

单词 touts
释义 tout·s 英taʊt美taʊt COCA⁴⁵³³¹BNC³⁷⁶¹⁹Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
someone who buys tickets to an event in order to resell them at a profitsomeone who advertises for customers in an especially brazen wayone who sells advice about gambling or speculation especially at the racetrack
advertize in strongly positive terms;

This product was touted as a revolutionary invention

show offtout le monde全世界tout court法简单地, 简短…tout ensemble 整体tout de suite立刻mange-tout一种豌豆ticket tout票贩子tout a fait法 完全, 全然…business tout经纪人en-tout-cas court快干场地tout about暗中兜售tout around暗中兜售
近义词 push推gas煤气plug塞子brag吹牛blow打击boast自夸swash飞溅vaunt吹嘘seller卖方flaunt挥动peddle兜售promote促进peddler小贩bluster咆哮publicize宣传gasconade吹牛pile it on夸张advertise登广告vendor自动售货机ballyhoo大肆宣传touter招揽顾客者shoot a line吹牛ticket tout票贩子hype夸大的广告宣传…hawker沿街叫卖的小贩…tipster提供赛马或股票等投机消…

用作动词We shouldtoutour wares on television.我们应该在电视上兜售商品。
Toyota Motor Corp., Nissan Motor Co. and Honda Motor Co. willtouttheir latest models at the Beijing car show tomorrow.日本丰田、本田和日产汽车公司在昨日开幕的北京国际车展上极力推介自己的新产品。
The politician wastoutedas a friend of people.这个政客被吹捧为人民之友。verb.(brag about, show off
同义词 laud,praise,proclaim,promote,publicize,trumpetacclaim,ballyhoo,boost,herald,plug,push,steer,tipgive a boost,tip off
反义词 blame,conceal,condemn,hide,discourage Campbell’s, another canned- food maker, touts its sodium reductions, but few others do.
另一家罐装食品生产商坎贝尔大力宣传自己食品的低钠含量,不过其他公司很少这么做。 ecocn

In its place GE touts its manufacturing and exporting prowess.
借此来展示通用的制造业和输出的能力。 ecocn

It also goes without saying that virtually every supplier touts his application as the most effective and only really viable choice, which further complicates things.
不用说,每一位供应商都吹捧其设备是最有效和最可行的,这使事情变得更复杂了。 yeeyan

“ Know Your Onions, ” touts one poster.
“要了解你的洋葱,”其中一张海报上的宣传语这样写道。 kekenet

Although the book touts Breus as the Sleep Doctor, he is a psychologist with a PhD, not a physician.
尽管此书将布瑞鲁斯吹捧为睡眠指导医师,他本人是一名心理学博士,而不是内科医生。 yeeyan

Although Apple touts this as“ instant on, ” it's really instant resume.
虽然苹果把这称为“瞬间启动”,事实上真的是瞬间启动。 yeeyan

Among Oscar touts, the consensus is that it’ll be one of the two top nomination-garnerers, with “ Avatar” the heavy favorite.
在奥斯卡的青睐者中,舆论一致认为会是提名最多的这两部,而喜欢《阿凡达》的更多。 yeeyan

But the government touts the project as a triumph of its trade policy.
但是政府却把这样的一个计划鼓吹为贸易政治的胜利。 ecocn

Continuing in Part 4, the capital assets form touts two basic displays depending on the role of the user.
在第4部分中,我将继续介绍资本资产表单,它能根据用户的角色提供两种基本的显示。 ibm

He touts the benefits of prevention, citing his own life- saving weight loss as an example.
他宣扬预防的好处,以他自己救命的减肥为例子。 ecocn

It touts16GB of storage memory, and350 MB of internal memory.
它拥有16G的存储空间,350MB内存。 yeeyan

Microsoft touts that this format is accessible and easily shared.
Microsoft声称,这种格式易于访问和易于共享。 ibm

Perry, who often touts Texas' long record in job creation, was not phased.
佩里经常放言要为德州创造长期的就业机会,可是并无进展。 yeeyan

Students should rely on accurate updated information from official U. S. Government sites. Students should avoid false information from visa touts and chat rooms.
学生可能从美国政府网站得到及时、精确的音信,这样可能制止从签证接骰 公司或聊天室得到子虚音信。 goodbyyou

The government even touts plastic surgery in its promotion of' medical tourism, ' in which visitors come to South Korea for less- expensive medical procedures than they can get at home.
韩国政府甚至将整容作为该国“医疗旅游”的一个宣传点。“医疗旅游”指外国游客到韩国寻求比本国更便宜的医疗服务。 qeto

The modern equivalent is a website that touts state guarantees bailing out depositors and other creditors.
而现在,则通过在网站上吹捧国家保证来帮助存款人和其他债权人增强信心。 ecocn

The results could help to explain how someone well- respected by others and who touts family values, such as former Senator John Edwards, can commit adultery.
这项结果可以帮助人们解释一个广受他人尊敬且推崇家庭观念的人如何会像前议员约翰·爱德华那样犯下通奸罪。 yeeyan

They don't want the hassle of screaming touts and constant haggling and buses that don't turn up, people who can't understand them, and food they can't eat.
他们不想陷入摊主撕声力竭的兜售和无止尽的讨价还价以及公车久等不出现的麻烦事当中,也不愿遇到不能理解他们的人,和吃他们不喜欢的食物。 yeeyan

Ticket touts are Bruce Springsteen’s biggest fans
门票兜售者才是布鲁斯•斯普林斯顿的狂热歌迷 ecocn

Wu, who has retired as the local Community Party secretary in favor of his youngest son, enthusiastically touts his vision for a “ new socialist countryside.”
吴已经退休,他的小儿子现任当地党委书记,吴热情地鼓吹自己理想的“社会主义新农村。” yeeyan

XOJET also touts an advantage in the efficiency of operating one aircraft class, super-midsize jets. XOJET operates the Cessna Citation X and the Bombardier Challenger 300.
XOJET的优势在于其运营高效的单一机舱和超级中型客机,他们运营的飞机类型包括赛纳斯Citation X和庞巴迪 Challenger300客机。 yeeyan




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