

单词 touches upon
释义 touches upon短语⁷⁹⁹⁷⁸⁺
The enumeration is in the main correct: but not a word touches upon the necessity of what is thus empirically colligated.
他所列举的各项诚然大体上是对的,但他对这些根据经验得来的材料并没有说明其必然性。 blog.sina.com.cn

The history of the development of science proves that it is inevitable that one field touches upon the knowledge from many other areas.
科学发展的历史向我们证明了:一个研究领域涉及各种学科范畴是科学发展的必然。 cnki

The task of this paper is one of the embranchment on the research of the old building reuse, and that also touches upon the museology.
本文所研究的博览建筑改扩建课题是旧建筑再利用研究系统下的分支,同时涉及博物馆学研究领域的相关学科。 cnki

As a thesis of law, it mainly focuses on the improvement in the system and rarely touches upon the institutional issues involved in it.
本文作为一篇法学论文,主要着眼于制度的改善,对于论题所涉及的体制问题,则少有涉及。 fabiao

Figure2 also illustrates which specific resources each of these responsibilities touches upon.
图2也阐明了每个专门的资源所承担的任务。 ibm

In doing so, the film also touches upon the relationship between men and women in Iran and their relationship to God.
为了做到这样,电影也简单涉及了在伊朗男人和女人之间的关系和这种关系与上帝的联系。 blog.sina.com.cn

It touches upon quite a number of issues ranging from deforestation, poverty and renewable energy, to air pollution and women's health.
它触及了一些问题包括了从森林开发、贫穷和再生能源,到空气污染和女性健康状况。 chinadialogue

Kitchen engineering is a systematic engineering that brings benefit to people, which touches upon quite a few departments.
厨房工程是一个造福于民的系统工程,涉及到多个部门。 cnki

Since the new law touches upon the interests of every wage earner, this warning has sparked heated discussion in different newspapers. Let's follow XXX to take a close look.
由于新合同法涉及到每个工薪族的利益,这种预言在全国各报刊上引起激烈的讨论,让我们和X一起关注一下这个问题。 blog.sina.com.cn

Starting from the origin, formation and development of the culture of Shanxi merchant, the writing touches upon Shanxi merchant folk house.
从晋商文化的渊源、形成和发展论及晋商民居建筑。 dictall

The last topic he touches upon is travel.
最后一个专题,他涉及的旅行。 lwdx123.com

The paper secondly touches upon the mortgage of the vessel under construction.
在第二章,文章着重论述了在建船舶的抵押权。 cnki

The theme touches upon the soul of a city by exploring its past and future.
而尼泊尔国家馆的主题正是希望通过加德满都,为城市寻找灵魂,探索它的过去及未来。 hjenglish

This touches upon the original reason I was invited here today.
这其实是我今天应邀来这里的根本原因。 mytpo

When you move around in your Light it touches upon those who are near to you.
当你走进自身的光中,它就会触及那些与你接近的人。 blog.sina.com.cn




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