孩正拽着一匹马。
A beautiful woman is towing a dog on the street.在大街上,一位漂亮的妇女牵着一条狗。



用作动词We have totowthat car to the nearest garage.我们不得不把汽车拖到最近的修车厂。
The ship needed two tugs totowit into port.这艘船需用两艘拖船把它拖进港。
The broken-down car was taken intowby a lorry.一辆卡车拉着一辆坏了的汽车。
When she sits at the beach, Greenpeace tries totowher back into the ocean.你妈妈胖到她座在沙滩上时,绿色和平组织会尝试著把她拉回大海里。
The motorway is jammed with cartowcaravans.高速公路上挤满了牵引着宿营车的小轿车。
Today's favored launching techniques are the airplanetowand the automobiletow.现在常用的起飞方法是用飞机牵引和汽车牵引。用作名词My car's broken down; will you give me atow?我的车抛锚了,能用你的车给我拖一拖吗?
The steam tug takes canal boats and barges intow.驳船后面拖着小艇和平底船。
With the guide rope now held by thetowrope, he unhooked his van and drove it out of the way.由于导索现有拖绳曳着,凯文将其从货车上解下来,开车离开了路。 Goldstein’s team has towed nets across the ocean to collect and analyze the tiny bits of plastic accumulating there.
戈尔茨坦的研究小组已横跨洋面进行了拖网作业,以收集和分析聚集此处的塑料碎片。 hxen

Mr Mundus towed it into Amagansett at midnight to find crowds already waiting.
蒙杜斯把它拖到哈得逊的时候已是半夜,有好多人都在等待。 kekenet

New and old designs were dropped from the stern of a trawler and towed across the seabed off the Isle of Man.
试验场地设在英国的曼恩岛海域,两个设计都被从拖船船尾放入海中,拖过海底。 ecocn

The concept of obtaining fresh water from icebergs that are towed to populated areas and arid regions of the world was once treated as a joke more appropriate to cartoons than real life.
把冰山拖到世界上人口稠密的地区和干旱地带,再从中获取淡水,这个想法曾一度被认为是一个笑话,更适合于卡通画,而非现实生活。 ebigear

The ship was towed in open waters for several days because no European nation would permit it in their port.
因为没有一个欧洲国家允许此船停泊在他们的港口,这艘船被拖放到一个开放的水域停泊了很多天。 http://mysearch.100e.com

The taxi that towed us to the nearest town was just as bad.
那辆拖着我们到最近市镇的的士同样破破烂烂。 yeeyan

A tractor towed the car to the repair factory.
一辆牵引车将汽车拖去修理厂。 ebigear

Borrowing her dad’s 4 x 4, she towed nine car loads of stranded people to safety.
她借用父亲的四轮驱动吉普车,把载有受困居民的九辆汽车拖到了安全地带。 yeeyan

Chesapeake Sciences, of Millersville, Md., specializes in developing, testing and integrating towed sonar arrays for use on submarines and surface ships.
切萨皮克科学公司专门从事开发、测试和集成拖曳式列阵声呐,用于潜艇和水面舰艇。 www.etiri.com.cn

Eventually the heirs pay the yard to have it towed off and junked.
最后继承旧船的人还得付钱给船厂把它们拖走和废弃。 yeeyan

Finally they tied ropes to the shark's tail fin and behind its pectoral fin, and attached these ties to the rescue vessel, which towed the shark out through the harbour estuary.
最后他们用绳子绑在鲨鱼尾鳍和胸鳍后面,把绳子绑在救援船上,将鲨鱼拖出港口。 yeeyan

Hooked together by ropes, partially assembled vehicles were towed past workers who completed them one piece at a time.
用绳子钩住的部分组装好的车辆被拖着从工人身旁经过,工人们一次只组装上一个部件。 ebigear

If I was wrong, my car would be towed.
如果停错了我的车将会被拖走。 yeeyan

In 2007, a car that terrorists had rigged to blow up near a London nightclub was towed because it was parked illegally.
2007年,恐怖分子精心制作的汽车炸弹,停在伦敦一个夜总会旁,却因为非法停车被违例拖移。 yeeyan

It was to be towed south by the U.S.S. Sumpter, but it had to be cut loose off of North Carolina on April2,1863, when bad weather struck.
它本来要由美国海军森普特号向南拖行,但是,1863年4月2日北卡罗纳州遭遇恶劣天气,不得已于隔断了连接潜水艇的绳索。 yeeyan

My car towed his car to a garage.

One of the motorcycles being towed flew off the truck, landing underneath the car on the lawn.
被拖得其中一辆摩托车飞出了卡车,落在了草地上这辆汽车的下面。 yeeyan

Residents recall when the carrier was towed in nearly a decade ago, a rusted shell with little obvious potential as a warship.
当地的居民肯定记得十年前这艘航母被拖来时的情景,当时它只是一艘锈迹斑斑的、没有什么潜在用途的战舰。 yeeyan

South Korean Unification Ministry spokesman Chun Hae-sung said Thursday the fishing boat was towed into a North Korean port by a police boat early in the morning.
韩国统一部发言人千海成星期四说,这艘渔船在当天早些时候被一艘警舰拖到一个北韩的港口。 ebigear

Still, the HMS Vanguard was towed back to a submarine base in Scotland with visible dents and scrapes, the BBC reported.
但是“前卫号”被拖回位于苏格兰的一个潜艇基地维修,据 BBC报道,艇身可见凹坑和划痕。 yeeyan

Thales will work on the USV, MCM outfitting and sensor module, comprising an AUV and a towed sonar for mine detection, identification and location.
Thales将在 USV上进行工作,装备传感器的 MCM模块,包括一个水下机器人和拖曳式声呐的地雷探测,识别和定位。 www.etiri.com.cn

The boat was towed by2 horses on the bank.

The company doled out hot chocolate and apologies, and towed the train out, as Eurostar Ltd. also said it was reducing service by half, and asked people not to travel if possible.
这家公司带来了热巧克力和歉意,并把火车拖了出来,同时欧洲之星公司还表示,它将减少一半班次,并请求人们尽可能不要旅行。 yeeyan

The researchers are therefore experimenting with antennae that fit into trailers a few metres wide and which can be towed by patrol cars.
研究者们也正在尝试设计一种数米宽的适合装置于拖车的天线,可以被拖曳在巡逻警车的后面。 yeeyan

These have a range of about50km and are normally launched from a tracked launcher or towed trailer.
这些导弹的射程约为50公里,一般都是从履带式发射车或牵引拖车上发射的。 yeeyan

This new base, however, is more like an RV than an A- frame: Several ski-shod pods get towed back to their original positions as the ice shelf moves.
这座新基地抛弃了传统的 A字形架构,采用了房车式整体结构,当冰架移动时,几个锚定的滑雪轮轨可以将科考站拖曳回原来的位置。 yeeyan

To overcome this limitation, an antenna is towed over the area of interest and signals recorded from different places are combined to form the final image.
为了克服这种限制,将带着拖曳天线的警车布置在关注地区,记录不同地区获得的信号,组合起来以形成最终的图像。 yeeyan

When, eight days ago, the An-Tiki was to be towed to sea by a whale- watching boat, I slumped in the cabin.
八天前,当安提基号被一艘观鲸船拖向大海时,我在船舱里情绪低落。 yeeyan




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