

单词 to turn over
释义 to turn over短语²⁰⁰⁶⁸
The case was dismissed in1990 after the government refused to turn over North's diaries, notes and phone records, which Reed claimed would back up his alibi.
里德声称诺斯的日记、记录本和电话通讯记录等可以作为其辩护的证据,而政府由于拒绝提供,此案于1990年被驳回。 yeeyan

Beijing last year forced all government suppliers to turn over their encryption codes.
去年,中国政府便强制要求所有政府供应商提交其加密代码。 fortunechina

In this instance, confession really helps, as it gives people a chance to turn over a new page.
在这种情况下,忏悔真的会起作用,因为它给了人们重新做人的机会。 yeeyan

People from the other tables had gone to bed: in the sudden silence we distinctly heard the deep roar of a serac, like the bones of a giant trying in vain to turn over in his bed of rock.
坐在别的桌子边上的那些人都去睡觉了:突然这一沉静下来,我们清楚地听到冰柱低沉的哄叫声,冰柱像个巨大的骨头徒劳地想在岩石层上滚动。 yeeyan




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