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词汇 tout
释义 tout 英taʊt美taʊtAHDtout

someone who buys tickets to an event in order to resell them at a profitsomeone who advertises for customers in an especially brazen wayone who sells advice about gambling or speculation especially at the racetrack
advertize in strongly positive terms;

This product was touted as a revolutionary invention

show off原为窃贼行话,来自中古英语 tuten,偷窥,偷看,放风。现词义可能改写自 toot,发出嘟嘟声, 鸣喇叭,引申词义大吹法螺,后用于指吹嘘,兜售,倒卖门票等。tout le monde全世界tout court法简单地, 简短…tout ensemble 整体tout de suite立刻mange-tout一种豌豆ticket tout票贩子tout a fait法 完全, 全然…business tout经纪人en-tout-cas court快干场地tout about暗中兜售tout around暗中兜售
GRE红宝书读: 套他, 用套子把行人套进商店-以一种厚颜无耻的方法招徕顾客, 然后吹捧自己的产品.
音:掏 out,从你兜里掏出钱来;音:投他,选举时吹捧候选人,投他投他,他最棒
板脸pout对客人的是粗人lout,吹捧tout对方、兜售商品tout的是商人GRE难词记忆tout 音“套的”→套近乎的→招徕顾客近义词 push推gas煤气plug塞子brag吹牛blow打击boast自夸swash飞溅vaunt吹嘘seller卖方flaunt挥动peddle兜售promote促进peddler小贩bluster咆哮publicize宣传gasconade吹牛pile it on夸张advertise登广告vendor自动售货机ballyhoo大肆宣传touter招揽顾客者shoot a line吹牛ticket tout票贩子hype夸大的广告宣传…hawker沿街叫卖的小贩…tipster提供赛马或股票等投机消…

用作动词We shouldtoutour wares on television.我们应该在电视上兜售商品。
Toyota Motor Corp., Nissan Motor Co. and Honda Motor Co. willtouttheir latest models at the Beijing car show tomorrow.日本丰田、本田和日产汽车公司在昨日开幕的北京国际车展上极力推介自己的新产品。
The politician wastoutedas a friend of people.这个政客被吹捧为人民之友。verb.(brag about, show off
同义词 laud,praise,proclaim,promote,publicize,trumpetacclaim,ballyhoo,boost,herald,plug,push,steer,tipgive a boost,tip off
反义词 blame,conceal,condemn,hide,discourage
advertiseverb publicize for the purpose of selling or causing one to want
acquaint,advance,advise,announce,apprise,ballyhoo,beat the drum for,bill,blazon,boost,build up,circularize,communicate,declare,disclose,display,divulge,drum,endorse,exhibit,expose,flaunt,get on soapbox for,hard sell,herald,hype,inform,make a pitch,make known,notify,pitch,plug,press agent,proclaim,promote,promulgate,puff,push,put on the map,reveal,show,soft sell,splash,sponsor,spot,uncover,unmask
advertisesverb publicize for the purpose of selling or causing one to want
acquaints,advances,advises,announces,apprises,ballyhoos,beats the drum for,bills,blazons,boosts,builds up,circularizes,communicates,declares,discloses,displays,divulges,drums,endorses,exhibits,exposes,flaunts,gets on soapbox for,hard sell,heralds,hypes,informs,makes a pitch,makes known,notifies,pitches,plugs,press agent,proclaims,promotes,promulgates,puffs,pushes,puts on the map,reveals,shows,soft sell,splashes,sponsors,spots,touts,uncovers,unmasks
adviseverb offer recommendation
admonish,advocate,caution,charge,commend,counsel,direct,dissuade,encourage,enjoin,exhort,forewarn,give a pointer,give a tip,guide,instruct,kibitz,level with,move,opine,point out,preach,prepare,prescribe,prompt,put bug in ear,put in two cents,recommend,steer,suggest,tout,update,urge,warn
advisesverb offer recommendation
admonishes,advocates,cautions,charges,commends,counsels,directs,dissuades,encourages,enjoins,exhorts,forewarns,gives a pointer,gives a tip,guides,instructs,kibitzes,levels with,moves,opines,points out,preaches,prepares,prescribes,prompts,puts bug in ear,puts in two cents,recommends,steers,suggests,touts,updates,urges,warns
advisornoun guide
Dutch uncle,adviser,aide,attorney,authority,backseat driver,buttinsky,clubhouse lawyer,coach,confidant,consultant,counsel,counselor,director,doctor,expert,friend,guide,helper,instructor,judge,kibitzer,lawyer,mentor,monitor,partner,priest,quarterback,referee,righthand man,second-guesser,teacher,tipster,tout,tutor
advocateverb support idea or cause publicly
advance,advise,argue for,back,be in corner,bless,bolster,boost,brace up,build up,campaign for,champion,countenance,defend,encourage,favor,further,get on bandwagon,give a leg up,give a lift,go for,go to bat for,go with,hold with,justify,plead for,plug,plump for,press for,promote,propose,push,recommend,ride shotgun for,root for,run interference for,say so,side,speak for,spread around,stump for,support,tout,uphold,urge,vindicate It is not correct to tout genetically modified food without evaluating the risks sufficiently.
在没有充分评估其风险的前提下就忙于兜售转基因食品是不正确的做法。 yeeyan

