释义 |
Tougne 基本例句 图涅¹⁰⁰ Tom always make fun of thetougneof john.汤姆老是因为约翰的口音而取笑他。 English is spoken as their mothertougneby 800 million people in the world.有免费讲英语的视频吗有什么好看的电影呀??最好要讲英语的。。。 Torio : ; I suggest you hold yourtougne-- I think you will want to hear what my witnesses have to tell.我建议你管好你的舌头,你会想听听我的证人是怎么说的。 Those stories of subdueing the enimies without wars, retreating the army with artfultougnehappened now and again.没有灵魂的肉体好似干尸,文字可以化腐朽为神奇。 |