

单词 tow
释义 tow 英təʊ美toAHDtō ★★☆☆☆高六研IT6四八COCA¹³¹⁷⁸BNC¹⁵⁶⁵⁹iWeb⁷⁰⁴³

vt. & vi. 拖,拉,拽

pull along

the act of hauling something as a vehicle by means of a hitch or rope;

the truck gave him a tow to the garage

drag behind;

Horses used to tow barges along the canal

tow, hale, pull, tug


pull最通俗最常用,指向上下左右任何一个方向拖或拉; hale指强拉或强拖某人,强调不顾及对方的反抗或不愿意; tow专指用绳子或链子等拖或拉本身没有动力或无法使用自身动力的东西; tug常指一阵阵地用力拖。例如:

He was haled into court.他被拖进法庭。
If you park your car here the police may tow it away.你要是把汽车停在这里,警察会把它拖走。
We tugged so hard that the rope broke.我们一用力把绳子给拉断了。drag,draw,pull,haul,tug,tow,jerk









来自古英语 togian,拖,拉,来自 Proto-Germanic*tugojanan,拖,拉,来自 PIE*deuk,拖,拉, 词源同 duct,tie.引申诸相关词义。
用作动词 v.
~+名词tow barge拖驳船tow a dog牵着一条狗tow a horse拽着一匹马tow a ship拖一条船~+副词tow along拖着走tow away拖开~+介词tow into拖进…tow out of从…拖出tow with用…拖
tow away v.+adv.

用另一车牵引 remove (a vehicle by pulling it, as with another vehicle)

tow sth ⇔ awayIf you leave your car there the police may tow it away.如果你把汽车停在那里,警察会用车把它拖走的。
Any cars parked on this side of the street will be towed away at the owner's cost.所有停放在街道这边的车都要被拖走,并要车主付款。非常记忆low低矮的⇒特t务被拖到低矮的墙边GRE难词记忆tow 音“偷”→偷偷地把车拖走谐音记忆tow音“偷”⇒偷偷地把车拖走GRE难词记忆tow→two num.二→一拖二联想记忆拉tow弓bow近义词 pull拉draw拖haul拖drag拖jerk急动tug用力拉towage拖船heave用力举起
S+~+ n./pron.The tug is towing three barges.那只拖船正拖着三只驳船。
Many people are towing a ship.很多人在拖一艘船。
The little boy is towing a horse.这个小男孩正拽着一匹马。
A beautiful woman is towing a dog on the street.在大街上,一位漂亮的妇女牵着一条狗。Ptow-netn.拖网Ptowboatn.拖船Ptowpathn.纤路Ptowlinen.拖绳拖缆Ptowropen.拖曳缆拖缆Ptowagen.拖拉拖带拖船费Ptowya.落纤的亚麻短纤维的Ptowheadn.淡黄色头发的人沙洲




用作动词We have totowthat car to the nearest garage.我们不得不把汽车拖到最近的修车厂。
The ship needed two tugs totowit into port.这艘船需用两艘拖船把它拖进港。
The broken-down car was taken intowby a lorry.一辆卡车拉着一辆坏了的汽车。
When she sits at the beach, Greenpeace tries totowher back into the ocean.你妈妈胖到她座在沙滩上时,绿色和平组织会尝试著把她拉回大海里。
The motorway is jammed with cartowcaravans.高速公路上挤满了牵引着宿营车的小轿车。
Today's favored launching techniques are the airplanetowand the automobiletow.现在常用的起飞方法是用飞机牵引和汽车牵引。用作名词My car's broken down; will you give me atow?我的车抛锚了,能用你的车给我拖一拖吗?
The steam tug takes canal boats and barges intow.驳船后面拖着小艇和平底船。
With the guide rope now held by thetowrope, he unhooked his van and drove it out of the way.由于导索现有拖绳曳着,凯文将其从货车上解下来,开车离开了路。verb.pull along
同义词 drag,ferry,haul,lug,tugdraw,propel,push,trail,trawl,yank
dragverb haul something to a new place
draggleverb trail
drawverb move something by pulling
attract,bring,carry,convey,cull,draft,drag,drain,educe,elicit,evoke,extract,fetch,gather,haul,hook,jerk,lug,magnetize,pick,pluck,pump,rake,siphon,tap,tow,trail,trawl,tug,wind in,wrench,yank
drewverb move something by pulling
caricatured,charted,composed,crayoned,delineated,depicted,described,designed,drafted,engraved,etched,expressed,formed,formulated,framed,graphed,limned,mapped out,marked,modeled,outlined,painted,pencilled,portrayed,prepared,profiled,sketched,traced,wrote
haulverb move, pull to another spot
back,boost,bring,buck,carry,cart,convey,drag,draw,elevate,gun,heave,heel,hoist,hump,jag,lift,lug,pack,piggy back,raise,rake,remove,ride,schlepp,shift,shoulder,tote,tow,trail,transport,trawl,truck,tug
lugverb drag something around
bear,buck,carry,convey,draw,ferry,haul,heave,hump,jerk,lift,lurch,pack,pull,rake,schlepp,snap,tote,tow,transport,trawl,tug,vellicate,yank Barney “Big Un” Baumgartner of Windblown, Wyo., invited the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury Department to take over his business, The Big Un24 Hour Tow Service and Trophy Taxidermy.
位于怀俄明州 Windblown市的“大运”巴尼·鲍姆加特纳邀请联邦储备委员会和美国财政部接管他的生意:大运24小时拖运服务和动物标本制作服务。 ecocn

