

单词 touchable
释义 touch·able 英'tʌtʃəbl美'tʌtʃəbl 高六COCA⁷⁴²¹⁷iWeb³⁹³⁴⁰

perceptible by the senses especially the sense of touch;

skin with a tangible roughness

touch-able能⇒adj.可触知的²⁵;可使感动的⁷⁵近义词 tangible可触摸的
adj.able to be touched
同义词 palpable,perceptible,tactile,tactual
反义词 untouchable
palpableadjective concrete, real
tangibleadjective real, concrete
actual,appreciable,corporeal,definite,detectable,discernible,distinct,embodied,evident,factual,gross,incarnated,manifest,material,objective,observable,obvious,palpable,patent,perceivable,perceptible,phenomenal,physical,plain,positive,sensible,solid,stable,substantial,tactile,touchable,verifiable,visible,well-grounded I wish to explore multi-dimensional space by the sculpture which is visual space and touchable art image so that it can break through the form of the photographic vision and static state.
借用雕塑的空间可视、可触的艺术形象,从而突破摄影视觉的、静态的形式,向多维的时空心态方面探索。 artintern

The iron Chinese characters on the surface of the bridges transform the nonmaterial culture to some real, visible, and touchable materials.
拱型桥表面的铸铁文字,将古代文人在惠州留下的非物质的文化财富有机地转化为真实、可视、可感的物质形态。 blog.sina.com.cn

All these are touchable luxuries.
这才是可以触摸的奢华。 fzd

Currently available vernier depth gauges are simple in measuring function, especially in measuring precisely the no touchable directly depth of the measuring datum plane.
现有游标深度尺的功能单一,对测量基准面无法直接触碰的深度尺寸难以精确测量。 dictall

Marian wanted no grand flowers, only the soft and touchable.
玛丽安不想买华丽的花,只想要色泽柔和可以触摸的花。 ebigear

Might we have no fortune but take a wrong stop raise a touchable dark mythical legend.
也许你我只是过路擦肩缘,却错误的驻足了一个神话的驿站。 iciba

Note the finger- sized regions devoted to touchable areas on the screen and use of text hints to reinforce the interactions.
注意观察图中触摸屏上可触摸控制部件的尺寸,以及文字的使用提示信息,这些都增强了交互体验。 jukuu

Shadows are touchable water weeds.
阴影是可触的藻草。 en84




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