Neither my theory nor its rivals are about sex tout court.
我的理论和它的对手都不是简简单单关乎性。 yeeyan

The internet simply provides too many alternative opportunities to tout products.
互联网完全是因为提供了过多的选择机会才不能有效地兜售商品。 ecocn

Abroad, Mr Chirac continues to tout his vision of a multi-polar world, in which European power balances America's, in ways that seem confrontational, rather than constructive.
但希拉克继续在国外兜售其多极世界的理念,要求欧洲大国面对面地而不是建设性地抗衡美国。 ecocn

Germany is only the highest-profile euro country to oppose anything that threatens its financial sovereignty and to tout the near- sacred devotion of its parliament to budget discipline.
德国是欧洲唯一一个高调反对任何威胁其经济主权行为的国家,并且向外界大肆鼓吹其近乎神圣执行预算纪律的议会。 ecocn

Like rating agencies, auditors suffer from a potential conflict of interest because they are paid by those they judge and can still tout for other work from them, despite post- Enron restrictions.
就像评级机构一样,审计公司陷入到潜在的利益冲突中,因为它们的收入来自他们所审核的公司尽管在后安然时代受到限制,它们仍然可以从他们身上找到其他获利的渠道。 ecocn

Many people tout the benefits of a calorie restriction diet, but Dr. Oz says there are some risks.
很多人都大力褒扬限制卡路里饮食的好处,但欧思医生指出这其中还是有些风险的。 yeeyan

Marketers are eager to use fast-growing networks to tout their products.
商人们都很渴望利用快捷的网络兜售他们的产品。 ecocn

National candidates tout achievements that in other countries would be considered the domain of local councillors.
国家政治候选人会兜耀那些在其他国家被认为是地方议员所取得的成就。 ecocn

Politicians of all stripes tout green technology, but that is speculative, and it is not clear how the government can best nurture it.
各派政客都在兜售环保科技,但他们底气不足,因为政府还未明确指出开发该科技的最佳途径。 ecocn

Several much- promoted investment conferences, where ministers were to showcase proposed reforms and tout Libya’s potential, went largely unattended.
几处备受青睐的投资会议中心大部分已经无人照料,而这里以前是利部长们计划陈列拟议的改革方案以及极力招徕发掘利潜力的地方。 ecocn

Some tout the benefits of more competition among schools; others aim to train more teachers and reduce class sizes.
一些吹嘘增加校际竞争的益处;一些志在培训更多教师并减小班级规模。 ecocn

That will not only open up the taxi- to-the- space- station market, but will also allow him to tout for tourist business.
这不仅开发了计程车式的空间站市场,而且也允许 MUSK先生兜售其太空旅行业务。 ecocn

The opposition, for its part, will either cry fraud if the late surge in the government's favour on the courts and media questions holds up, or tout their rejection if it does not.
如果政府在法庭和媒体支持率继续上升,反对派可能会声称有作弊嫌疑,或者如果支持率没有继续上升,反对派就会对自己的反对感到满意。 ecocn

The schools have teamed up with Western business publications to tout their programs and will travel together to Toronto, San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York City to meet interested applicants.
这些学校与西方商业刊物结盟,推销他们的课程,并将一起到多伦多、旧金山、洛杉矶和纽约市会见感兴趣的申请者。 ecocn

They are not embarrassed to ask for favours or tout business propositions at family dinners.
在家庭的聚会上对沾点小便宜或者是兜售商品,他们一点也不感到尬尴。 yeeyan

Those Americans are seen as culturally inept and unwilling to provide substantive oversight, even though they tout the integrity of their systems.
尽管那些美国人兜售自己体制的公正与清白,他们看上去好像在文化上无能和不愿提供实质上的监管。 yeeyan

When attending networking events, ask others what they do and think about how you can help them. The key is to listen more than tout yourself.
当你参加网络会议,询问别人他们做些什么,想想自己能如何帮助他们。关键是倾听他们而非推销自己。 yeeyan

You don't have to be Irish to apply, but you do have to tout Ireland as part of the process.
不管你是不是爱尔兰人,都可以申请,但作为工作的一部分,你有义务对爱尔兰吹捧一番。 yeeyan




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