Busloads of passengers who had waited all day to cross into Egypt trundled back, defeated, their bags in tow.
一车一车的想要过境的难民,拖着他们的大包小包,等待了一整天,最后却又驶回原处,无功而返。 ecocn

In job categories like director of security, hardware salesperson, prison guard and tow truck driver, attractive women were overlooked.
美女并不招安全主管、硬件营销人员、狱警与拖拉机司机这类职位的待见。 kekenet

Such a dream took a step forward recently when a French team simulated how to tow an iceberg from the Arctic to countries that need fresh drinking water.
近来人们离这个梦想更近了一步,一个法国小组模拟了如何将冰山拖到需要清洁饮用水的国家。 yeeyan

The tow- truck ended up with its front end in the home's in-ground pool.
这辆拖车因为车头在这个家的游泳池里停住而熄火了。 yeeyan

The humanization of a mechanized world, through our identification with it, is what takes place in Tony the Tow Truck.

What is spoken in Tony the Tow Truck, in other words, in the long run is not the voice of individual subjectivity but the voice of social togetherness, the voice of otherness.

A female cop surveys a field near a highway, her firearm in tow.
一位女警视察一处高速公路旁的田野时拖着她的枪。 yeeyan

A tow-truck driver crashed into a car and ended up in a swimming pool.
一个拖车司机撞了一辆汽车后在一个游泳池里熄了火。 yeeyan

Bumpy The little guys, Tony and Bumpy, reaffirm the need for fuel-efficient smaller vehicles and you can plainly see that Tony the Tow Truck is therefore a discourse that produces history.
小个子们, Tony,和,再次确认了对小型节能车的需要,大家就能明显地看出,《拖车托尼》,是创造历史的话语。163

Forty-five minutes later, Barry Woodhouse was there with his tow truck, as helpful and cheery as everyone in Australia in spite of the fact that we had dragged him away from the footie.
四十五分钟之后,巴莱.乌德豪斯就带着两辆拖车赶来了,他像我们遇到的所有澳大利亚人一样乐于助人,尽管我们把他从足球场上拉出来。 yeeyan

In addition, and for extra greenness, Ark Angel and the44-metre Ocean Empire picture below would be fitted with giant automated kites, to tow them.
此外,为了更加绿色,方舟天使和44米长的海洋帝国图将安装巨大的自动高轻帆,拖着它们。 ecocn

In spite of icebreaker functions it can eliminate oil spills, put out fires, tow boats and take part in rescue operations.
除了破冰之外,还可以被用来消除泄露的原油,灭火,拖船和参与救援行动。 yeeyan

In Cars2, provincial tow truck Mater Larry the Cable Guy visits all three locales to cheer on his racecar buddy Lightning McQueen Owen Wilson, who's competing in the World Grand Prix.
在《汽车总动员2》里,拖车板牙《有线电视修理工》的拉里配音跑遍了所有的三个地区给将要参加世界大奖赛的赛车伙伴“闪电”麦坤欧文威尔逊加油。 yeeyan

Salvage contractors, aided by unusually good marine weather, were able to tow the listing ship into Unalaska Island's port of Dutch Harbor.
实施海上救助的承包人得益于海上难得一见的好天气,才将这艘倾斜的船只拖拽到阿拉斯加岛的荷兰港 Dutch Harbor的港口。 ecocn

So that's the text of Tony the Tow Truck.

So it is the case after all that there are women in Tony the Tow Truck.

So Tony the Tow Truck works in a way that is consistent with Benjamin's theory of mechanical reproduction.

Take, for example, Tony the Tow Truck.

The glider uncoupled from the tow plane.

Undeterred, he crept into the cemetery under cloak of darkness with a bemused sculptor in tow.
丹东并未就此罢休,借着夜色的掩护,他拖着一位困惑的雕刻家潜入墓地。 ecocn

We call the RV company, who promise to send a tow truck to fix it. They call back to say that he won’t be there for at least an hour.
我们立刻拨打租车公司的电话,他们开始满口答应会马上派辆拖车过来,但随后又说至少要等一个小时才行。 yeeyan

When he tried to attend her birthday party last March, the flatbed tow truck got caught under an underpass.
去年三月份,当他想参加她的生日派对的时候,他的平板式拖车被卡入地下道内。 kekenet




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